
Welcome to the Eleven Eleven Eleven. Happy Guanggun Jie (AKA Single’s Day)!

After 4 years of being traumatized by a raging bully the nation is coming out of a trance. I'm coming out of a trance. Some people want to think that the election is not over, but it is and soon we'll have a more decent, productive, rational and helpful executive branch in Washington, DC. Thus spaketh the Albert :)

Leading up to the election I did a wide variety of things to try to sway things, but I also maintained focus on the projects I've been working on in the past couple of years - keeping trees standing and eliminating gas-powered leaf blowers. That gave me somethings to focus on where I knew I could make a difference vs. having a sense that pouring myself into national electoral politics would make less of an obvious result. That said, I'm so grateful to everyone who made an effort in this last election. Thank you for every last little thing you did - hosting yard signs/writing postcards/writing songs/talking to your friends, family and neighbors and VOTING! - I keep thinking we dodged a major bullet by not having a tyrant running things for another 4 years. I expect that the world will be healing from this wound for years. I've been spending this time doing more co-counseling than I usually do, as well. That's helped keep me sane as I continue doing activist work all these years.

If you haven't watched Senator and now VP Elect Kamala Harris's acceptance speech yet, check it out below. That, more than President Elect Joe Biden's speech spoke to me. I also picture that Kamala Harris will likely become president eventually, so this was a great introduction to her potential in that role.
On the tree front, there's so much to say. I've been coordinating a FB Group for the past 4 years that's all about keeping trees in Portland and beyond, standing. Most recently, our group has been advocating to strengthen Portland's tree code (11, by the way :) so that it is harder for developers and anyone else to take down a large tree. At the same time we're keeping an eye on Oregon's forests, too and advocating for saner practices and trusting science. Given that trees are one of the most effective ways to combat the climate crisis, having more of them makes a lot of sense.

If you'd like to weigh in and encourage Portland's City Council to plant more trees in our area parks, please sign this petition. Via online petitions, a newsletter, a FB group and just pushing back in any way I can figure out - my goal is to build up Portland's tree canopy: for fresher air - for more beauty - for the critters :)

Then, there's the leaf blowers and American lawn culture - start with this fun song below...
⬇️Bob & Tom Show: Asylum Street Spankers 'Leafblower'⬇️
Our group, Quiet Clean PDX had a big win last year - we got the City of Portland to agree to stop using gas-powered leaf blowers. This also includes city contractors. This is a huge win and will mean 300+ less gas-powered leaf blowers being used in our parks and streets. Think of how much less noise that means! If you'd like to join in - here's another petition to sign! Each signature sends a message to our City Council that we want less of these noisy polluting machines in our lives. Feel free to borrow this strategy.

Between our letters to the editor; radio appearances; efforts on; and a dozen other things, I can actually say without any hesitation that the neighborhood I live in is a lot quieter than it was when I started on this about 5 years ago. I wish the same for everyone and I'll stick with this one because it makes such a big difference. Hearing less of these things also lets me know that less gas is being burned and less fumes are in the air...

It's fun being an activist. People come up to you on the street and thank you for your efforts :)

I hope your life is going well. These are some challenging times for many - if you have extra, please figure out a way to give to others - time, money - whatever you have. You'll feel better and the world will go better if we all start being a lot more generous :)

Please write back and let me know how you're doing and if there is any way I can support you.

Lots of love,


PS - One thing I have to give is my 11 Life Tips series. If you haven't tried it out yet, please do! If you click that link it will automatically start up :)
Lawn and Garden Equipment - Noise Free America:

All of this lawn and garden equipment is very noisy. Gas-powered lawn mowers range from 82 to 90 decibels. Gas-powered leaf blowers make 80 to 92 decibels of racket. Weed whackers make 96 decibels of noise. Hedge trimmers can blast away at 103...

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