Video images of Caulette Julien still not released by MHF
CAY HILL - Nothing is known about an investigation into the death of 43-year-old Caulette Julien, who suffered from bipolar disorder, and was found lifeless in isolation at the Mental Health Foundation (MHF) on August 25, 2020. The MHF has video...
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| ENNIA Dossier
The ENNIA court case is going to be the biggest court case of the century. Whatsapp us your email address via +1-721-588-0800 and we will send you immediate breaking news on any developments surrounding the ENNIA case, Mullet Bay and the key players in the court case, especially the owner and majority shareholder of Ennia, Mr. Hushang Ansary.
Read the following articles below for the latest news, including the response of the Central Bank to the latest media reports about ENNIA.
The ENNIA-saga and the crucial role of Mullet Bay
PHILIPSBURG - When Hurricane Luis hit St. Maarten in 1995 its flagship resort Mullet Bay was destroyed. Owner Sun Resorts and its controlling shareholder Hushang Ansary did not do anything with the property in the following decades. But Mullet...
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Central Bank response to recent media coverage of ENNIA
Willemstad/Philipsburg - Following recent media coverage, the Centrale Bank van Curaçao en Sint Maarten (CBCS) reports as follows. In early July 2018, at the request of the CBCS, the Court of First Instance in Curaçao issued an emergency measure...
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The ENNIA-debacle: How Ansary ignored all red flags
PHILIPSBURG - It took until July 4, 2018, before the court in Curacao imposed an emergency measure on insurance company ENNIA. In doing so, the court put managers and directors of ENNIA on ice and transferred the authority to manage all of the...
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ENNIA and the theft of the century: who are the key players?
PHILIPSBURG - Hushang Ansary is not the only one facing a lawsuit initiated by insurance company ENNIA; other defendants in this case include his daughter Nina, his holding Parman International and three others that have played a role in what...
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Hushang Ansary: the colorful character at the heart of ENNIA
PHILIPSBURG - The bitter fight between insurance company ENNIA and its major shareholder Hushang Ansary has resulted in several court cases and there are more to come. From the 200-page petition attorneys Karina Keizer and Sabine Altena have...
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Parman International files lawsuit against Central Bank
WILLEMSTAD - Parman International B.V. ('PIBV') announced today that it is filing its statement of defense required by court-procedure in response to an extraordinary and unprecedented suit filed with the Court in First Instance in which the CBCS ...
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Governor receives visit from new President Central Bank
WILLEMSTAD - On Tuesday, September 29, the president of the Central Bank of Curaçao and Sint Maarten, Mr. Richard Doornbosch, visited the Governor of Curaçao, Her Excellency Lucille George-Wout, for an introductory meeting. Governor Lucille...
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| Local News
10 Recoveries today; 1 extra hospitalized
PHILIPSBURG - As of October 1st, there was one (1) person who tested positive for COVID-19; however there was a recovery of ten (10) persons; bringing the total active cases to seventy-nine (79). The total number of confirmed cases is now six...
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NAGICO Insurances informs the public of a COVID-19 case
Explains Business Continuity Procedures ~ PHILIPSBURG - The Management of NAGICO Insurances advised the general public in a press released issued on Thursday, October 1, 2020, that they have received notice of one confirmed COVID-19 case at the...
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What's on the Menu Today?
Whatsapp us via +1-721-588-0800 to get the latest menus from our selection of daily chefs and caterers delivering delicious dishes of food to your door. Here is our pick for today, October 2, 2020: KREATIVE JUICES CATERING *Lunches for Delivery*
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MP Buncamper commends Minister for re-acquiring RFA land
PHILIPSBURG - In reply to a letter received from MP Claudius "Toontje" Buncamper of the USP Faction in parliament, Minister of VROMI, Egbert Doran responded to the various questions posed and suggestions made by the MP. MP Buncamper, referring in ...
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St. Maarten Weather Updates & Forecasts
DATE ISSUED: Thursday, October 01, 2020 @ 18:00 LST (22:00 UTC) VALID UNTIL: Friday evening (18:00 LST) October 02, 2020 ...A SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IS IN EFFECT FOR ST. MAARTEN UNTIL 6:00 AM, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2ND... WEATHER: Tonight through Friday...
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PFP leader Gumbs Questions MinTEATT On BTP Matters
PHILIPSBURG - Party for Progress member of Parliament Melissa Gumbs sent questions to Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Telecommunications and Transportation Ludmila de Weever on Tuesday, September 28, 2020, about the current status of...
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SG Brown approved Alegria Resort's right of long lease
PHILIPSBURG - The Court in First Instance overruled in September the government's objections to granting a right of long lease to Alegria Real Estate. The lease agreement is about a parcel of 13,525 square meters (roughly 200 by 65 meters) of...
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CCSU members and secretariat refuse to meet with COM
POND ISLAND - Prime Minister Jacobs and the Council of Ministers have made several attempts to meet with the CCSU and particularly the secretariat of the CCSU whose role is to serve as an impartial mediator between Government and the unions. The...
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SMMC installs new mammography machine
New state-of-the-art mammography machine named Time Magazine's Best Inventions in 2019 ~ CAY HILL - St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) is pleased to announce the arrival and installation of their new GE Pristina Mammography Machine and the...
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PPB wants cruise ship crews to come to St. Maarten
Philipsburg Promotional Board wants cruise ship crews to come to St. Maarten ~ PHILIPSBURG -- More than 12,000 cruise ship workers are still at sea in US waters, five months after the industry shut down because of the coronavirus pandemic.
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| News in Dutch
Helft huisartsen Sint-Maarten dreigt weg te vallen
PHILIPSBURG - Ruim de helft (elf) van de huisartsen op Sint-Maarten gaat binnen drie jaar met pensioen. De eis dat huisartsen een Nederlandse BIG-registratie (kwaliteitsnorm) hebben maakt werving in de regio lastig. Ook liggen de salarissen veel...
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Geen kijkje in de keuken van het Koninkrijk
Persoonlijke beleidsvisies van staatssecretaris Raymond Knops op de eilanden en hun strijd tegen Corona staan een transparant kijkje in keuken van het Koninkrijk danig in de weg. Dat blijkt uit een brief van het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken...
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Verzekering verplicht voor toeristen op Sint Maarten
Van een onzer verslaggeefsters Philipsburg - Toeristen die naar Sint Maarten willen reizen, moeten binnenkort voorafgaand aan hun bezoek een Covid-19-ziektekostenverzekering afsluiten. Minister van Toerisme, Economische Zaken, Transport en...
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BIG-registratie wordt mogelijk op Bonaire
Van onze correspondent Den Haag - Verpleegkundigen met een op Bonaire behaald diploma zullen binnenkort worden opgenomen in het Nederlandse BIG-register. Dat zegt minister Tamara van Ark voor Medische Zorg toe aan Tweede Kamerleden André Bosman...
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'Geen beweging aan de kant van Ansary'
CBCS reageert feitelijk op jongste aanval Ennia-eigenaar Van een onzer verslaggevers Willemstad - ,,Aan de kant van de heer Ansary is tot nu toe geen enkele beweging richting een concreet schikkingsvoorstel gekomen, ondanks diverse uitnodigingen...
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| Bulletin Board Announcements
COCI, Ministry VSA and Ministry TEATT Collaborate
SINT MAARTEN (PHILIPSBURG) - In an effort to continue informing the general public and especially the business community as well as to curb the miscommunication between employers and employees as it pertains to the protocols related to the...
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Tips for closing down a business
Close down your business before you are forced to do so. A piece of counter-intuitive advice for dealing with the economic crisis as a result of the coronavirus pandemic ~ LOGIN TO READ MORE... THIS IS A PREMIUM ARTICLE. ... Some articles or...
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SZV announces application open for July Business Payroll
SINT MAARTEN (PHILIPSBURG) - The SZV announced on Monday that the July business payroll support application process is now open. For additional information read the notice below.
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Certificates of Conduct Delay Notice
POND ISLAND - The MINISTRY OF JUSTICE hereby informs you that the application process for requesting certificates of conduct is experiencing a prolonged delay due to staff shortages. The entity responsible for providing the information for the...
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| Breaking International News
President Donald Trump tweets he tests positive for COVID-19
President Donald Trump tweets he and first lady Melania Trump test positive for COVID-19. According to CNN, President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for coronavirus, the President announced early Friday morning.
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| Dutch News
Secondary schools may be added to face mask list
Cabinet sources have told broadcaster NOS that secondary school pupils will be 'strongly advised' to wear face masks in the canteen, assembly rooms and in the corridors but not during lessons. Tens of thousands of pupils are not currently at...
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First wave coronavirus death toll tops 10,000
Over 10,000 people died of coronavirus in the Netherlands during the first wave, national statistics agency CBS said on Thursday. The official death toll - based on people who had been tested for the virus - was around 6,100 up to the end of...
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Job losses mount as KLM crew agree to reorganisation
Airline KLM has reached agreement with cabin and ground crew unions about cost cutting and a reorganisation in order to meet the terms of the government's €3.4bn loan, broadcaster NOS said on Thursday. The Dutch flag carrier had until Friday to...
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Cash is still king, finance minister says
Finance minister Wopke Hoekstra has told MPs he is monitoring the increase in the number of shops which do not accept cash money. Hoekstra said in answer to MPs questions that consumers should be able to choose how to pay for goods and that he...
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