Vestry Elections
St. Thomas will elect four new Vestry members at the 2023 annual parish meeting on Sunday, January 8. Cynthia Geis, Bob Harwell, Suzanne Mohler, and Jenna Pirani are completing their terms. If you or someone you know is interested serving on the vestry, please submit the name in the box marked VESTRY in the Narthex. If you nominate someone, please discuss it with that person first to be sure they are willing to serve the three-year term. Nominations will be closed after church on December 11. Nominations will not be accepted from the floor of the annual parish meeting. Please prayerfully consider if you, or someone you know, may be called to serve our parish in this important leadership role.
Please remember that in order to be nominated a person must be a confirmed Episcopalian, a communicant in good standing, and known to the treasurer.
Vestry responsibilities include:
·Attend vestry meetings on the third Monday evening of each month.
·Attend the vestry retreat, an overnight at Camp McDowell in January.
·Serve on task forces or ad hoc committees as required throughout the year.
·On a rotating basis, two vestry members count the offering and secure the building each Sunday after services.
·Vestry members cook, serve and clean-up breakfast on a rotating schedule one Sunday per month. Each vestry member signs up for breakfast four times a year.