Sunday, August 25th, 2024
9:00 A.M.
Holy Eucharist
Collect for the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Grant, O merciful God, that your Church, being gathered together in unity by your Holy Spirit, may show forth your power among all peoples, to the glory of your Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Scripture for the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost: Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18, Psalm 34:15-22, Ephesians 6:10-20, John 6:56-69
Serving today, August 25
Celebrant/Preacher: The Rev’d Jane G. Tillman
Server: Darryl Lafferty
Lector/Intercessor: Jean Rousseau
Musician: David Smith
Greeter: Jean Rousseau
Fellowship: Carl Sprague
Altar Guild: Tracy Johnson
Serving next week, September 1
Celebrant/Preacher: The Rev’d William Loutrel
Server: Darryl Lafferty
Lector/Intercessor: Jean Rousseau
Musician: David Smith
Greeter: TBD
Fellowship: Gale Page
Altar Guild: Natalie Boyce
Parish Prayer List
Those who are ill or in need of intercession
Bruce, Charles, Linda, Veronica, Jeff, Karen, Lisa, Rosalind, Jacob, Kathleen, Doug, Holly, Rick, John, Vicki, Donna, Cynthia, Eliza, Cindy, Lori, LaDawn, Elaine, Kit, David, Ann, Jessica, Heidi, Paul, Kate, John, Lisa, Shawn, Betty Jo, Celia, Anne, Dawn
Those who have recently died
Sue Croll, former Riverbrook resident
LaDawn Priebe, aunt of Father Sam
Those who have asked for our long-term prayers
Doug, Allie, Ginger, Joan, Duncan, Bernadette, Ray, Piers, Katrina, Rich, Karen, Michael, Khali, George, Barbara, Christy, John, Anthony, Astrida
Those celebrating birthdays or anniversaries
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer (Week of 8/25)
Congregations, Ministries, and Partners in Ministry
Southwick Community Church, Southbridge (The Rev’d George Melvin Porter, Rector)
Bishop’s Executive Assistant, Lainey Hurlbut
The Church and Wider Mission
Ministry of the Armed Forces Chaplains
Episcopal Disability Network
Anglican Cycle of Prayer
Sun 8/25: La Iglesia Anglicana de Mexico
Mon 8/26: Diocese of Ijebu-North (Nigeria)
Tues 8/27: Diocese of Ijesa North East (Nigeria)
Wed 8/28: Diocese of Ijesha North (Nigeria)
Thurs 8/29: Diocese of Ijumu (Nigeria)
Fri 8/30: Diocese of Ika (Nigeria)
Sat 8/31: Diocese of Ikara (Nigeria)