Fall is my favorite time of the year. It seems that as soon as November rolls around, the world takes on a different attitude. People seem a little more generous and a little more in tune with the important things in life. This is the season of Thanksgiving…and every day that I live in Enid, Oklahoma, I am thankful. I am fortunate enough to have lived and worked internationally and I still travel regularly with my job, and that helps me to remember the reasons I love living in Enid, OK.
I am thankful for a short commute to work.
I am thankful that because of my short commute, I can take my kids to school everyday.
I am grateful that I have a historical connection to this place – that my family was here before the land run and is still here today.
I’m proud of the fierce, passionate, determined, independent attitude of the people in northwest Oklahoma.
I’m thankful everyday that I work with hundreds of people in our community and across the state that are working tirelessly to improve the quality of life for all of us.
I am grateful that I can attend the Symphony, the Theater, or a ZZ Top concert all within 10 minutes of my house.
I’m thankful for my job that allows me to work on behalf of our community to improve our quality of life.
I am thankful for the warm, generous heart of the people and non-profits who support the under privileged and under served populations in our community.
Take some time this month to be thankful for what you have. As they say, the grass is always greener…but take a second look at the quality of life we enjoy that allows us to put the most important things first. I promise, it’s of far higher value than living with 5 million strangers spending most of your day in the car driving from place to place…
Thousands of people are looking for what we have. Our mission is to share the news of the abundant life available in Enid with those who are looking for more. We want passionate, engaged, generous people to move to Enid, to help our businesses grow, to support our non-profits, and to enjoy our quality of life.
Thank you for all you do to make our community a great place. Happy Thanksgiving!
Lisa Powell
Executive Director