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THE EPISTLE: June 1st, 2022

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Pentecost Worship and Picnic - Save the Date!

How do you celebrate Pentecost at St. Thomas? By wearing red and joining the celebration, picnic, and fellowship. The Pentecost Picnic is Sunday, June 5 - Service at 10:30 on Green Mountain. Pentecost is the festival when we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit. There will NOT be an 8 o’clock service Sunday, June 5!

The picnic will again be held in the large pavilion in the Nature Center on Green Mountain. The pavilion is designed to be easily accessible to everyone. We will celebrate Pentecost and Holy Eucharist. The church will provide fried chicken tenders, sides, and dessert. Please bring your ice, cooler, and drinks. There are many picnic tables available, or you may want to bring a chair to be more comfortable. Let's hope for a sunny day!  Incase of rain, the service will be held at the church.  (No nursery will be available. But bring your kids for some fun!)

Pentecost ride-sharing: Anyone needing a ride and a helping hand with their lawn chairs, please call Jeannie at 256.348.9918 or the church office. 

Golden Girls & Boys Luncheon

Please join us for the parish luncheon celebrating our Golden Girls and Boys on Saturday, June 11 at 11:30. Everyone is invited! Our honored guests are the eighty- and ninety-somethings who have enlivened, sustained, and encouraged us over the years.

Now it’s our turn to say, ‘Thank You.’ If you are not yet a member of this particular senior class, a side salad to share would be welcomed.

Please let the office know if you’ll be coming. 256-880-0247.

Sunday Cookout and St. Thomas Presents Concert 

Sunday, June 12 at 4 PM we’ll have a cookout on the lawn. Join us for good food and great fellowship. At 5:00 P.M. St. Thomas Presents welcomes back Calypso Vision for our first concert to be enjoyed as Covid restrictions are lifting. Gather your family, friends, and lawn chairs for a great escape to an atmosphere filled with soft breezes, sun, sand, and surf as you listen to the tunes of Jimmy Buffett and some good time Rock ‘n Roll. Suzy’s Pops will be there for refreshments.

No charge for this very entertaining afternoon! 

Please mark your calendars for Thursday, June 23, to join us for a very special Silver Saints Movie Matinee. We will show the movie, October Sky, based on the book, Rocket Boys by Mr. Homer Hickam. The movie is Homer’s story of when he was a teen in a West Virginia coal-mining town but loved rockets. He went on to join NASA at the Marshall Space Flight Center training astronauts. Homer will join us for the movie to share his thoughts prior to the movie and then be around for questions afterward.

Remember, Thursday, June 23, from 1:00 – 4:00 PM. We have snacks and will break for a rest stop partway through the movie. 

Call us by the 22nd if you need a ride. Please bring friends and neighbors. Let’s properly welcome Homer to St. Thomas. Call Jack Stokes at 256-881-4748 / 256-468-2743 (cell).

Meals on Wheels Delivery Volunteers Needed!

Meals on Wheels provides a nutritious lunch Monday-Friday, year-round to Huntsville seniors age 60 or over, who are unable to cook for themselves, have no one available to cook for them, and are primarily homebound. 

The St Thomas MOW delivery team needs volunteers who can deliver one day each month. If you want to join this ministry or need more information, contact Mark Dixon at (256) 426-0381 or mddixon@aol.com.

The Prayer List 

We need your help with the Prayer list!!

In order to update the prayer list in the bulletin, please look at the extended list of “Those who are ill or in distress.” If you submitted a name and that person no longer needs prayers for a current situation please call the office or email Dorothy at stthomas@stthomashuntsville.org.  

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Adult Formation on Sunday: Book Study Continues

If you are interested in attending or reading the book used for the book study you can purchase the book on Amazon or purchase it in the church office for $20. We will be discussing the sections "Beauty and the Life of God" and "Living Together" on Sunday, June 12.

If you have any questions about the book "My Church is Not Dying: Episcopalians in the 21st Century" please email Ranie at associate@stthomashuntsville.org 

The study of the Gospel according to Luke will continue to meet in Conference Room I.

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5:00 P.M. Summer Service

Join us for a "come as you are" service throughout the summer beginning June 19

This casual service will feature simple music and our signature laid-back hospitality at its best!

More details forthcoming!


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Waterworks! Park Vacation Bible School registration is now open (link here)! VBS will be 9 am until 12 pm from July 11-15. Classes will be available for rising pre-K through 6th graders. There are limited nursery slots open for children under 4 years. We also need adult and youth volunteers to teach, help prep materials, lead games, perform the opening skits each morning, lead crafts, prep snacks and serve snacks. 

Contact our Children's Ministry Coordinator, Laura Beth Bestor (children@stthomashuntsville.org) if you have questions or would like to volunteer.  

Children's Chapel will return in mid-August. 

Calling All Breakfast Cooks!

There are a few openings in the Sunday morning breakfast schedule for the remainder of the year. Get out your aprons and spatulas and round up a team to cook and serve. It’s fun, rewarding, and most appreciated. 

Call George Harriman for more information, at 256-509-6666 or email georgeharriman51@gmail.com

SAVE THE DATE: June 18th, 2022 

Youth Canoe Trip down the Flint River. We will meet at church @ 10:00 A.M.

Parents are invited and encouraged to paddle with us.

Youth under 12 yrs of age need to bring a parent.

Call 256.348.9918 or email Jeannie jrann228@gmail.com or more details.

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Phone: 256.880.0247

Email: StThomas@stthomashuntsville.org
