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THE EPISTLE: August 24th, 2022

The Season of Lobsterfest 2022

Lobsterfest 2022 the 29th event is upon us. This year’s event will be led by “Tom and the Mark’s” (Tom Perry, Mark Dixon and Mark Mohler). The Lobsterfest Steering Committee has decided that with the COVID pandemic still around, that this year’s event will be a “Drive-Thru” event again.

Lobsterfest will officially start with the Lobsterfest 101 event on September 18, 2022, between services. 

Lobsterfest 5k Run/Walk

Calling ALL parishioners and friends: The St. Thomas Lobsterfest 5k run/walk is OPEN and ready for YOU! Get the early bird price of only $20 if you sign up before September 10 at https://runsignup.com/Race/AL/Huntsville/Lobsterfest5K We want to see EVERYONE on Saturday, November 5 as we kick off Lobsterfest week!


Another GREAT way you can support Lobsterfest outreach efforts: become a 5k official sponsor!  You or your business name will be displayed on the race t-shirt and seen all over town! Please contact Lloyd Cook at wlcgo65@gmail.com or 256-679-5150 for details.

Grief Group at St. Thomas

Grief Group meets every Wednesday through September 21. The group will meet at 2:00 PM in the Parlor.

We had a good group at the first meeting, but we're open to more people.

This group is for anyone grieving a death, divorce, or other significant loss. It will also be helpful for those going through a major life transition such as retirement, aging or moving.

We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity for grief support. If you have questions, please contact Virginia Monroe at vmonroe@stthomashuntsvlle.org or call the church, 256-880-0247.

Caregivers Support Group

If you or someone you know is a caregiver for a loved one, we have a support group at St. Thomas that meets every other week. Our group facilitator is licensed therapist and fellow parishioner, Jane Allgood.

Our next meeting is Wednesday, August 10 at 1 P.M. in the Parlor. If you would like to be added to our meetings notification list or simply want more information about the Caregivers Support Program, text or email Mona Parker at 256-599-9942 or mona.s.parker@gmail.com

Children's Ministry

Join us as we kickoff our Sunday School year on September 11 at 9:30am in Hiers Hall! We'll have our Godly Play class for Pre-K through 1st graders, Love First for 2nd through 4th graders, and a new class for our 5th/6th/7th graders.  Come meet your classmates and teachers!  


Children's Chapel will also restart on September 11. We need adult volunteers to help shepherd the children to and from Nave, and if you want to, lead the discussion. Contact our Children's Ministry Coordinator Laura Beth Bestor (children@stthomashuntsville.org) if you are interested in helping with this ministry.  

Regeneration Returns

ReGeneration is gearing up for another great opportunity for fellowship for our young/young-ish adults and families on Sunday, September 18. We are going to the afternoon Trash Pandas game.  First pitch is at 2:35pm, but the Trash Pandas have asked our group to hold the gigantic flag for the national anthem (gather at 1:45pm for this)!! We need at least 20 people to hold the flag, so email Laura Beth (children@stthomashuntsville.org) to reserve your spot(s). 

Tickets, which are $17.44 each with a $2 credit on game day, must be reserved by September 4. You can pay via check made out to the church, cash, or contact Laura Beth for Venmo info. For financial aid to attend the game, contact Laura Beth or The Rev. Dr. Virginia Monroe (vmonroe@stthomashuntsville.org). Let's have a great afternoon out on the town and show the Rocket City some St. Thomas spirit!

Adult Choir is open to everyone from High School Students to Silver Saints.

We’ll kick off our season with an in-house choir retreat on August 26 & 27.

Our regular Wednesday rehearsals begin on September 7 at 7:00 in the choir room.

Contact Miss Kathy at 614-329-5991 or music@stthomashuntsville.org if you are interested in joining us or would like more information.

Treble Choir is open to all kids 4K and older.

Rehearsals begin Sunday, August 28

3:30 – 4:00 All Trebles

4:00 Playground & Snack

4:15 – 4:45 Major Trebles (Grade 2 & up)


Contact Miss Kathy at 614-329-5991 or music@stthomashuntsville.org if you are interested in joining us or would like more information.

A Creative Lifestyle

Belinda Greenaway is hosting a monthly get together for those of us who enjoy a creative lifestyle. That might be artists or knitters or quilters or bookmakers or whatever you wish. The gathering will be the first Friday of the month from 2:00—4:00 P.M. in Hiers 2 classroom. Our first will be held September 2. You are asked to bring your own simple tools of the trade and we’ll work on our own disciplines while enjoying great fellowship. Please let Belinda know you’re coming and for more information email belinda223@gmail.com

Pastoral Care Shepherding Ministry

September 18 Luncheon to Learn More About Our Pastoral Care Shepherding Ministry!

Our Pastoral Care Committee is looking for individuals interested in shepherding St. Thomas parishioners during major life changes by a ministry of communication. We are looking for people who like to stay in touch by phone calls and possibly short visits.

The members of our Shepherding Ministry would keep our clergy informed on parishioners as they experience major life changes. If you would like to learn more or are interested in being part of this ministry please join us for a luncheon on Sunday, September 18, immediately following the 10:30AM service to learn more! Please RSVP by emailing Ranie at associate@stthomashuntsville.org.

Rector Search Update

Introductory ZOOM interviews were held with all applicants August 10 through August 16. We continue to be impressed with the quality and breadth of experiences of the interested candidates. Your committee is continuing to meet regularly, and the second round of interviews is next on the horizon. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we continue this process.

Habitat for Humanity

Good news, our house is almost done. There will be a landscaping day sometime in September. Will let everyone know. Still waiting on electrical, HVAC, and final plumbing as well as a concrete front porch and sidewalk. Thanks to Allen Hasbrouch for his help and St. Thomas for financial help. Elouisa Stokes, 256-604-8669.

Good News!

Due to wonderful feedback and attendance, our 5 o’clock service and supper on Sunday will continue through November. Join us!

St. Thomas Book Club

After a spirited meeting this month, the St. Thomas Book Club will meet on September 11 at 10 a.m. in the Parlor to discuss The Patron Saint of Liars by Ann Patchett. October's choice is The Beekeeper's Apprentice by Laurie R. King. Please join us even if you haven't read the book. Everyone is invited. For information, call Elouisa Stokes at 256-604-8669.

Our deadline for the EPISTLE and Week At A Glance is Tuesday at noon.

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Phone: 256.880.0247

Email: StThomas@stthomashuntsville.org
