
The EAST Weekly Volume 36, 2022-2023

Only 3 more days of Advanced Placement Testing!

Mustangs on the Move

11th grader Kaitlyn Woodland is part of a Global Citizen Adventure Corps (GCAC) volunteer program beginning May 21st in which she will be traveling to Atenas, Costa Rica to serve at the Rescue Center Costa Rica to aid the animals and in any other way the staff their needs. Kaitlyn will also assist in teaching UN Sustainable Development Goals to a local primary school. This is part of the Global Studies Dual Enrollment Program through Bethel University.

This weekend our seniors were recognized by the district for their academic scholarships! Our very own SGT Eugene Broadus was recognized as the Memphis Shelby County Army Instructor of the Year. Go Mustangs!!

Have a Mustang on the move you want to highlight? Send submissions to [email protected] by Thursday each week to include in the weekly newsletter. Our Mustangs are doing great things and we want to hear about it. 

Early postsecondary opportunities (EPSOs) include a course and/or exam that give students a chance to obtain postsecondary credit while still in high school. Courses (whether stand-alone or in conjunction with an exam for postsecondary credit) must be aligned to postsecondary standards.

Week at a glance: May 8th - May 12th

Monday, May 8th: Skinny

  • AP Calculus Testing @ 8:00
  • AP Computer Science Principles Testing @ 12:00

Tuesday, May 9th: ODD

  • AP Language Testing @ 8:00

Wednesday, May 10th: EVEN

  • AP Spanish Testing @ 8:00
  • AP Biology Testing @ 12:00

Thursday, May 11th: ODD

Friday, May 12th: EVEN

  • Senior Pinning Ceremony @ 10:00
  • Senior Banquet @ 6:00

Live Stream Information for the Senior Banquet is below!

East's Facebook page and https://subsplash.com/christchurchunitedmethod/media/mi/+shry2jp?

Student Opportunities and News You Can Use! 

M.E and the Road to 2023

ALL SENIORS ARE EXPECTED TO ATTEND SCHOOL ON FRIDAY, MAY 12TH! After the pinning ceremony (10am-12pm) we will distribute cords, pick up laptops, etc. Even if you have work-based learning you will need to make arrangements to be here.