The Employee Express

EODA/HR Bi-Weekly Newsletter

Student Services Building


Leah Espinoza Headshot

Happy Thursday Broncos! Thank you for tuning in to another edition of The Employee Express, created specifically for our employees here at Cal Poly Pomona. The November 16th issue of our newsletter includes a new Employee Spotlight of Lylannie Marie Ducut from the Asian and Pacific Islander Student Center, new EODA/HR events and CPP career opportunities, 27 employees recruited to new positions on campus, and several updates and reminders. Have a great weekend and have a wonderful Thanksgiving next week! 🦃

Leah Espinoza, Editor, The Employee Express


Lylannie Marie Ducut Headshot

Lylannie Marie Ducut

Asian and Pacific Islander Student Retention Coordinator

In her role with the Asian and Pacific Islander Student Center, Lylannie provides one-to-one coaching to support students in achieving their educational and career goals. She also oversees the operations of the center including facilitating cultural events. Recently, she supported the APISC and ASI BEAT in our successful Bronco Night Market!

In her nomination, it was said that, “Lylannie is a gifted community organizer and strategic practitioner. She models community care by checking in with students and team members. She is a leader in our organization working towards recognition for our institution's designation of Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-serving institution by boldly serving the APIDA diaspora through access, retention, and belonging initiatives."

Thank you, Lylannie, for your 1 year of service and all you do for Cal Poly Pomona!

Two Cal Poly Pomona students

What do you like most about your job?

"Overall - my students are my WHY in this role. Being able to support them through one-to-one coaching and being in a community with cultural organizations makes it worthwhile."

Cal Poly Pomona students drumming

What is a quick tip that you want the campus to know?

"The Centers for TREE are here to support all students - please do not hesitate to refer students to us or come to our many wonderful identity conscious events!"

Dog sitting in the passenger seat of a car

What do you like to do when you are not working?

"Outside of work - I am a dog mom to a puppy, love being in nature and exploring, and being with my family!"

Is there an employee who you believe goes above and beyond for Cal Poly Pomona?

Submit a Nomination


We're hiring written on a notepad sitting on a keyboard

Calling all Broncos! Are you looking to advance your career or refer a colleague to a position at CPP? Look no further than our career opportunities website! These positions offer a unique opportunity to grow within the university and take on new challenges while leveraging your existing knowledge and experience. Let's work together to create a thriving community and advance our careers here at Cal Poly Pomona!

Career Opportunities Website


Employee Benefits in a purple dialogue box with a megaphone

Benefits Information Session

Employee Benefits in a purple dialogue box with a megaphone

Benefits Information Session

Learning with a Leader - Dr. Victoria Bhavsar

Learning with a Leader:

Dr. Victoria Bhavsar

Tuesday November 21

9 - 11:30 a.m.

Tuesday December 12

9 - 11:30 a.m.

Thursday December 14

1 - 2 p.m.

Register Here

Learn an in depth understanding of benefits offered by the Cal State University. Receive step by step instructions on how to enroll and where to locate benefit information. We encourage attendance to assist in forming an educated decision on which benefit plan options are best for you as well as your retirement plan.

Register Here

Learn an in depth understanding of benefits offered by the Cal State University. Receive step by step instructions on how to enroll and where to locate benefit information. We encourage attendance to assist in forming an educated decision on which benefit plan options are best for you as well as your retirement plan.

Register Here

The Learning with a Leader series aims to give participants an opportunity to learn more about our leaders on campus and their leadership philosophy. In this session, Dr. Victoria Bhavsar, Director of the Center for Advancement of Faculty Excellence (CAFE), will share her leadership journey with us.

View Full Calendar of Events


18 EDGE Graduates

Congratulations to the 18 exceptional individuals who have successfully completed our rigorous 6-month EDGE Leadership Development Program! This year's participants went on a remarkable journey of growth and self-discovery that has been nothing short of awe-inspiring.

Continue Reading


Join us in giving our Bronco colleagues a warm welcome to their new roles!

Welcome Wall of CPP New Hires


Native American Heritage Month

November is Native American Heritage Month

Academic Innovation Winter Institute Flyer

2024 Academic Innovation Winter Institute

Learn More

Every November, we celebrate Native American Heritage Month. This is a time to honor Native Americans and Indigenous peoples and communities, and learn about their traditions, languages, and stories. We encourage you to celebrate Native American Heritage Month and the diverse cultural heritage of Cal Poly Pomona by participating in the various events and gatherings on campus.

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Register for the Office of Academic Innovation Winter Institute focusing on Exploring Micro-Internships: A Guide to Understanding and Successfully Implementing Short-Term Work Experiences. The Winter Institute will provide the unique opportunity to discover how micro-internships can benefit our students, learn how to seamlessly integrate micro-internships into your syllabi, and foster and engage in various networking opportunities.

Toy Drive Flyer

Toy Drive Hosted by Staff Council

November is National Epilepsy Awareness Month

November is National Epilepsy Awareness Month

Learn More

Staff Council invites the Cal Poly Pomona community to donate a new, unwrapped toy for the Pomona PD Santa Cop Program. Starting November 13, toys can be dropped off at a satellite location throughout campus with a final celebration on November 30.

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National Epilepsy Awareness Month (NEAM) seeks to raise public awareness about epilepsy's cause and symptoms and to reduce the stigma associated with epilepsy. NEAM provides an opportunity for the epilepsy community to share their journey with epilepsy, including struggles living with this condition and challenges they've overcome.

CPP Learning Logo

CPP Learning Training Analysis

Learn More

CSU Learn now lets learners access their Training Analysis page, displaying all required trainings, due dates, assignment status, and more. Originally an admin feature, it's now available to learners, providing a centralized location for viewing all assigned trainings. For details, refer to the Cal State Training Resources article via Self Menu > Quick Links > Training Analysis.


Contact the HR Customer Service Center
When you fill up on snacks and then they bring out the turkey and stuffing

Do you need to request an employee reasonable accommodation? No problem, let us know by sending us an Employee Accommodation Request or by calling 909-869-4095.

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