
The E-pistle

August 23rd, 2024

A Note from Father Sam

Dear friends in Christ,

For the last month, we’ve been hearing from the sixth chapter of John at the Eucharist on Sunday mornings. John 6 is all about bread: first, Jesus feeds 5000 people with just a little bread and fish, and then, Jesus tells the same crowd over and over again that he is the Bread of Life, the true bread which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. In our Bible studies, our sermons, and in a bread-themed coffee hour, we’ve been exploring deeply just what this strange identification Jesus makes with bread might mean for our Christian faith.

It all wraps up on Sunday, when a group of Jesus’ disciples turn back and stop following him, because in their own words, “This teaching is difficult; who can accept it?” Jesus’ insistence that he is the one who gives life to the world is indeed difficult, and not just because of its implied exclusivity. In a world of hardship, sadness, and death, could Jesus really be living bread, the answer to all of our hungering and longing, the way to life? Many turn back, but Simon Peter’s response to this scenario gives us a piece of hope to cling to. “Lord, to whom can we go?” he tells Jesus, when asked if he too will go away. “You have the words of eternal life.”

Friends, it is my prayer for us as a parish that in all we do—in our worship, our study, our fellowship, and our action out in the world—we will immerse ourselves, and comfort ourselves, in Jesus’ words of eternal life. That we will speak these words to one another and to everyone around us, that the life of Jesus may be known in our time and place. That we may share in his abundant, everlasting life, even now, in this present. “I am the bread of life” are only some of Jesus’ strange and wonderful words of life. May these be the words on our lips as we seek to follow him, too.

I will sadly not be with you as we wrap up these five weeks of bread on Sunday. I am back home in Indiana burying a dear member of my family, but know that you are each in my prayers daily. I ask for yours, and hope to be back with you soon.


Father Sam

Sunday, August 25th, 2024

9:00 A.M.

Holy Eucharist

Collect for the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Grant, O merciful God, that your Church, being gathered together in unity by your Holy Spirit, may show forth your power among all peoples, to the glory of your Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Scripture for the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost: Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18,  Psalm 34:15-22, Ephesians 6:10-20, John 6:56-69

Serving today, August 25

Celebrant/Preacher: The Rev’d Jane G. Tillman

Server: Darryl Lafferty

Lector/Intercessor: Jean Rousseau

Musician: David Smith

Greeter: Jean Rousseau

Fellowship: Carl Sprague

Altar Guild: Tracy Johnson

Serving next week, September 1

Celebrant/Preacher: The Rev’d William Loutrel

Server: Darryl Lafferty

Lector/Intercessor: Jean Rousseau

Musician: David Smith

Greeter: TBD

Fellowship: Gale Page

Altar Guild: Natalie Boyce

Parish Prayer List

Those who are ill or in need of intercession

Bruce, Charles, Linda, Veronica, Jeff, Karen, Lisa, Rosalind, Jacob, Kathleen, Doug, Holly, Rick, John, Vicki, Donna, Cynthia, Eliza, Cindy, Lori, LaDawn, Elaine, Kit, David, Ann, Jessica, Heidi, Paul, Kate, John, Lisa, Shawn, Betty Jo, Celia, Anne, Dawn

Those who have recently died

Sue Croll, former Riverbrook resident

LaDawn Priebe, aunt of Father Sam

Those who have asked for our long-term prayers

Doug, Allie, Ginger, Joan, Duncan, Bernadette, Ray, Piers, Katrina, Rich, Karen, Michael, Khali, George, Barbara, Christy, John, Anthony, Astrida

Those celebrating birthdays or anniversaries

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer (Week of 8/25)

Congregations, Ministries, and Partners in Ministry

Southwick Community Church, Southbridge (The Rev’d George Melvin Porter, Rector)

Bishop’s Executive Assistant, Lainey Hurlbut

The Church and Wider Mission

Ministry of the Armed Forces Chaplains

Episcopal Disability Network

Anglican Cycle of Prayer

Sun 8/25: La Iglesia Anglicana de Mexico

Mon 8/26: Diocese of Ijebu-North (Nigeria)

Tues 8/27: Diocese of Ijesa North East (Nigeria)

Wed 8/28: Diocese of Ijesha North (Nigeria)

Thurs 8/29: Diocese of Ijumu (Nigeria)

Fri 8/30: Diocese of Ika (Nigeria)

Sat 8/31: Diocese of Ikara (Nigeria)

Indoor Worship returns September 8

Mark your calendars: on the Sunday after Labor Day, September 8, we will return to our regular worship schedule, 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. each Sunday, indoors. 8 a.m. is Holy Eucharist, Rite One (traditional language, early morning quiet, and no music). 10 a.m. is Holy Eucharist, Rite Two (contemporary language, hymn singing, and organ music). We’ve had a wonderful summer of outdoor worship, and look forward to seeing you inside soon!

Last Week of Summer Bible Study

Summer Bible Study wraps up this week! We’ll gather one more time on Wednesday, August 28 at 5:30 p.m. on the screen porch of the Rectory to explore the readings for the upcoming Sunday. We let our curiosities guide the conversation, and we never know quite where we’ll end up! Bring a Bible if you have one (we have plenty here, too), and come with questions and an open spirit! You can enter on the west side of the house, from the church gardens. Stay tuned for fall formation options coming soon!

Fellowship Dinners still going!

Would you like to deepen your relationships with fellow parishioners over good food? There is still space available at our final Fellowship Dinner of the summer, on August 26, and there is likely to be at least one more in September, as there have been a couple canceled dinners over the summer. If you’d still like to attend a dinner, check the sign up sheet here, and keep an eye out for new dates. Thank you to everyone who has hosted or attended a dinner so far. Questions? Contact Junior Warden Martha Bodine.

For the second year in a row, St. Paul’s is sponsoring a hole at the Human to Human Golf Tournament, a new annual fundraiser to support a wide variety of ministries throughout Western Massachusetts. Father Sam would like to issue an additional challenge: this year, let’s field a team of 4 players to play the tournament! If you enjoy golfing, you can represent St. Paul’s, raise money for important work around the Diocese, and have fun all at once! You can find more information here. And don’t let the registration cost deter you—the Vestry is happy to pitch in to make any registration possible.

Two Opportunities to Pray Together Each Week

Wednesday: Morning Prayer at 8:30am (Online)

Every Wednesday, a group of parishioners meet at 8:30am to pray Morning Prayer online via Zoom. All are warmly welcome to join via the Zoom link on our website. Thank you Darryl Lafferty for continuing to lead this weekly offering.

Friday: Intercessory Prayer at 8:30am (In-person)

Some may remember that several years ago, a group of parishioners met each week to pray for the needs of those on the parish prayer list. All are invited to join on Friday mornings in the church as we revive this tradition of intercessory prayer. Thank you Alice Wohl for your leadership in reviving this weekly offering.


St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

29 Main Street, P.O. Box 704

Stockbridge, MA 01262

Church Office Voicemail: (413) 298-4913


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