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The EMMY's, Tabitha Brown, Shia LeBeouf & Amazon Film Looks for New Head


Sept 7th, 2022

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A Movement of Prayer for the Entertainment Industry

Dear HPN,

This week our HPN office is closed because Karen and Jim are in Italy and Kelry and her family are in Wisconsin. We recently celebrated another year of HPN, making it 21 years of exciting ministry here in Hollywood, the most influential mission field in the world! What a thrill and honor to serve this community, and yet we know that the BEST is yet to come!

We want to start back up in September with a renewed vigor, excitement and clear vision for all that God has in store for us. So, we ask you to pray for various divisions of our HPN ministry that we are passionate about expanding and deepening. Thank you so much for praying for us and with us as we bring our summer to a close! Here we go:


Celebrate HPN's New and Flourishing Community Groups!

Hollywood Prayer Network Updates and Growth!

HPN has grown exponentially in the past two years. Since Kelry came on board and brought her amazing husband and friends to join us, we have a stronger team than ever before! And we’ve had a Dream Team of Biola Film School interns this past year who have rocked our world. We would love to have you become a part of, or pray for, these divisions of HPN that we deeply care about, so that we can reach more of the world with the opportunity to pray for Hollywood:

Our One-on-One Prayer Partnerships

Our Parents Prayer Team

Our Global Local Chapters

Our Podcast - Hollywood ChangeMakers

Our Friday Prayer Calls

Our Kids & Teens Prayer Calendar

Our Local Events

There is so much more we want to do, so we ask that you pray that the Lord moves miraculously in and through HPN. May He give us an expanded vision, favor with everyone we minister to, and the financial ability to host a Hollywood Summit for all of our Global Local Chapter Directors in August, 2023. As always, it is our heart to pray for miraculous, life-changing answers to prayer for the people in our wonderful Hollywood entertainment community! And please get involved in any or all of our opportunities above! We can't do anything without YOU!

Honoring Tabitha Brown

We want to congratulate a wonderful Christian actress, Tabitha Brown, who was honored on August 11th by Hollywood Confidential. In the video that we've linked, you can hear Tabitha's funny, heartwarming, and tear-jerking testimony regarding her journey as an actress, as a woman of color, and as a strong believer. We celebrate Tabitha and the way she continues to inspire hundreds of thousands on social media with her bold faith!




The 2022 EMMY's Hosted by Kenan Thompson

With so much that has happened in the entertainment world over the last several years, and with so many powerful new shows and streaming options, we hope that you will be praying with us for the 2022 Emmys on Monday, September 12th. Please pray for host Kenan Thompson, who has a huge role to play in making this a successful awards show. Pray for those who have worked so hard and were not nominated, and pray that those nominated would know that true value and recognition comes from God! Lastly, pray for the show's content and writers, and pray most of all, for the Lord to show up in a mighty and unexpected way!

Shia LaBeouf

Let’s pray for Shia LaBeouf and how he recently embraced God when he played a Saint in his latest film Padre Pio. Shia said he was ready to end his life, due to shame from so many poor choices, and then he was asked to playSaint Padre Pio and he believes it saved him. Let’s pray that Shia’s faith grows, deepens and fills him up with the love of Jesus, from the inside out! “With God all things are possible”!   


Kelsey Grammer - Honoring God in Jesus Revolution

We want to thank God and pray for Kelsey Grammer - an actor who has honored God in the face of Hollywood and adversity for years. Grammer has been cast as renowned pastor Chuck Smith in the upcoming Lionsgate film, Jesus Revolution. We ask that you would pray with us, that this film would be an excellent portrayal of a remarkable time in history that truly changed the world! We also pray that Kelsey would find great joy in working on this production with other HPN friends, including actor Jonathan Roumie. We are thrilled for them both!

PINOCCHIO, a Fatherhood Movie that Everybody Loves

We are excited to pray for the cast, crew and executives involved in the new Disney Live Action PINOCCHIO 

starring Tom Hanks, Robert Downey Jr., and Cynthia Erivo, which comes out on Disney Plus on September 8th. We pray also for the audience to celebrate a family film and enjoy this story of kindness, goodness, and fatherhood with the whole family!


Cineworld Files for Bankruptcy

Please pray for Cineworld, the owner of Regal Cinemas, who has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Cineworld is the second largest movie theater chain in America behind AMC theaters, and owns more than 500 theaters nationwide. Plans are being made to hopefully reduce the strain as much as possible on current employees. Let's be praying for those employees, the families, and the communities that will be affected by this decision.

The Search for New Head for MGM, Amazon Films

We have to pray for the decision-makers who are searching for the next Executive to head Amazon Films! Amazon has worked its way to the top of the list of competitive streaming services, with over 165 Million Amazon Prime Video users. And they have a full slate of original TV shows and films in production. With the recent purchase of MGM for $8.5 billion, the industry can only guess who will be chosen to be one of the most influential people in film development today. Just imagine if God raised up a Christian to fill that role!


That's it for this week and the end of summer! We are eternally grateful for all of you in ways that we can't even put into words. We are humbled by the faithfulness of so many who have continued to pray with us, support us, and share in so many of our joys and prayer requests. We can't wait for what's next!

We love you!

Karen and Kelry


"I pray that the light of God will illuminate the eyes of your imagination, flooding you with light until you experience the full revelation of the hope of His calling – that is the wealth of God’s glorious inheritances that he finds in us, his holy ones!"

-- Ephesians 5:1-2


"Movies should be a positive expression that there is hope, love, mercy, justice, and charity...It is the filmmaker's responsibility to emphasize the positive qualities of humanity by showing the triumph of the individual over adversities."  

-- Frank Capra - Film Director

HPN YouVersion Weekly Devotional: REST

The word rest is used throughout scripture to show God’s love, peace and comfort. God is very strong and very clear on wanting us to have a day of rest. He commands us to observe the Sabbath and He even tells us that His Holy Spirit rests on us. How good are you at resting?

- Karen Covell

Read Full Devotional

Feature Presentations

Animal Talk - A Musical by Hector Ramirez,

HPN Global Local Chapter Director of Madrid, Spain

Sept 8th and 9th - FREE - IN PERSON ONLY

September 8th 7-9:30pm | Performance at Elevate Life Church

September 9th | 7-9:30pm Actors Co-Op at First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood

We invite you to a remarkable musical experience with some of the incredible talent of the HPN community! This wonderful show been written, directed, and produced by long-time HPN member Hector Ramirez, who is artistic director and founder of the Performing Arts Centre in Madrid, Spain. He and his wife Lilli are founders of the Ars Vitalis Foundation. No link to purchase tickets - just show up at either of the above locations to support the many fabulous and talented people of HPN that make up our amazing community! 

You're ALL Invited - to the FIRST Upside Down Comedy Show and Family Night!

😂 Don't Miss a Hilarious way to Spend Time with Family and Support the HPN Christian Comedian Community!😂 

We invite you to an hilarious evening celebrating Kids, Families, and Laughter! Join us for games, activities, crafts and face-painting for kids, while adults and families enjoy the OPENING NIGHT of our new Christian Comedy Group, Upside Down Comedy! The evening INCLUDES dinner, fun crafts and activities for kids, face-painting, and even basket giveaways for families! We guarantee that whether you are married, single, or attending with your friends and HPN community, you will have a great time fellowshipping and laughing with all of us. Prayer leaders will be available to pray over families and all in attendance ! ONLY $5 for adults, and ALL KIDS ARE FREE!


Curse of the Vampire - An Evangelistic Experience

See the beginnings of a silent Horror film being scored by a Christian composer and played by a full orchestra. Philip Shorey is a composer who loves Jesus and wants to share His love through a Vampire film. Let’s celebrate his bold creativity and vision!

Road Ahead Cohorts - DePree University

Are you feeling stuck in your career? Are you trying to figure out how to navigate a transitional season?

Road Ahead Cohorts is a six-week group experience for creative professionals, run by HPN member Yolanda Miller from the Max DePree Center for Leadership at Fuller Theological Seminary. Based in research on the practices of flourishing Christian leaders, these cohorts will help you connect God’s story of redemption to your vocational story.


Be a Part of a Survey About Hollywood!

What makes a film a success at the box office? Is it just the star power of a popular actor or actress? Is it a particular genre or MPA rating? One theory is that films which engage the audience more and have characters that the audience more closely identifies with do better at the box office. One of our HPN members, Robert Hall, is conducting doctoral research in this area to add to our knowledge about the factors that make a film successful, and YOU can be a part of this research by completing a brief online survey. Click the document image to join!


Support our Community by Attending or Praying for these Events!

KWA - Kingdom Writer's Association: Hollywood Chapter

Sat. Sept 10th | 1:00pm-3:00pm | IN PERSON

If you're a screenwriter, you're invited to join our monthly meetup for a time of prayer, fellowship, and writing with fellow Christians. Make sure to invite your screenwriting friends! Light snacks and refreshments will be provided. KWA meets EVERY MONTH on the 2nd Saturday at 1pm at the Library on the FPCH campus.   Contact Anthony Cantu

INFLUENCE Lab Women Webinar: Equity in the Entertainment and Media Industry- How to Manage Unfairness and Thrive in Your Career

Tues. Sept 13th | 6:00pm | VIRTUAL

Working in the film and television industry can be a minefield, especially for women. Although diversity, equity and inclusion are popular buzzwords in Hollywood, the day-to-day reality for a female in the entertainment business is often one of unfairness. Is there a way to navigate those scenarios in a way that reflects Godly integrity and love? Whether you are a writer, director, actor, crew member or media executive, this webinar will equip you for the necessary conversations about matters of fairness so you can thrive in your career. REGISTER NOW>>


Sept 15th | 11:00am | IN PERSON

Are you NEW to Hollywood, LA, the Industry, OR HPN? Then we want to meet you at our monthly HPN Meetups at the FPCH campus! Come grab a light breakfast and coffee with us as we talk faith, the industry, your journey to LA and pray for you! We also encourage old friends to connect with new faces, so come again and invite someone new to come with you!


HPN Upside Down Comedy Night 😂 

Sat. Sept 17th | 6:00pm | IN PERSON

$5 for Adults, FREE FOR KIDS under 13

We invite you to an evening celebrating Kids, Families, and Laughter! Join us for games and face-painting for little kids, while adults and families enjoy the FIRST PERFORMANCE of our new Christian Comedy Group, Upside Down Comedy! With dinner, laughter, and stories, we hope you will join us for a hilarious night of fellowship!


OC Filmmakers Mixer

Sat. Sept 17th | 7:00pm | IN PERSON

Magic Lantern Pictures and Film Director Benjamin Nolot are hosting a quarterly mixer for filmmakers living in Orange County to connect. The first event will be in Dana Point on Saturday Sept. 17th from 7-9pm. All person’s working in film are welcome including: directors, producers, actors, camera dept, film festival staff, etc. The heart behind these mixers is to create a supportive community for those pursuing a career in film that live in OC. To RSVP or for more details, please contact

Biblical Equity Symposium

Sat. Oct 1st | 9:30am | IN PERSON

God has something to say about Equity- and it's NOT what you've heard in the news or DEI training! Did you know that even churches study equity materials that don't represent God's heart?? This symposium is for anyone wanting to gain a greater understanding of Biblical Equity, those committed to fair and right treatment of all people, and anyone desiring to confront the misconceptions about diversity, equity, and inclusion in a safe and loving space. Tickets only $25! Includes registration, captivating speakers, engaging group discussions, a workbook, coffee, tea, light snacks, lunch, a musical performance, and more!


Imago Dei Worship Nights

Sat. October 8th | 6:00pm | IN PERSON

Imago Dei worship nights are Hollywood Prayer Network's quarterly worship gathering. We invite you to join us for another powerful night of worship, refreshing, dinner, and the Holy Spirit. Come experience the body of Christ worshiping God in Hollywood, and see what the Lord is pouring out in these nights!


HPN Weekly Friday Global Prayer Call

Fridays | 12 - 1 p.m. Pacific | ZOOM or Phone

Join us for a powerful hour of praise and prayer for our industry, where HPN members call in from around the globe and pray for the industry and each other. Links are updated weekly, so please email us to get the latest.


Don’t miss our other local events on our Hollywood Community Calendar, or if you have an event to add, let us know and we'll add it! 



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Set up your Amazon account to permanently connect to HPN and donate every time you order!

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Type "Hollywood Prayer Network" 

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For These AMAZING Upcoming HPN Events!

  • Sept 17th: Family Upside Down Comedy Night!

  • October 2nd: Rooftop Encounters Hollywood Outpouring Night

  • October 15th: The Hollywood Faith Experience - a unique and remarkable day of Hollywood "faith tours"

  • November 24th (Thanksgiving): A Community Friendsgiving in LA's Arts District with 100 friends for food, games, photos and memories!

  • December 11th: HPN Black Tie Gallery Night: A Contemplation of the Nativity
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The Hollywood Prayer Network

1760 N Gower St

Los Angeles, CA 90028

(323) 462-8486

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