THE EPISTLE: September 21st, 2022 | |
Adult Christian Formation Resumes this Sunday!
Join us for Adult Formation this Sunday at 9:15AM. We will have two offerings. We will have a classic Bible Study offering in Conference Room One on the Gospel of Matthew with the Rev. Dr. Virginia Monroe. Our other offering will be a discussion-based study of Rachel Held Evan's book Wholehearted Faith in Conference Room Two. Books are available for purchase through the church for $20. Please pay by check. If you have questions, please be in touch with Ranie at
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Everybody's Pub Theology
Sit down with Jeannie Monday, September 26th from 6-7:30 PM on the patio at Mellow Mushroom, 2230 Cecil Ashburn Drive SE, Huntsville, AL, 35802 for great fellowship, good food, drink, and hearty discussion!
Please note that if the weather is obscenely hot, we will most likely sit indoors.
Text Jeannie and let her know you plan on joining us at 256-348-9918 or email Ranie at
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Grief Group at St. Thomas
The Grief Support Group continues to meet Wednesday at 2:00 in the parlor. The Rev. Carl Malm guides the discussion. Anyone grieving any loss or life transition is encouraged to come. For more information contact Virginia at
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Caregivers Support Group
If you or someone you know is a caregiver for a loved one, we have a support group at St. Thomas that meets every other week. Our next meeting is Wednesday, September 21 at 1 P.M. in the Crossroads Room. If you would like to be added to our meetings notification list or simply want more information about the Caregivers Support Program, text or email Mona Parker: 256-599-9942 or
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Save the Date!
Michaeli Miller and Mark Knight would like to invite you to attend the Celebration and Blessing of their marriage, to be held on October 1st at 3:30 here at St. Thomas. Mikki’s family has attended St. Thomas most of her life; she had her first communion and was confirmed here, and she would love to have as many of the congregation as would like to attend. Communion will be had, hymns will be sung, and officiant The Rt. Rev. Kee Sloan, retired Bishop, will probably tell an embarrassing story or two. Arrive a few minutes early for a lovely prelude, to be sung by Relatively Sharp (and Guests)! For more information, please call Kathy Heim at (614) 329-5991.
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Holy Eucharist, Rite II Service
Throughout this month, we will resume the Wednesday Evening Holy Eucharist, Rite II Service at 6:00 P.M. Due to scheduling issues, this service will have no music. Please join us if you can.
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Sunday Evening Service
5:00 PM Sunday Evening Service in the Nave Join us for the all-ages-welcome come-as-you-are service.
This informal service will continue through November.
Join us afterwards for a quick supper.
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Singers Wanted for Lessons & Carols
The choir is once again welcoming additional voices to join us for our Lessons & Carols Service, which will be held on Sunday, December 11. Weekly rehearsals will begin Wednesday, October 5; 7:00 - 7:40. Please contact Miss Kathy at or 614-329-5991 if you're interested in joining us!
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Renew, Revive, Rejoice
Our 192nd Diocese Convention: Renew, Revive, Rejoice will be held February 2-4, 2023, at Camp McDowell. We will begin collecting nominations for delegates on Sunday, October 2. Nomination forms will be available in the Narthex and church office. Please remember that in order to be nominated a person must be a confirmed Episcopalian, a communicant in good standing known to the treasurer, and able to attend convention.
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Meals on Wheels Delivery Volunteers Needed
Meals on Wheels provides a nutritious lunch Monday-Friday, year-round to Huntsville seniors age 60 or over, who are unable to cook for themselves, have no one available to cook for them, and are primarily homebound. The St Thomas MOW delivery team needs volunteers who can deliver one day each month. If you want to join this ministry or need more information, contact Mark Dixon at (256) 426-0381 or
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All Saints Day
Sunday, November 6 is All Saints Sunday, where we will celebrate All Saints Day. Our custom is to read the names and ring the bell for those family members who have died within the last year. If you have a loved one whose name should be included, please email the office at before Friday, October 28. (We want to make sure all names are spelled correctly, so please email us. Thanks!)
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Blessing of the Animals
Please join us for the annual Blessing of the Animals on Sunday, October 9 at 3:00 PM. No matter what type of animal you have – the 4-legged kind, the swimmers, the crawlers and the hoppers – bring ‘em on! All families will receive a doggie or cat goodie bag. Even if you don’t have a pet, you are invited. It is a fun celebration of all God’s creatures. Don’t miss it.
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A Creative Lifestyle
Belinda Greenaway is hosting a monthly get together for those of us who enjoy a creative lifestyle. That might be artists or knitters or quilters or bookmakers or whatever you wish. The gathering is held the first Friday of the month (October 6) from 2:00-4:00 PM in Heirs Hall 2 classroom. You are asked to bring your own simple tools of the trade and we’ll work on our own disciplines while enjoying great fellowship. Please let Belinda know you’re coming at
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St. Thomas friends,
St. Thomas is fantastic! We were able to deliver 26 units of blood, a big help at a time of great need.
We did it! All of us working together. Thank you each and all! Thank you to those who signed up or walked in. Thank you to those who gave blood and to those who tried to give. Thank you to those who helped in other ways, recruiting donors, waiting patiently, making sandwiches.
Our next blood drive will be held on December 4. Please mark your calendar now to give a someone the gift of life and health this Christmas. 🎄
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If you need to borrow or use anything in the church, please check it out in the church office. This includes wheelchairs, kitchen items, tents, tables/chairs, etc. Please help us be good stewards of our church.
Our deadline for the EPISTLE and Week At A Glance is Tuesday at noon.
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Choir Practice & Queen's Funeral | | | | |