Refocus on Customer Advocacy
Customer advocacy means building a culture where, ideally, everyone in every role is advocating for customers. So here's the definition I use for customer advocacy. And you'll see, there are two parts to it:
Customer advocacy consists of 1) the actions you take to focus the organization on doing what's best for customers, 2) which in turn rewards you with loyal customers who advocate for your products and brand.
Customer advocacy can play out in many different ways. For example, a cabinet designer takes the time to understand how the customer will use the kitchen before making recommendations. The utility's billing department redesigns invoices to show usage trends and provides tips on how to save. The marketing team asks customer service agents to review messages for clarity before sending them out to customers.
Sometimes entire organizations refocus on customer advocacy. When Charles Schwab returned to the financial firm bearing his name, he simplified services and refocused on customers and their needs. Schwab, the company, roared back, and Schwab, the person, was nicknamed "The Great Emancipator."
Think of customer advocacy as an ingredient that complements all of the activities already happening across the organization. Everybody makes decisions with the customer in mind..Read more