Yet among the mature we do impart wisdom, although it is not a wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are doomed to pass away. But we impart a secret and hidden wisdom of God, which God decreed before the ages for our glory. None of the rulers of this age understood this, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. 1 Corinthians 2:6-8

I want you husbands and wives to be truly happy couples. But I also want you to live without any shame in the sight of God or the nation. You must be able to stand with your chin held high, with true pride. What is the secret of living like this? Can you say to the nation, "Give me more. Take care of me"? That brings shame. You must give to the nation. Ask, "What do you need? Let me provide whatever service you need." Even if the whole country came against you, you would have no shame and you could stand with dignity. I am simply saying that you must practice true love. SMM, We Shall Live in the Original Homeland, July 1, 1987

Hello Richard,

At the beginning of the Sunday service Gregg Noll spoke about the open house event on Saturday. Many “awakened” neighbors came and thanked us for coming to Thorn Hill. Gregg showed a presentation of True Father’s life and ministry. Hyung Jin Nim explained that this started when he met Jesus at age 16, establishing the first Unification Church in a mud-hut to launching the Washington Times as the main alternative media of the time, which cost $40M/year, and other ways to fight “political satanism” until the present day. The establishment media in Korea and Japan (NHK) just copy “news” from the New York Times, Washington Post and other leftist sources. The MAGA movement is now experiencing the vilification that his father and other “Moonies” experienced for more than 40 years.

Many visitors expressed the desire to donate food for the next event. One said “I feel like I know you, Pastor Moon! I’ve watched all of your King Bullethead music videos!”

The passage in 1 Corinthians 2:6-8 speaks of God’s wisdom versus the political “wisdom” of the collapsing, overextended Roman empire. Many countries have been using the American dollar to trade, but now they are using other currencies and sending back dollars to America, leading to more inflation. Kings teach their children to invest in real assets, land, precious metals, etc.

The BRICs nations want to create a new currency backed by gold. The problem is that none of those countries will defend the liberties of God. We in America abused liberties by allowing our government to accumulate power to impose an immoral agenda.

Sanctuary Service 4/9/2023

The Communist government in China rewarded children who reported their parents. We saw the same in Canada, where citizens were asked to report their neighbors who were meeting during the Covid lockdown.

If the Han Mother had followed True Father's directions, out of love for him, then Hyung Jin Nim would have coordinated all assets of the Unification Movement, including the Washington Times, which could have been at the head of pro-MAGA media and other alternative media. It would have been generally supportive of Trump, although critical when he did wrong.

As stated in 1 Corinthians 2:8, if the rulers of this world had true wisdom, they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory. Shinjoon is writing a thesis on this topic. When he said “it is finished” what did he mean? Why did he then promise to come again? Jesus challenged the Jewish/Roman establishment. He stood up against evil. Unlike Mohammed, he did not use state power to force conversions.

The first two years of Jesus’ ministry was to establish God’s original purpose, the 3 blessings spoken of in Gen 1:28, leading to the Kingdom of God on earth.

Even though the Jewish leaders failed, God still made a way through the early Christian communities, where each could connect with God and Christ through faith, engrafted into a spiritual lineage. The future promise spoken of in the Bible is still the Kingdom of God, where Christ's lineage would continue on earth.

The leading Jewish apologist Tovia Singer believes that the Messiah will have a family and that His lineage will be forever blessed. Prophecies in Isaiah speak about His lineage and kingdom being everlasting on earth.

The role of True Father’s line is to defend the Constitution and the freedom of the citizens. Centralization of federal power, such as a national police or permanent military, would be illegal. In contrast, the Rod of Iron Kingdom promotes a system of sheriffs elected by the people.

Protestants have no explanation about what kind of kingdom Christ will establish when he returns. We say that it is a kingdom of freedom and responsibility which reflects God’s will and nature, not outsourcing responsible actions to a government. Liberty is a gift of God’s grace.

An armed society is a polite society. Your neighbors would be powerful, not weak. You have an incentive to negotiate and exercise patience. It’s important to interact with and to know our neighbors so that we can help each other in times of trouble.

When God made Adam and Eve, their sexual parts were there for a purpose, to establish a lineage. We have to fight for the blessing of liberty to continue and be established for our grandchildren. Everyone thinks that the USA is dead, but we should say, “not on my watch!” Allowing expansion of gas/oil production would lead to cheaper energy which would reinvigorate the American economy. The 2024 election will be the last stand against tyranny.

It was hard for the disciples after the crucifixion. They thought Jesus was dead, but God had a plan. With God, all things are possible, but we still have to play our part. It’s time to stand together to defend freedom.


Here is an opportunity to support the construction of the 3rd King’s parsonage on the Cheongpyeong property on the occasion of his blessing to Chiu Sakai on April 23, 2023 and to obtain a precious calligraphy of this year’s God’s Day motto signed by the 2nd and 3rd Kings with your family’s name. Click here for more information.


Ideology vs REALITY

During the vast century women in the U.S. have made vast gains in education and participation in the workforce. Women are more likely to graduate from college and graduate school. Many researchers express concern that increasing numbers of men are dropping out of college and out of the workforce.

Furthermore, men are 3 times more likely to commit suicide in all adult age groups. Despite their progress in education and in the workplace, many girls and women express feelings of persistent hopelessness and sadness. A toxic cultural environment clearly harms both sexes.

Nevertheless, there are positive trends. 96% of youth and young adults (13-24) say that marriage is NOT outdated. 92% say they definitely or probably want to be married some day. Unfortunately, our culture does not offer much positive guidance about how to obtain this goal.

Adult men and women who are married, on average, are healthier, less likely to suffer from domestic violence. They also live longer. Married women are more likely to report that sex makes them feel loved, wanted and taken care of. They are less likely to report that having sex makes them feel anxious, scared or guilty.

Fatherless children suffer higher rates of poverty, dropping out school, incarceration, and emotional/behavioral problems. Boys who report a good relationship with their fathers are better able to deal with stress. Youth who have a positive relationship with both their father and mother have greater emotional self-adequacy. Such findings lead to a proposal for the declaration of a human right: Every child on the face of the earth has the right to the association, protection, love and guidance of BOTH of his/her natural parents.

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Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President

World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA

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"Sanctuary Church" is short-hand for "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary" which is from calligraphy on a scroll presented to Hyung Jin Moon by his father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. The purpose of the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc." is to "preserve and propagate the Biblically-based teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon."

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