A Message from Libby for Trinity Sunday
The carving above is an exquisite depiction of the Trinity. It’s the top of the chair next to
St. Paul’s high altar, given to the church in 1884 by Mrs. Franklin H. Delano, friend of
Susan Sedgwick Butler, in whose memory the church building was given. (Mrs. Delano
was the granddaughter of John Jacob Astor and the great-aunt of Franklin Delano
Roosevelt.). On the chair, the Latin words Pater (Father), Filius (Son), and Spiritus
(Spirit) are in separate circles with Deus (God) in a central circle. These circles are
separate, yet intricately interconnected in a flowing line. The Latin ‘est’ around the
inner circle proclaims that the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Spirit is God.
Engraved in the large outer circle three times ‘non est’ (‘is not’) to affirm that the three
parts of the Trinity are separate, yet all part of the fullness of God. As we will sing on
Trinity Sunday, “Holy, holy, holy…God in three persons, blessed Trinity!” It’s as if the
circles interweave in a holy dance of divine relationship. God is ultimately communion
and the dance of the Holy Trinity invites us into that communion. Contemporary hymn-
writer Brian Wren speaks of this communion of love in the following text from Imaging
the Word (vol. 3):
How wonderful the Three-in-One,
whose energies of dancing light
are undivided, pure and good,
communing love in shared delight.
Before the flow of dawn and dark,
Creation’s Lover dreamed of earth,
and with a caring deep and wise,
all things conceived and brought to
The Lover’s own Beloved, in time,
between a cradle and a cross,
at home in flesh, gave love and life
to heal our brokenness and loss.
Their Mutual Friend all life sustains
with greening power and loving care,
and calls us, born again by grace,
in Love’s communing life to share.
How wonderful the Living God:
Divine Beloved, Empowering Friend,
Eternal Lover, Three-in-One,
our hope’s beginning, way and end.