EPN Consulting Limited

The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 29 - Jan 2013   

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In This Issue
Featured Message
FP7 & other Calls shortly expiring
New Calls recently published
EPN Consulting training courses
The IEE 2013 call is now open
The ICT-PSP call is now open
EU Skills Panorama
Open Days 2012 Proceedings
Adriatic-Ionian Macro-Region
Economy & Finance - EU Account Surpluses
Transport-Aviation:EU and EUROCONTROL cooperate
EPN Consulting launched a new Sponsorship Scheme
EPN Consulting launches a new Consulting Service
EPN Consulting celebrated Intern's MSc Degree
Next Professional Events in Europe
The Website of the Month
The EPN Consulting's Core Values

EPN Consulting is The European Professionals Network.

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EPN Consulting is an energetic business offering Consultancy in several areas, an Innovative Network of Professionals and a vibrant Business Hub to clients throughout the UK and Europe.
The company is based in London Victoria and its team boasts many years of experience in the Business Management and Consultancy sector. 
If firms would like to fund their business ideas and/or products, there may be the right opportunity in some of the European funding schemes and
EPN Consulting
can help find those ones suitable to them. 
EPN Consulting is constantly updated about EC activities and has got wide experience in assisting Clients during the preparation of proposals and, when needed, to manage existing projects.  
The firm delivers comprehensive consulting services to businesses (B2B) with the required flexibility to suit any kind of organisation (public or private, SME or large). 
With assistance tailored on Clients' needs, EPN Consulting has fully qualified professionals helping Clients boost their business and their position on the market. 
Consulting areas range from European Affairs, to Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), Sustainable Transport in Smart Cities and Energy & Environment plus additional capabilities focusing on promoting and implementing Innovation in private companies and public authorities. 
The idea of providing a European Professionals Network along with Consultancy is quite unique and this makes
EPN Consulting perfect for business purposes. 
Professionals who join EPN Consulting are entitled to showcase for FREE their expertise on this newsletter, on the News section and on the Business Hub section of the EPN Consulting website with excellent chances to increase their business opportunities.    
EPN Consulting Members can enjoy also additional services for free or at reduced rates.

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Dear Subscriber,   

Welcome to the January 2013 issue of the EPN Consulting Newsletter that is received by over 1,500 selected professionals in Europe.

EPN Consulting is very happy to announce that the 2013 Membership fees (in British Pounds) will remain unchanged for the 2nd year in a row. Although those in Euros may be revised quarterly, the current amounts will remain unchanged until 29 Mar 2013.

January is the right month to launch brand-new activities. Here at EPN Consulting we have worked hard to be ready on time.

We have now a revamped EPN Consulting Sponsorship Scheme that has been carefully designed to help you acquire/increase your professional visibility in Europe and boost your business. Details are described below in this issue.

EPN Consulting is also launching a new Consulting Service: "Access to Italy: The EPN Consulting Support for Italian public tenders". This professional service is dedicate to those companies based in the UK or abroad that would like to enter the Italian market. Details are described below in this issue.

January 2013 is a month with a number of Information Days on several calls for proposals scheduled in Brussels as follows:
10 JAN 2012 - FP7 ICT-2013-11
15 JAN 2012 - CIP ICT-PSP-2013-7
23 JAN 2012 - CIP IEE 2013

For those who submitted project proposals to the CIP Eco-Innovation call closed last September 2012, now the first overview is available here.

EPN Consulting provides assistance to public and private organisations that would like to see their ideas converted in a sound proposal to be submitted.
EPN Consulting is also an ideal partner for your project consortium as we have got a lot of experience in dealing with EC projects.
Contact us to know more about how we can help you.

If some of you are already involved in European projects and would like to publicise your progress,
contact us and you will be impressed by the range of opportunities that are waiting for you.


The EPN Consulting's Network of Professionals generates a lot of excellent know-how and in these days networking is essential to achieve ambitious goals.

If you are not a member yet, don't wait any longer and join us: a number of exclusive services are waiting for you.
The EU Accession Countries enjoy a fantastic 50%-discount on membership fees until 31 Dec 2013!
The EPN Consulting membership fees in GBP will be kept unchanged until 31 Dec 2013 whilst those in EUR may be revised quarterly.


If you would like to advertise your products and/or services on the EPN Consulting Newsletter as well as on other EPN Consulting Communication tools, please contact us.

Have you missed some of the previous issues? Don't worry, you can find all of them online on this webpage.


Finally, if you are already an EPN Consulting Member, please remember that if you introduce new members both of you will receive a discount on your membership fees! As this newsletter is also published on LinkedIn and Twitter, our Members gain immense visibility within and beyond Europe!
We wish you a Prosperous January!  

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This EPN Consulting Newsletter is delivered to your mailbox to inform you about EPN Consulting news, events, business opportunities, happening in Europe.
It is sent to both members and non-members willing to foster innovation in Europe.

Please be assured that all your data stored in our systems will never be given away/sold/disclosed.
EPN Consulting enforces a strict privacy policy and it is registered to the UK's ICO (Information Commissioner's Office).
You receive this newsletter because you have been in touch with EPN Consulting or its CEO in the past.

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FP7 & other Calls shortly expiring   
European Projects


This month the following calls for proposals are close to an end: 


- 08 Jan 2013 - Deadline to submit proposals to theFP7-ENERGY-2013-IRP call 

- 08 Jan 2013 - Deadline to submit proposals to the FP7-PEOPLE-2013-NIGHT call 

- 10 Jan 2013 -
Deadline to submit proposals to the ERC-2013-SyG (Synergy Grant) call


- 15 Jan 2013 - Deadline to submit proposals to the FP7-ICT-2013-10 call 

- 15 Jan 2013 - Deadline to submit proposals to the FP7-ICT-2013-SME-DCA call 


- 16 Jan 2013 - Deadline to submit proposals to the FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2013-1 call 

- 16 Jan 2013 - Deadline to submit proposals to the ERC-2013-Support-1 call 

- 16 Jan 2013 - Deadline to submit proposals to the FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IAPP (Marie Curie) call 

- 17 Jan 2013
- Deadline to submit proposals to the FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IRSES (Marie Curie) call

- 24 Jan 2013 - Deadline to submit proposals to the FP7-ENERGY-2013-2 call 


- 31 Jan 2013 - Deadline to submit proposals to the FP7-SSH-2013-1 call 

- 31 Jan 2013 - Deadline to submit proposals to the FP7-SSH-2013-2 call   



Find out more expiring calls on the  Events Section of the EPN Consulting website.

If you would like to be advised on how to prepare and submit project proposals within the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) and/or other Programmes, EPN Consulting is the right consultancy to choose. Visit the EU Projects Consultancy  for more information.

Would you like to know more about what an EU project is like? Attend one the tailored training courses that EPN Consulting organises for its clients. Visit the Training courses and Seminars section.


Notice: EPN Consulting Members enjoy discounts on EU projects assistance as well as up to a fantastic 20%-discount on Training Courses packages. Join us!

New Calls recently published  
European Projects


- 13 Dec 2012 - CIP IEE 2013 (Intelligent Energy Europe) (Deadline 08 May 2013)

- 19 Dec 2012 -
FP7-ICT-2013-C (Deadline extended to 15 Apr 2013)

- 21 Dec 2012 -
CIP ICT-PSP-2013-7 (ICT-Policy Support Programme) (Deadline 15 May 2013)
If you would like to be advised on how to prepare and submit project proposals within the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) and/or other Programmes (i.e. Competitiveness and Innovation Programme-CIP), EPN Consulting is the right consultancy to choose. Visit the EU Projects Consultancy  for more information.

Would you like to know more about what an EU project is like? Attend one the tailored training courses that EPN Consulting organises for its clients. Visit the Training courses and Seminars section.


Notice: EPN Consulting Members enjoy discounts on EU projects assistance as well as up to a fantastic 20%-discount on Training Courses packages. Join us!


EPN Consulting helps you prepare sound FP7 and CIP projects proposals! Book your place to learn how to improve your chances of success!

EPN Consulting organises "INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN PROJECTS" Courses to help you understand strengths and weaknesses of your ideas and how they can fit in the relevant Calls of interest. Theses courses are very flexible (No. of Students, Course Duration and Course Locations)  to help you get the best out of it.

We look forward to receiving your numerous subscriptions!


EPN Consulting Members receive up to 20% discount on training courses!   


The Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) 2013 call is now open  

EU On 13 Dec 2013 the Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) 2013 call was published.


The IEE call is part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP) and offers a helping hand to organisations willing to improve energy sustainability. Launched in 2003 by the European Commission, the programme is part of a broad push to create an energy-intelligent future for us all. It supports EU energy efficiency and renewable energy policies, with a view to reaching the EU 2020 targets (20% cut in greenhouse gas emissions, 20% improvement in energy efficiency and 20% of renewables in EU energy consumption). 


Funded topics belong to three main areas summarised below plus a number of Integrated Iniatiatives. Funding scheme is generally up to 75% of eligible costs.  

SAVE - Energy efficiency and the rational use of energy

Funding in this area mainly targets the improvement of energy efficiency and the rational use of resources in the industry, products and building sectors.

Examples of supported actions:

  • providing training on construction techniques allowing for energy savings;
  • increasing energy efficiency in outdoor lighting and transferring this knowledge within the EU.

ALTENER - New and renewable resources

In this area, funding is provided to increase the share of renewables in the production of electricity, heat and cooling, and to integrate them in the local energy systems.

Examples of supported actions:

  • tackling non-technological barriers to speed up the introduction of wind energy onto the EU's energy market;
  • developing training schemes for installers of small-scale renewable energy systems.

STEER - Energy in transport

This strand covers initiatives targeting energy savings and energy efficiency in the transport sector, including stimulation of demand for alternative fuels and clean and energy-efficient vehicles.

Examples of supported actions:

  • promoting cycling for everyone as daily transport mode;
  • encouraging energy efficiency in urban logistics.
The IEE 2013 call will close on 08 May 2013.

A European Information Day is scheduled in Brussels on 23 Jan 2013. Registration is available here.

National Information Days will be also organised in some countries. Calendar is available here.


More information on the call is available here.     


The ICT-PSP (Policy Support Programme) call is now open  

EU Just before Christmas 2012,  21 Dec 2012, the CIP ICT-PSP call was published.


The Information and Communication Technologies Policy Support Programme (ICT-PSP) aims at stimulating a wider uptake of innovative ICT based services and the exploitation of digital content across Europe by citizens, governments and businesses, in particular SMEs.



The focus is placed on driving this uptake in areas of public interest while addressing EU challenges such as moving towards a low carbon economy or coping with an ageing society.

The programme contributes to a better environment for developing ICT based services and helps overcome hurdles such as the lack of interoperability and market fragmentation.


Funding goes mainly to pilot actions, involving both public and private organisations, for validating in real settings, innovative and interoperable ICT based services in areas such as:

  • ICT for health, ageing and inclusion;
  • Digital Libraries;
  • ICT for improved public services;
  • ICT for energy efficiency and smart mobility;
  • Multilingual web and Internet evolution.

Networking actions for sharing experiences and preparing the deployment of innovative ICT based solutions in such areas are also supported, as well as the monitoring of the Information Society through benchmarking, analyses and awareness raising actions.


There are five types of instruments for the ICT-PSP work programme:
  • Pilot (Type A) - building on initiatives in Member States or associated countries
  • Pilot (Type B) - stimulating the uptake of innovative ICT- based services and products
  • Thematic Networks - providing a forum for stakeholders to exchange experiences and build consensus
  • Best Practice Networks - exclusively for digital content, Europeana and creativity areas: they support sharing of best practices in these fields.
  • PPI Pilot (Public Procurement for Innovative Solutions) - supporting public procurement as a driver for the deployment of innovative solutions
These instruments are defined in detail in the Work Programme. They provide complementary financing tools in order to reach the ICT PSP objectives. More information on the instruments can be found in the Work Programme or in the Guides for Applicants.
The ICT-PSP call will close on 15 May 2013.


A European Information Day is scheduled in Brussels on 15 Jan 2013. Registration can be done here


 More info on this call is available here.  


Jobseekers in the EU - Commission launches "EU Skills Panorama" to tackle skills mismatches        

EU Brussels, 07 Dec 2012 - The European Commission officially launched the EU Skills Panorama, a website presenting quantitative and qualitative information on short- and medium-term skills needs, skills supply and skills mismatches.


The Panorama, drawing on data and forecasts compiled at EU and Member State level, will highlight the fastest growing occupations as well as the top 'bottleneck' occupations with high numbers of unfilled vacancies.


 Currently, there are around 2 million job vacancies across the EU despite high levels of unemployment. The website contains detailed information sector by sector, profession by profession and country by country.


Androulla Vassiliou, the European Commissioner responsible for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, said: "Improved skills and qualifications are key to boosting Europe's productivity and competitiveness. The EU Skills Panorama will provide a single access point to the most up-to-date European and national information sources. It will also help us to improve the response of education and training systems to changing skill trends and to ensure people are equipped for those areas where job demand is set to increase".


Laszlo Andor, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion commented: "The EU Skills Panorama is the first European tool to give access with just a click to relevant information about trends in skills requirements in all EU countries. This online information tool presents comprehensive information on skills mismatches and will ultimately help to direct jobseekers to the most demanded occupations throughout Europe".


The Skills Panorama shows that the occupations with the most unfilled vacancies in the EU today are those of finance and sales professionals.


Other shortages most frequently reported concern biologists, pharmacologists, medical doctors and related professionals, nurses, ICT computing professionals and engineers.


The website indicates that the strongest mismatch between skills and labour market needs exists in Lithuania, Bulgaria, Belgium, Hungary and Ireland, whereas in Portugal, Denmark and the Netherlands the situation is much better.

The EU Skills Panorama will be regularly updated with the latest data.


More info available here.


Open Days 2012 - Proceedings now published          

EU Brussels, 14 Dec 2012 - The Proceedings of the 10th European Week of Regions and Cities are now available.  


The publication is a compendium (172 pages) of most of the OPEN DAYS' Brussels-based workshops. It also provides an overall event and a media coverage analysis.


Hard copies will be available as of mid January 2013 and can be requested here.    

InfoRegio - One step closer to an Adriatic-Ionian Macro-Region            


Brussels, 14 Dec 2012 - At the European Council of 14th December, EU Heads of State and Government invited the European Commission to put forward a proposal for a new Macro-Regional Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region before the end of 2014.


Building on the successes of the current Macro-Regions in the Danube and Baltic Sea regions, the Commission will now proceed to draw up a draft strategy for the 8 countries concerned (Greece, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Albania). Commissioner for Regional Policy, Johannes Hahn, met the Foreign Ministers of the participating countries on 19 November to discuss the main elements of the future territorial cooperation of the Adriatic-Ionian countries.


The European Council also called for the full implementation of the revised Baltic Sea Strategy and for a deeper cooperation with the Northern Dimension.  


The Council Conclusions can be found here


Economy & Finance - The Commission published a Report on Current Account Surpluses in the EU  
Brussels, 18 Dec 2012 - Macroeconomic imbalances in the Euro area and in the EU expanded significantly in the run-up to the financial crisis. The imbalances manifested themselves in significant and persistent divergence in the current accounts of EU Member States.

Although the current account of the Wuro area, as a whole, remained broadly balanced, current account deficits deteriorated significantly in some Member States, while surpluses increased substantially in others.

From the macroeconomic viewpoint, the deficits in the euro area were thus financed by the surpluses in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Finland, Austria and Luxembourg. Outside the monetary union, Denmark and Sweden also ran important surpluses.

A similar accumulation of external imbalances was observed on a global scale. For example, the United States ran persistent current account deficits, while China and Japan registered persistent surpluses. Notwithstanding the intra-Euro area rebalancing underway, the current account surpluses and deficits recorded by some EU countries are still high.

The objective of this special analytical report is to analyse the persistently large current account surpluses in a number of Member States. In particular, the report explores whether the large surpluses in several EU Member States have been optimal from their own perspective, whether there is a link between surpluses and deficits in the euro area and whether there is a sustainable re-balancing in the Euro area (and the EU) underway.

The report focuses on eight EU Member States, six euro area Member States - Austria, Belgium, Germany, Finland, the Netherlands and Luxembourg - and two non-euro area countries - Sweden and Denmark.

The Commission monitors current account surpluses and deficits under the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure (MIP), which was introduced in December 2011. Its aim is to identify, prevent and correct harmful imbalances by ensuring that appropriate policy responses are adopted in Member States in a coordinated manner.

More information available here.

The 2012 Account Surplus document can be found here.

The 2012 Fiscal Sustainability document can be found here.    
Transport - Aviation: EU and EUROCONTROL agree on Stronger Technical Co-operation   
Brussels, 20 Dec 2012 - The EU and the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL) signed in the margin of the Transport Council a high-level agreement.

The agreement
will provide a general framework for cooperation and will allow the Commission to make use of the know-how and the expertise of Eurocontrol to speed up the implementation of the Single European Sky (SES).

The main goal is achieving an optimal and integrated Air Traffic Management (ATM) network, offering a high degree of safety, cost-efficiency, capacity and environmental protection, for the benefit of passengers and citizens

The EC Vice-President Siim Kallas, responsible for Mobility and Transport, said: "Strengthening the mutual cooperation between the EU and EUROCONTROL means strengthening the Single European Sky. An accelerated implementation of the SES is crucial for the competitiveness, growth and sustainability of Europe's entire air transport system. EUROCONTROL will be able now to bring even more of its valuable expertise into the project".


The objectives of the agreement are:

  • the recognition and utilisation of EUROCONTROL expertise including civil-military cooperation to support the EU in the implementation of SES and other related policies, in particular in the fields of environment, including climate change, and research and development, in order to improve the performance of the European ATM network;

  • to establish the necessary cooperation to support and facilitate the involvement of non-EU Member States in the SES, with a view to extending the implementation of the SES beyond the EU and to progressively achieving the application of the SES legislative framework by EUROCONTROL's entire membership;

  • to ensure synergies and avoid duplication of the European Aviation Safety agency's (EASA) work in safety related ATM matters and environmental issues, including, through the development of robust cooperation mechanisms between EASA and EUROCONTROL, taking into account EUROCONTROL's pan-European responsibilities.

More info available here.
EPN Consulting launched a new Sponsorship scheme  

EPN Consulting Limited          







Last 17 Dec 2012 EPN Consulting launched a New Sponsorship Scheme aiming to increase visibility of your company in Europe and help you boost your business.


There are four Sponsorship packages (Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum) that start with the publication of your logo on this monthly Newsletter that is received by over 1,500 selected professionals in Europe working on several areas (Transport, Environment, ICT, Energy, etc.) and belonging to different kinds of organisations (SMEs, large companies, local authorities, universities, NGOs, etc.).

By choosing a richer package you can also publish one or more editorials on the newsletter as well as advertise events/workshops you will organise also on the EPN Consulting website (News and/or Events Sections).

With the Platinum package your visibility will be further increased with more features available including the publication of news about your activities on the EPN Consulting CEO Twitter and Linked accounts.


You can choose to subscribe to this service for 6 or 12 months (renewals will be properly rewarded!) and pay either in British Pound or in Euros. Don't miss this opportunity: start the 2013 with an effective strategy of communication: EPN Consulting is happy to advise on the best package for you. 


EPN Consulting Members enjoy discounts that grow proportionally with their membership package.  


More details of the EPN Consulting Sponsorship Scheme are available here



EPN Consulting launches a new Consulting Service  

EPN Consulting Limited 


EPN Consulting is proud to announce a New Consulting Service named "Access to Italy: The EPN Consulting Support for Italian Public Tenders".


EPN Consulting is now able to offer a complete package of services for companies who want to enter the Italian market by participating in public tenders.

The consulting package is modular and includes:
-    Monitoring of the Italian tenders for the requested business sector
-    First evaluation of the business opportunity (matching of tender notice with company profile)
-    Translation of all tender documents from Italian in English
-    Legal assistance in the preparation of the Administrative documents
-    Support in the preparation of the technical proposal
-    Support in the selection of local partners
-    Support during tender submission
-    Support during contract award

Services can be tailored to your needs.


if you would like to expand your business in 2013 and Italy is one of your target country, EPN Consulting can help you achieve your goals.

Be the first to use this service! Send us an email with your requests and you will be soon contacted by one of our consultants. 



EPN Consulting celebrated the MSc degree of its intern 

EPN Consulting Limited  MM    







Last 07 Dec 2012 EPN Consulting celebrated the MSc in Management Engineering of its intern, Ms Margherita Maria, awarded by the Politecnico di Torino (Italy). Margherita prepared her thesis entitled "To Make Mobility Sustainable through Intelligent Transport Systems and Services: Goal and Challenge for the European Union" during her internship at EPN Consulting where she was tutored by Dr Ing Stefano Mainero, EPN Consulting CEO.

The work was divided in the following chapters:

  1. European policies for environment and mobility
  2. Air pollution
  3. Pollution and Transport
  4. The Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe
  5. The structure of the 7th Framework Programme
  6. Stages of FP7
  7. The operational phases and their criticalities
  8. Conclusions 

We wish Margherita a very bright future!


Next Professional Events happening in Europe

- 07-09 Jan 2013 - Izmir (TR) - ENV - IPWE 2013 - 6th International Perspective on Water Resources & the Environment 


- 15 Jan 2013 - Brussels (BE) - EUP+ICT- Information Day on the 7th ICT-PSP (Policy Support Programme) Call for Proposal 


- 15 Jan 2013 - Brussels (BE) - ENV+EUP - INFODAY ON FP7 ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH in the specific fields of WATER INNOVATION Demonstration Projects    


- 20-23 Jan 2013 - Amsterdam (NL) - BIZ+TRA - FIETSVAK 2013 (dedicated to the cycling industry and associations) 

- 21-23 Jan 2013 - Ostrava (CZ) - ICT - GIS Ostrava 2013 - Geoinformatics for City Transformations


- 23 Jan 2013 - Brussels (BE) - ENE+ENV+EUP+TRA - IEE 2013 Information Day 


- 28-30 Jan 2013 - London (UK) - ICT+ITS+TRA - TRANSPORT TICKETING 2013 - Conference and Expo




Find out many more events on the EPN Consulting Events Section.

There are fantastic business opportunities for you.

If you buy one of the Sponsorship packages you could sponsor one or more events or even have your logo on the top page of the Events Section (Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze packages available). Please drop us an email if interested and we will provide you with all information.


Notice: EPN Consulting Members enjoy up to 20% discount on sponsoring packages. Join us!

The Website of the Month: IEA's 25 Bright Ideas   

IEA Logo 

This month EPN Consulting has chosen the International Energy Agency (IEA) and, in particular, its 25 Bright Ideas.


As known, EPN Consulting is sensitive about techniques, technologies and habits (and their promotion) to save energy in several fields. These 25 simple steps can be easily adopted by each of us to improve the quality of life of our planet.

The IEA is an autonomous organisation which works to ensure reliable, affordable and clean energy for its 28 member countries and beyond. The IEA's four main areas of focus are: Energy Security, Economic Development, Environmental Awareness and Engagement Worldwide.

The IEA's 25 Bright Ideas about Energy Efficiency Recommendations are divided in 7 groups covering all phases of our daily lifestyle:
  • Getting Started
  • It begins at home
  • Gadgets and Gigawatts
  • Light it Right
  • On the road
  • At work
  • Even your energy supplier  
The EPN Consulting's Core Values   
EPN Consulting Limited


to provide you with industry-unbiased solutions 


to quickly understand your problems and design bespoke solutions


to meet all your requirements


to allow you carry out your day-to-day business with peace of mind


to exceed your expectations 


to provide you with brand-new solutions

Please contact us for any question about becoming an EPN Consulting member, proposing business offers, informing us on your business specialties, et cetera.
   Kind Regards,   

Stefano Mainero

Founder, CEO

 EPN Consulting Limited 
London, UK 
View our profile on LinkedIn