THE EPISTLE: November 2nd, 2022 | |
Even if you don’t want to walk or run –
we need you. Help cheer on folks participating.
Enjoy all the festivities and good ole fashion St. Thomas fellowship. Hope to see you there!
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Don't forget to turn your clocks back this weekend. We'll get an extra hour of sleep this weekend, but that means less daylight as we head into the colder months. Daylight saving time ends on the first Sunday in November. | | | |
Thank You!
The Building and Grounds Committee would like to thank everyone that participated in the fall clean- up day. Over 20 parishioners gave up their Saturday morning to pull weeds, freshen up the labyrinth, remove dead trees and shrubs, and dust the pews in the Nave. We were able to complete all the to-do items on our list.
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Join Us to Make Advent Wreaths
Make plans to join us on Sunday, November 20 at 9:30 A.M., as all ages gather in the Parish Hall to make Advent wreaths during the formation hour. Our parishioners at home will so enjoy having these for Advent. We’ll need some cuttings – preferably of evergreen branches that will stay green until Christmas. Please gather some in a trash bag and bring them to the Parish Hall before November 16. That way the Flower Guild Members can see how much they still need. Also in need are folks to clean up after everyone is done. If interested, please call the church office. Thanks.
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No Children's Sunday School and only 1 service at 10:30
on Sunday, November 13 as we all recover from Lobsterfest.
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Save the Date
Plan on pulling out that ugly Christmas sweater or other festive clothing to join the ReGeneration group on the evening of Saturday, December 3. Our fellow St. Thomas parishioners and chocolatiers, Gary and Elaine Dinstuhl, will be showing us how to make some sweet treats for the holiday season. For those that are interested, we will have childcare from 5:30 P.M. until 8:00 P.M. You are welcome to bring friends! Contact Laura Beth Bestor ( or Michell York ( if you have any questions.
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Boo-charist 2022 Trophy Winners!
Best Child Costume: Grandma from Little Red Riding Hood (Ellie York - pictured)
Best Adult Costume: Princess Buttercup (Penny Nielsen)
Best Trunk: Mickey Mouse (Casey Family)
Thank you everyone who came out for our Boo-charist Service, wonderful dinner, and trunk or treat. It was a frightening good
evening for all.
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CASA TEMP$ Fun Day Saturday, November 5
Please come join us for a fun day with CASA TEMP$ this Saturday. We will be winterizing four homes of elderly people in our local neighborhood. We will start at 7:15 AM with a scrumptious breakfast by the DOK in the Parish Hall, some instructions and a prayer. Contact Jack Stokes at 881-4748 or
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Parking Lot Striping
Our parking lot looks great! It got a facelift from Jason York, Bill Davenport, Alexander Steel, John Crown, David Hattaway, Tom Perry, Graham Arnold, and Ted Evans. Thank you so much for all the hard work and long days. It looks so much younger!
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Hand Bells
The Music department would like to use hand bells during the Advent season. This time we will have a daytime rehearsal hour. Playing hand bells is a wonderful way to make music and work together for a beautiful result. We will rehearse on Thursday mornings at 10:30 A.M. in the bell room in Hudson Hall. Please contact Donna Clark if you would like ring with us!
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Grief Group
The Grief Group will continue to meet each Wednesday in the parlor. Please note, the meeting time has been changed to 2:30. Pat Johnson, LPCS, will facilitate the group. Please join us. For questions contact Virginia at
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Flower Guild Flower Memorials
Our flower guild is in great need of Sunday altar flower donations. This is a wonderful way to remember a loved one, celebrate an anniversary, or just simply acknowledge someone special. The fee for memorials is now $60 per Sunday. Please sign up on the poster outside the flower guild room.
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Backpack Meal Program
If anyone would like to help pack meals for the Backpack Meal Program the packing dates and times are as follows: Wednesday at 12pm, after Bible Studies: 11\30; 12\14 and Sundays at 4pm: 12/4. Each time only 70 meals need to be packed. Email Travis Lee if you can help.
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If you need to borrow or use anything in the church, please check it out in the church office. This includes coolers, wheelchairs, kitchen items, tents, tables/chairs, etc. Please help us be good stewards of our church.
Our deadline for the EPISTLE and Week At A Glance is Tuesday at noon.
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