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THE EPISTLE: November 16th, 2022

The Anticipation of Advent


On November 27th, the first Sunday of Advent, the Church will begin a new year. From the Latin word adventus which means “coming,” Advent is the season of waiting and watching for Christ to be born anew in our lives as we await Christ coming again in glory.

         Each Wednesday evening, we will have a guest speaker and enjoy a meal together following a Taizé service. The schedule is below. Please make plans to join us during this holy time. 


November 30: The Rev. David Meginniss, retired Rector, Christ Church, Tuscaloosa December 7: The Rev. Michael Goldsmith, Rector, Church of the Nativity, Huntsville  

December 14: The Rev. Sarah Watts, Associate Priest, St. John’s, Decatur 

  • 5:30 p.m. Taizé Service Nave 
  • 6:00 p.m. Supper Parish Hall 
  • 6:30 p.m. Program 
  • 6:30 p.m. Children’s Program

December 21: Christmas Carols 

  • 5:30 p.m. Christmas Carols Nave 
  • 6:00 p.m. Supper Parish Hall


A complete list of Advent and Christmas events will be available this week.

Thank You!

Many thanks to all the bakers of sweets and savories, the pudding assemblers and the day-of helpers at the bake sale tables. Lobsterfest relies on many willing hands and your gift of time and talents resulted in delicious products and happy customers. We appreciate your efforts in helping make the bake sale a sold-out success!

       Linda Lou Hardison, Cynthia Geis, Laurel Davis, Kathy Branick

Vestry Elections

St. Thomas will elect four new Vestry members at the 2023 annual parish meeting on Sunday, January 8. Cynthia Geis, Bob Harwell, Suzanne Mohler, and Jenna Pirani are completing their terms. If you or someone you know is interested serving on the vestry, please submit the name in the box marked VESTRY in the Narthex. If you nominate someone, please discuss it with that person first to be sure they are willing to serve the three-year term. Nominations will be closed after church on December 11.  Nominations will not be accepted from the floor of the annual parish meeting. Please prayerfully consider if you, or someone you know, may be called to serve our parish in this important leadership role.

Please remember that in order to be nominated a person must be a confirmed Episcopalian, a communicant in good standing, and known to the treasurer.


Vestry responsibilities include:

·Attend vestry meetings on the third Monday evening of each month.

·Attend the vestry retreat, an overnight at Camp McDowell in January.

·Serve on task forces or ad hoc committees as required throughout the year.

·On a rotating basis, two vestry members count the offering and secure the building each Sunday after services.

·Vestry members cook, serve and clean-up breakfast on a rotating schedule one Sunday per month. Each vestry member signs up for breakfast four times a year.

Silver Saints Matinee Movie

Please come join us for our last Silver Saints Matinee Movie for the year at St. Thomas Parish Hall at 1:00 PM Thursday, November 17. Since this is a politics month, we have for you a fun, delightful movie titled “Dave,” starring Kevin Kline and Sigourney Weaver. The theme of this movie is what happens when an exact look-alike must fill in for the President of the United States for a short time. Trust us, You will like it.


As you know, The Silver Saints Movie Matinee offers fun and fellowship to our attendees once a month showing the best movies depicting adventure, humor, heart-felt love and triumph so that one leaves in a happy mood. With a great movie we offer snacks and beverages, and we will even pick you up and return you home if you wish. We offer comfortable seating and a time-out break half way through the movie. Please bring your friends and ask people from our neighborhood to join us. Call Jack or Becky Stokes at 256-881-4748, or the church office at 256-880-0247 with any questions. Please call 24 hours ahead if you will need a ride. Please come join us.

Advent Wreaths

Please make plans to join us on Sunday, November 20 at 9:30 A.M., as all ages gather in the Parish Hall to make Advent wreaths during the formation hour. Our parishioners at home will enjoy having these to look at all Advent. 

Sunday Adult Formation

Sunday Adult Formation will resume during Advent and begin November 27 at 9:30AM in the Parish Hall. Discussion will be based on Advent: The Once and Future Coming of Jesus Christ by Fleming Rutledge. We look forward to rich conversation! If you have any questions please contact Ranie at associate@stthomashuntsville.org

Save the Date!

Calling all young/young-ish adults to pull out those ugly Christmas sweaters or other festive clothing to join the ReGeneration group on the evening of Saturday, December 3. Our fellow St. Thomas parishioners and chocolatiers, Gary and Elaine Dinstuhl, will be showing us how to make some sweet treats for the holiday season. For those that are interested, we will have childcare from 5:30 P.M. until 8:00 P.M. You are welcome to bring friends! Contact Laura Beth Bestor (children@stthomashuntsville.org) or Michell York (michelldyork@gmail.com) if you have any questions.

Shellie's Kids Christmas Present Drive

St. Thomas will again this year be participating in Shellie’s Kids Christmas Present Drive. Shellie’s Kids is a local program that provides Christmas gifts to underprivileged kids in the Huntsville area. We will have a sign- up sheet to buy gifts for a specific child each Sunday morning between and after services. Any questions please contact Travis Lee at 850-503-5587 or tlee777790@gmail.com.

Backpack Meal Program

If anyone would like to help pack meals for the Backpack Meal Program the packing dates and times are as follows: Wednesday at 12pm, after Bible Studies: 11\30; 12\14 and Sundays at 4pm: 12/4. Each time only 70 meals need to be packed. Email Travis Lee if you can help. Tlee777790@gmail.com

Grief Group

The Grief Group will continue to meet each Wednesday in the parlor. Please note, the meeting time is 2:30. Pat Johnson, LPCS, will facilitate the group. Please join us. For questions contact Virginia at vmonroe@stthomashuntsville.org.

5PM Sunday Service

Reminder - 5:00 PM Sunday Evening Service in the Nave will continue in November. Join us for the all-ages-welcome come-as-you-are service. This informal service includes a quick supper afterwards.


If you need to borrow or use anything in the church, please check it out in the church office. This includes coolers, wheelchairs, kitchen items, tents, tables/chairs, etc. Please help us be good stewards of our church. 

Our deadline for the EPISTLE and Week At A Glance is Tuesday at noon.

Lobsterfest 2022

Veterans Day 2022

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Phone: 256.880.0247

Email: StThomas@stthomashuntsville.org
