Sunday, March 17th
8:00 A.M. and 10:00 A.M.
Holy Eucharist
Collect for the Fifth Sunday in Lent
O Almighty God, who alone canst order the unruly wills and affections of sinful men: Grant unto thy people that they may love the thing which thou commandest, and desire that which thou dost promise; that so, among the sundry and manifold changes of the world, our hearts may surely there be fixed where true joys are to be found; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Scripture for the Fifth Sunday in Lent: Jeremiah 31:31-34, Psalm 119:9-16, Hebrews 5:5-10, John 12:20-33
Serving this week, March 17th (8:00 a.m.)
Celebrant: The Rev’d Jane Tillman
Preacher: The Rev’d Samuel T. Vaught
Verger/Acolyte: Darryl Lafferty
Lector: Jorja Marsden
Intercessor: Darryl Lafferty
Serving next week, March 24th (8:00 a.m.)
Celebrant & Preacher: The Rev’d Samuel T. Vaught
Assisting Priest:The Rev’d Jane Tillman
Crucifer: Sharon Billetter
Verger/Acolyte:Darryl Lafferty
Lector: Rob Maloney
Passion Readers: Fr. Sam, Darryl Lafferty
Intercessor: Jorja Marsden
Serving this week, March 17th (10:00 a.m.)
Celebrant: The Rev’d Jane Tillman
Preacher: The Rev’d Samuel T. Vaught
Verger/Acolyte: Darryl Lafferty
Lector: Kim Savery
Intercessor: Gale Page
Musician: Nancy King
Greeter: Frank Smith
Fellowship: Brett Roberts
Altar Guild: Jennifer Carmichael
Serving next week, March 24th, (10:00 a.m.)
Celebrant & Preacher: The Rev’d Samuel T. Vaught
Assisting Priest: The Rev’d Jane Tillman
Verger/Acolyte: Darryl Lafferty
Crucifer: Sharon Billetter
Lector: Virgil Stucker
Intercessor: Kendra MacLeod
Passion Readers: Darryl Lafferty, Virgil Stucker, Vaunie Graulty, Kim Savery, Kendra MacLeod, Martha Bodine, Carl Sprague, Jean Rousseau
Musician: David Smith
Usher/Greeter: Lis and Virgil Stucker
Fellowship: Lis and Virgil Stucker
Altar guild: Robin Race
Parish Prayer List
-Sunday prayer list: Bruce, Charles, Linda, Veronica, Jeff, Karen, Lisa, Rosalind, Jacob, Kathleen, Doug, Holly, Rick, David, John, Lenore, Vicki, Donna, Cynthia, Eliza, Cindy, Lori, LaDawn, and Kit
-Long-term prayer list: Allie, Irby, Ginger, Joan, Duncan, Bernadette, Ray, Piers, Katrina, Rich, Karen, Michael, Khali, George, Barbara, Christy, John, Anthony, and Estreeta
-Our partners at Grace Church, Great Barrington, and their priest Tina Rathbone; Christ Trinity Episcopal-Lutheran Church, Sheffield, and their priest Erik Karas; the residents and staff of the Austen Riggs community and the Riverbrook Residence
-Outreach Ministry of the Week: The Cathedral of the Beloved
-For peace and an end to violence and oppression in the world
-Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: Grace Church, Great Barrington
-Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Church in Wales