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THE EPISTLE: April 6th, 2022

Confirmation April 3rd, 2022

Congratulations to our confirmands and those who were received!


In preparation for Palm Sunday and Holy Week, we will gather this Saturday, April 9th from 5-7:30 PM to enjoy a crawfish boil (with sausage, corn, potatoes, and other good things if crawfish isn't your thing), make palm crosses, and finish the evening with a bonfire! Bring your own beverages! Non-alcoholic beverages will be provided. Bring a lawn chair to sit around the fire on a lovely spring night!

The Choir of St. Thomas will present a special service of Scripture and Music on Sunday, April 10 at 6:00 PM to continue our Holy Week offerings. "A Choral Meditation on the Passion of Christ," is a relatively new form in the grand scheme of things. Similar to an Advent Service of Lessons and Carols, scripture readings are interspersed with carols, hymns, anthems, and motets. The service was designed in 1985 by the Dean of Chapel, the Rev. Andrew Macintosh, and the Organist, George Guest. The students of Cambridge University are not present during Holy Week, so service was designed for the St. John’s College community to reflect on the mysteries of this key part of the Christian story beforehand.

St. Thomas Family,

The Sr. and Jr. Wardens along with the members of the Building and Grounds Committee would like to thank everyone that came out Saturday morning to participate in the St. Thomas Spring Clean-Up Day. We had 30+ church parishioners show up to perform various clean-up tasks around the church. With the help of so many wonderful parishioners, we were able to complete many of the tasks that were deemed necessary to clean and straighten up the church grounds. Once again, thanks to everyone for making the clean-up day so successful.

Thank you,

George & Ted


Hallelujah Chorus for Easter Morning

Members of the congregation at both services are invited to come up and join the choir to sing Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus.”

Scores are available in advance on the bulletin board outside the music office, or you can just grab one on Easter morning.

If you need to “brush up” on your part, you can go to this link or join us on Wednesday evening, April 13 at 7:15 in the Nave.


Profile Committee Update

The Profile Committee has been diligently working and is happy to report that the Parish Survey will be released in the very near future!

This survey will form much of the basis for the Parish Profile, which will inform potential candidates for rector about St. Thomas. 

All parishioners are encouraged to participate in the survey, which will be available electronically and on paper. 

If you have had an address or email change, please let the office know (stthomas@stthomashuntssville.org or 256-880-0247). If you prefer a paper copy, that will be available at the church or can be mailed to you on request.

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Daughters of the King

Daughters of the King is an international order of women who, empowered by the Holy Spirit, share our vision to know Jesus Christ, to make Him known to others, and to reflect God’s love throughout the world. 

We meet after the 10:30 service on the 4th Sunday of the month. All women are invited to our meetings if they are interested in learning more about Daughters of the King.

One of the ongoing ministries of the Daughters of the King is to help a local Department of Human Resources with donations of diapers, both for children and adults, wipes, and other much-needed items. On March 27th, members gathered the supplies collected from members of the group as well as members of the parish for delivery the next week. As always, the DHR Director was so grateful as there is more need than the agency can supply.

Children's Ministry

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St. Thomas Children's Easter Egg Hunt

Save the Date for the annual St. Thomas Easter Egg Hunt! Afterward, we will gather for fellowship over a hot dog lunch. Every bunny is welcome, so feel free to bring friends! Don't forget to drop off plastic Easter eggs filled with candy, stickers, or other little treats in the basket in Information Hall! We also need volunteers to hide eggs on the morning of April 16. Email our Children's Ministry Coordinator Laura Beth Bestor (children@stthomashuntsville.org) or call the church office if you would like to help.

When: Saturday, April 16th

Time: 10:30 A.M.

Stations of the Cross

You are invited to visit Stations of the Cross by the St. Thomas Children's and Youth Ministries. This kid-friendly exhibit features our Sunday school classes' depictions of Jesus' journey through Jerusalem to His burial. The drawings will be displayed in Hiers Hall starting on Palm Sunday.  

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Youth Schedule for the Rest of April

Sunday, April 10 

Christian Formation 9:30 AM – 10:10 PM

Youth Group  3:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Tuesday, April 12 

Assist with serving Seder Supper 5:45 PM – 6:30 PM

Saturday, April 16

Assist with Easter Egg Hunt and lunch 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Easter Sunday


Sunday, April 24 

Christian Formation 9:30 AM – 10:10 AM

Youth Group 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Habitat House

Thanks to everyone who took the time to put prayers and wishes on the studs for our next Habitat House! Those studs are already formed into the walls of our new house at 6221 Maywick Street, Huntsville. 

St. Thomas has helped build at least 2 other houses in this neighborhood and this will be our 26th house here in Madison County. We will raise these walls on April 23. As usual, we are working with 5 other churches. Raising the walls is always an exciting day. Hope you can come help. 

For information, call Elouisa or Al Stokes at 256-539-2058.

St. Thomas Book Club

Join us in the Parlor on April 11th at 10:00 A.M. 

We are reading "The Last Garden in England" by Julia Kelly. We will discuss the book as well as our lives. Lunch afterward is also a possibility. 

For information, call Elouisa Stokes at 256-539-2058.


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Easter Flowers

Easter flower dedication envelopes are in the pews if you’d like to make a donation in memory of or in thanksgiving for someone special. It’s a wonderful way to both beautify our church and honor a loved one at the same time. 

Please leave envelopes on the offertory plate or in the church office. 

All memorials must be received in the office before, Tuesday, April 12.

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Bailey Cove Farmers’ Market Returns on May 7!

But we can’t run it without you! Please consider volunteering one or two Saturdays this summer to help show our good ole’ St. Thomas hospitality! 

We have two shifts: 8 AM-10 AM and 10 AM-Noon. 

Please sign up by using this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C4AA8A92FA7F9C34-bailey1

Holy Week Primer

Wednesday, April 13 - 6:00 PM Taizé Eucharist

Taizé prayer is a mixture of repetitive chants, Scripture readings, short spoken prayer, and periods of silence. Meditative in nature, a Taizé prayer service provides a place to "be still and know that I am God."


Thursday, April 14 - Maundy Thursday at 6 PM 

Maundy Thursday is the name given to the day on which Jesus celebrated Passover with his disciples, known as the Last Supper. In remembrance of how Jesus humbled himself and washed the feet of the disciples, foot washing will be available for those who wish to participate as a powerful reminder of how we are called. We will conclude our service with the Stripping of the Altar as a powerful visual reminder and transition into the starkness of our Good Friday liturgy.


Friday, April 15 - Good Friday

7 AM Stations of the Cross

Noon The Liturgy of Good Friday

6:00 P.M. The Liturgy of Good Friday

Good Friday is the day when the church commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus. It is a day of fasting and special acts of discipline and self-denial. We begin the day with the Stations of the Cross at 7 a.m. Our noon and 6:00 P.M. liturgy include Luke's account of the Passion gospel, intercessions known as the solemn collects (dating from ancient Rome). Music will include a soloist and a cellist. Members of the vestry will carry a cross in at the end of the service to lean against the altar. 


Saturday, April 16 - Holy Saturday

8 PM Easter Vigil

 We begin in the courtyard with the lighting of the Easter Fire and process to the Nave to hear the story that defines us, participate in the Great Cacophony, and our first celebration of the Easter season. Please join us in the Great Cacophony by bringing a bell or noise maker. Immediately following the service join us for

champagne and chocolate.


Sunday, April 17 - Easter Day

8:00 A.M. and 10:30 AM Easter Services

Easter is the celebration of Christ's resurrection from the dead. It bears witness to God's enduring promise of eternal life. As the climax of Holy Week, Easter is a time of hope and assurance and our entrance into the Great 50 days of Easter. We have guests brass musicians that will begin a special prelude at 7:40 A.M. and 10:10 A.M. 

There will be incense as usual. Don’t forget Easter Brunch immediately following the 8:00 A.M. service.

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Join Us For Seder Supper

Seder is a service in which the Passover story is retold. The Exodus story is told during the service; dinner is interspersed. We follow the traditional Jewish Seder, remembering that at the Last Supper Jesus celebrated Seder with His disciples.  

We will celebrate Seder on Tuesday, April 12 at 6:00 P.M. in the Parish Hall. Childcare will be provided with a meal for the children. Sign-up for your lamb, chicken, or vegetarian meal by clicking here or reserve your place(s) on the bulletin board in Information Hall. Meal choice will not be guaranteed for those signing up later than 1 PM on Sunday, April 10.

We also need volunteers to help set up, serve, and clean up. Sign-up sheets are in Information Hall. Contact Mike or Laura Beth Bestor (malbb12@gmail.com) if you have questions about Seder.

Blood Drive

A belated, but heartfelt thank you to all who participated in the March blood drive. Thank you to those who gave blood, those who tried to give blood, those who prepared sandwiches, and those who helped set up. We delivered 31 pints of life-giving blood! The folks at LifeSouth were delighted. They mentioned especially the amazing hospitality shown by everyone at St. Thomas. Way to go, St. Thomas.

The next blood drive is on September 11, 2022. Please mark your calendars.

Thanks so much!

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Calling anyone ages 22-39! Gather with us at this event sponsored by the Diocese of Alabama for all young adults in our area at 6 PM, Monday, April 11 on the patio of Mellow Mushroom (2230 Cecil Ashburn Dr SE).

We will continue to discuss discipleship through the lens of current issues-- in particular, what are the connections between worshiping a risen Lord today? Are there any connections? Hope you will join us!

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Phone: 256.880.0247

Email: StThomas@stthomashuntsville.org
