Here is some of what I'm up to this Summer. Please join me if anything here calls you! And, if you are a last-minute person and live in Portland, join my Tag Along at the Last Minute list! I'm usually down for being invited out to do things, too! Try me!
5.17-27 - Jenkintown, PA Family Visit
6.9 - The Strawberry Party, Banks, OR
6.20-23 - Breitenbush Summer Solstice Healing Retreat (my 29th or 30th!)
6.28-30 - (if I have company...) Bodi Mojo Festival!
7.10-15 - Oregon Country Fair (see video below!)
7.18-21 - Shady Pines Campout
7.25-28 - Cascadia Songrise (very likely)
8.2-8.4 - Coastal thing - Heart Barn (ring me if you'd like to camp with me at this)
8.8 weekend - Subdued String Festival (long shot, but maybe)
8.23-25 - Garcia Birthday Band Festival - I went last year, no tix yet, but likely
8.25-30 - SAM Camp! (probably sold out)