Fall Staff Appreciation
Donate a Store Bought Pie to our Douglas Staff!
Every November, we as a school community, come together to show our appreciation for all the staff members at Douglas School for their hard work and dedication to our children and our families by donating baked goods of all kinds to take home to their families and share before the Thanksgiving Break. We cannot say “thank you” enough for all the hard work, planning, organization and patience that the staff have put in to make this year successful. Please Sign Up Here: Douglas PTO: Fall Staff Appreciation (signupgenius.com)
Here are the guidelines for the event:
- We are asking families to only donate STORE-BOUGHT and SEALED pies, cakes, muffins, breads or whatever you enjoy to give to the Douglas School staff.
All treats will be collected between November 19th and November 20th by 4:00pm.
Please bring your treat to 39 Mohegan Road, Acton, between those times and leave your treat in the bin labeled "Staff Appreciation''.
The staff will be presented with the array of treats on November 21st for them all to enjoy!
This is a beloved event for our staff, and we want to continue this tradition! Please sign up to donate an item (or items) of your choice.
*Please note that this is a staff event only. Families are not asked to attend.
PTO General Meeting Nov 15 @7pm via Zoom
Save the date! Join in and get involved in the Douglas community! Our special guest speaker is Jen Faber, the District’s Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. She is going to speak on her vision for the district in the next 5 years and how Douglas plays a part in that. The meeting runs this Wednesday night, November 15 from 7pm-8pm over zoom. Join the Zoom meeting here!
Douglas SpiritWear Online Store Open until Nov 21!
Now’s your chance to order Douglas branded t-shirts, sweatshirts, PJs, joggers, blankets, hats, pullovers, and more! All orders placed will be filled once the sale closes on 11/21, and will be delivered to your child’s backpack at school! While we can’t guarantee it, we are aiming for delivery the week before Winter Holiday break begins! (We try to make it so they can’t peek in case it’s a holiday gift.)
The Douglas Student Council often declares spirit days throughout the year that are perfect for students to wear Douglas branded apparel, so stock up!
Click this link to order: https://https-graphicconnectionsacton-itemorder-com.itemorder.com/shop/home/
Sock Drive: Now through Dec 19
A Douglas Alumni, Frank Ricciardone (Douglas class of 2014 and ABRHS class of 2020) has organized a sock drive for the homeless in Boston. The drive is going on now through December 19th. See information about the sock drive here and a flier about the event here. The collection box has been placed near the Learning Commons.
Looking for Members to
Join the 6th Grade Yearbook Committee
We are looking for help to make this year’s 6th Grade yearbook a success!
If you are interested in helping please reach out to Susan at ptosusandg@gmail.com.
Host a Douglas Experience!
This year we are hoping to bring back the Douglas Experience Auction! It’s an online auction, open for one week in January to bid on experiences donated by Douglas families. Any Douglas Family could offer to host an experience, such as a night out for parents, trivia or poker night, paint & sip party, axe throwing, or a dinner party for a small group in your home as some examples. In the past we’ve had family scavenger hunts, escape rooms, pizza making, and cookie decorating to name a few! When donating you make the rules, the spaces could be limited (you set the spots available), you set the price. It’s run more as a first come, once all the spots are filled the auction for that item is closed. There is no over bidding. This is a fundraiser and money raised goes to the PTO but it is also a great way to create community memories.
We are looking for events to offer for Douglas parents!
Questions? Ideas? Want to host a casual and fun night for Douglas parents to mingle? Email Susan Giulietti @ ptosusandg@gmail.com
Support the Douglas PTO at our
West Acton Holiday Shopping event on November 30th
Mark Your Calendars for “West Acton Holiday Shopping”! Stop by and support our neighbors and local businesses, Eve & Murray’s, Silver Unicorn Bookstore, Smudge Ink, and Wish, on Thursday November 30 during store hours. Don’t forget to mention "DOUGLAS” at checkout and a portion of sales will go right back to our school.
Updates from the Health Office
When to get your flu shot
CDC expects multiple viruses to spread this fall and winter, including flu, COVID-19, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).The CDC recommends that people 6 months and older get vaccinated for flu. The agency recommends getting the vaccine in the fall months though it is helpful to get the flu vaccine as long as influenza is circulating, which can continue into the spring. When you get the flu shot, it takes your body a week or two to develop enough antibodies to protect you. The flu vaccine protects against four varieties of flu, two which are known as “type A” viruses and two “type B” viruses. You can use Vaccines.gov to find a flu vaccine near you.
Douglas Teacher Wish List on Amazon
Looking for ways to support our teachers this year? We have an Amazon Wish List that includes various items our teachers have wished for. If you would like to help make some of the wishes come true and support our teachers and students, please pick an item or two from the list to donate. The items will be shipped directly to the coordinator, who will then organize, label, and deliver them safely to the school. The list will remain active throughout the school year and we will continue to add new items as more wishes come in.
Check out our Douglas Teachers wish list here.
If you are a teacher at Douglas and would like to add items to the list please email Emmy Whitney at emmywhitney@yahoo.com. We hope to make your wishes come true! Thank you!
Be a Library Volunteer!
We are looking for volunteers to help shelve books and help the Douglas Library Media Assistant manage classes during the student’s library time. If you’d like to sign up during your child’s library time (or at any time) please see the calendar HERE and click on the teacher’s name to sign up. You will need a CORI on file.
Download this map of the library to help shelve books!
Library Volunteer Training is Available please email douglasschoolpto@gmail.com to schedule a time.
Open Position: Library Media Assistant
Douglas School is currently searching for someone to fill the role of Library Media Assistant. If you or someone you know is interested please apply to the job position using the link below.
Library Media Assistant Position Online Job Posting
Description: Oversee library and provide direct instruction to K-6 students.
Qualifications: High School diploma + 2 years of college required or successful completion of formal Massachusetts assessment program. Library Media coursework and experience preferred. Teaching experience preferred.
Questions about the role? Contact Mr. Wolpe at lwolpe@abschools.org.
Contact PTO Co-Chairs Mary Georgilas & Tracy Walton at douglasschoolpto@gmail.com
Douglas Resources: https://linktr.ee/DouglasSchool