
The E-pistle

July 13th, 2023

A Message from Libby

Last week I was so thankful to be able to take time away from work to relax and enjoy my family. I played endless games of Monopoly with my granddaughters, swam with them at Laurel Lake, hiked a bit between rainstorms, followed my grandson around the mountain-top vacation house his family is staying in this month, and relished just sitting in a lounge chair watching my two sons enjoy a night swim with their children. We all spent time reading and talking, and I found time for meditation. For a while, I put away my cell phone and computer. The world survived without my being in constant contact, stronger relationships were built with family, and I came back to work this week refreshed, renewed, and peaceful. What a gift to pause and simply be present to surroundings and to the people we love! I hope you are finding ways this summer to relax and reconnect with family and friends. Joining your church family for worship and other activities can be a way of connecting with God and others and finding peace for your soul. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!  

Summer Sundays -- One Service at 9:00 A.M. on the Lawn

This Sunday after Church, those who are able are encouraged to stay and do a bit of gardening. So dress in your best weeding clothes! If you can bring a lawn chair for worship, that would be helpful. (Last Sunday, we almost ran out of chairs!). For those who find walking on the uneven ground difficult, we’ll reserve a few chairs just off the walkway and we’ll bring communion to people in their seats. Of course, if it’s raining, we’ll worship inside. 

Collect for the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

O Lord, mercifully receive the prayers of your people who call upon you, and grant that they may know and understand what things they ought to do, and also may have grace and power faithfully to accomplish them; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.


Scripture for July 13th: Isaiah 55:10-13, Psalm 65: (1-8), 9-14, Romans 8:1-11, Matthew 13:1-9,18-23

Worship Team for July 16th

On the Lawn at 9 AM

Celebrant                     The Rev. Jane Tillman

Assisting Priest             The Rev. Libby Wade

Preacher                                   Sharon Billetter

Reader                                          Virgil Stucker

Intercessor                             Darryl Lafferty      

Usher/Greeter                          Tracy Johnson

Fellowship Host                Jim & Libby Wade

Musician                                  David Smith

Worship Team for July 23rd

On the Lawn at 9 AM

Celebrant              The Rev. Libby Wade

Assisting Priest  The Rev. Jane Tillman

Preacher                The Rev. Libby Wade

Reader                              Genet Jeanjean

Intercessor                      Sharon Billetter

Usher/Greeter                          Jim Wade

Hospitality Host              Martha Bodine

Musician                          Doug Schmolze    

Parish Prayer List

--People we pray for on Sundays:  Bruce, Charles, Irby, Ginger, Joan, Duncan, Bernadette, Linda, Veronica, Jeff, Karen, Lisa, Ray, Allie, Rosalind, Estreeta, Michael Curry, and Kit.

--Long-term prayer list:  Piers, Katrina, Rich, Karen, Michael, Tom, Khali, George, Doug, Barbara, Christy, John, and Anthony.

--Our partners at Grace Church, Great Barrington, and their priest Tina Rathbone; Christ Trinity Episcopal-Lutheran Church, Sheffield, and their priest Erik Karas; the Austen Riggs community and the Riverbrook Residence; victims of war, violence, abuse, persecution and disaster at home and abroad; and those who continue to be impacted by COVID.

--Outreach Ministry of the Week: The Cathedral of the Beloved

--Diocesan Cycle of Prayer:  The Rev. Jane Griesbach, Archdeacon, and all the Deacons of this Diocese

--Anglican Cycle of Prayer:  The Anglican Church of Canada

--The altar flowers were given by Tracy Weston, in memory of Harry A. and Bertha Bourn, Adeline Pierce, Lawton P. Bourn, Sr., Gertrude M. French, Barbara L. Spinney, Harry A. Bourne, Jr., Marry Ellen Bourn, Gladys B. Traver, and Martha M. Muir.

Thank You for helping lead worship this summer.

Only a few spots remain open:

Usher/Greeter: July 30, August 6, August 20, August 27

Scripture Reader: August 27

Intercessor: July 30, September 3

Hospitality Host: August 13, September 3

Flower/Plant Donor: July 23, August 13

Set Up/Clean Up: Help is always appreciated


Check your calendar and e-mail Libby to sign up.

OR bring your calendar on Sunday and sign up on Martha’s clipboard.

June Vestry Notes

from Junior Warden Martha Bodine


Our Vestry meeting was held on June 14th. It was lovely to see everyone there! We took care of some important business: Our original contract with Mother Libby was for 12 months and would be expiring at the end of June. We voted to extend the contract by six months to December 31st (or earlier, if a new Rector is in place). 


The Children’s Center wraps up its financial year at the end of June. Our Treasurer John Davies reported that the Center should end the year on budget both for Expenses and Income. He also reported that the Center did very well with the fundraiser. That money raised will go to the scholarship fund and other projects.


We gave a huge thank you to Jorja who is doing a wonderful job overseeing the Rectory renovation. Work continues on all fronts: the Kitchen and Bathrooms, the sanding of the floors (soon), the completion of the painting, discovering that the fireplaces won’t be used for the foreseeable future, water and sewer pipes replacement. 


As Junior Warden, I reported that Jim Wade and I are meeting with the director of the Food Pantry on July 1st to make the plan for using the grant money we received from the Diocese. I also have been meeting and emailing with Chris Johnson and Jean Rousseau to create several to-do lists for the grounds. We will soon have a “This Year” list, a “Maybe Next Year” list, and a “Would be Nice for the Future” list.


Keep reading the weekly E-pistle for updates and news. So many wonderful things are happening in our church!

Sunday, July 16 – After Worship

Quick Weeding of the Garden


We had so much fun working in the church yard in May, that we’re doing it again!

Come in work clothes and stay about 45 minutes. Chris Johnson will guide our work.

There will be ample food and drink. With your help, much can be accomplished in a short time.

Appalachian Trail Angels Ministry

Tuesday, July 18

Saturday, August 12


Thank you to all who’ve volunteered to be part of our two Trail Angel Teams.  Our Ministry Intern Sharon Billetter ([email protected]) is coordinating this outreach ministry, so contact her if you have questions. She’ll contact you soon to finalize the dates each person is working. In addition to volunteering in person, donations toward Kroger gift cards will be gladly accepted to purchase food provided at the Trail Angels site. We’ve received one $50 donation. A total of $200 is needed.  Make check payable to St. Paul’s and mark “AT Ministry”. 

Calendar of Upcoming Events


+ Every Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. (Zoom link) – Morning Prayer


+ Every Sunday, 9:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist on the Church Lawn

(In the case of inclement weather, worship will be inside.)


+ Sunday, July 16, after Worship – Garden Work Hour


+ Tuesday, July 18 – Appalachian Trail Angels Work Day


+ Sunday, August 6 – The Sacrament of Holy Baptism will be celebrated. If you or a member of your family would like to be baptized, please contact Mother Libby.


+ Saturday, August 12 – Appalachian Trail Angels Work Day


+ Gideon’s Garden Summer Volunteer Hours: Mondays from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. or Wednesdays from 1-5 p.m. Come for the whole time or just a little while. Gideon’s Garden is on Division St. across from Taft Farms in Great Barrington. Produce harvested goes to local food programs, including Lee Food Pantry.

An Invitation from Our Friends at Christ Trinity Church

An Invitation from the Berkshire Opera Festival

Parish Administrator Kyra Saltman also works as Operations Manager for the Berkshire Opera Festival in the summers. BOF is hosting a free presentation and discussion at the Berkshire Atheneaum about Puccini's La Bohéme. Attendees will receive an invitation to attend the dress rehearsal of La Bohéme as well!

Rectory Renovation Update

Contractor Henry Kirchdorfer continues to make progress in renovating the Rectory kitchen and bathrooms. The updated, more functional Rectory will truly be a sign of welcome for a new Rector, who will help St. Paul’s continue its mission of welcoming the community to our corner of Stockbridge.


St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

29 Main Street, P.O. Box 704

Stockbridge, MA 01262

Church Office Voicemail: (413) 298-4913

Email: [email protected]

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