Vol 1, Issue 3, January 20 2023

Hamilton's Labour Market Connection

Your Weekly Updates & News From WPH!

In this Week's Edition:

Hamilton's Labour Force Information December 2022, EmployerOne Survey 2023, EmployerOne Completion Badge, Connect To Careers Conference 2023, Free Giveaway for Employers, Who's Hiring In Hamilton, Happening in the Community: (Hamilton Public Library - Now Hiring, YWeConnect Program, HAV Connect, Hamilton Anti-Racism Resource Centre, Celebrate The Lunar New Year, G1 Drivers Literacy Prep, YMCA: Bridge To Work Program, Hamilton Council on Aging, ABEA: Better Jobs Ontario, ABEA: Employer Career Pathways, and News: "3 reports that caught our eye the week of Jan. 15, 2023" and "Be kind to yourself: Work-life wellness when working from home"

Labour Force December 2022

Review Hamilton's Labour Force Information for December 2022

EmployerOne Survey 2023!

Workforce Planning Hamilton (WPH) in partnership with the City of Hamilton's Economic Development Office have launched the 2023 EmployerOne Survey. This survey features important workforce development questions, and focuses on the challenges businesses have endured throughout the global pandemic. Hamilton employers across all industries have the opportunity to share their experiences and concerns.

While census information offers us an understanding of labour market trends, the EmployerOne Survey provides an up-to-date snapshot of the Hamilton labour market and insights into how we can continue to move our economy forward. It also keeps us in touch with a wide range of employers of all sectors and sizes.

This survey has approximately 30 questions and will take 15 minutes to complete. The findings will only be published in an aggregated form to maintain the confidentiality of all survey respondents.

Click here to participate in the survey as a Hamilton Employer!

Employers who complete the survey have the chance to be entered into a draw to win a booth at the upcoming 'Connect to Careers' conference (valued at over $700)

EmployerOne Completion Badge!

Employers (for-profit business, not-for-profit business, or registered charity) completing the 2023 EmployerOne survey will provide Workforce Planning Hamilton and the City of Hamilton with critical and timely data on business and workforce needs in Hamilton. Every organization that completes this survey is demonstrating their commitment to charting an evidence-based course for our future.

Upon completion of the EmployerOne survey, you can proudly display this badge to showcase your support in providing such critical data on the workforce needs of Hamilton businesses.

Connect To Careers Conference 2023

Connect to Careers is the best way to find and recruit new talent — presented in partnership by McMaster University, Mohawk College, Redeemer University and Workforce Planning Hamilton.

With years of experience hosting successful job fairs, we can help you meet your recruitment goals and hire qualified candidates for your open positions. Attend Connect to Careers to meet with a diverse audience of motivated students, recent grads and community members. Returning to FirstOntario Centre this year, this in-person event provides an easy, effective way to network and make connections.

We're pleased to announce that we’re partnering with the McMaster University Nursing Student Society (MUNSS), a student body of BSCN students from all sites (McMaster, Mohawk, Conestoga) and all streams (Basic, Accelerated, RPN-BScN). Nursing graduates and current students from all three sites of the collaborative program, Mohawk and Conestoga RPN students will be attending the fair.

Why participate?


• Connect with qualified job seekers.

• Recruit for full-time, part-time, summer and co-op positions.

• Leverage your time and effort and reduce recruitment costs.

• Meet face to face with more than 2,000 students and alumni from three top Hamilton institutions, as well as job seekers from the Hamilton community.

$650 per employer booth (sponsorship packages are available)

If you are part of a not-for-profit organization with fewer than 20 employees, you can register at the reduced fee of $350 (CAD) plus HST.  

Register here!

Free Giveaway for Employers!

Do you have skill gaps and retention issues in your company?

ABEA is the adult learning network in Hamilton. We work closely with adult upgrading and training programs across the city.

A successful employee is more likely to stay on the job and reduce your employee turn over. But sometimes skills gaps in communication, math or digital technology get in the way.

Through an organizational needs assessment we can create a customized training plan to increase your employees' skills now and for the future.

Connect with ABEA today!  [email protected]  905-527-2222 x 1

Who's Hiring In Hamilton?

View WPH Job Board to explore more!

The Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery is hiring a Registration Services Representative.

Click here to view job posting!

The Hamilton Regional Indian Centre is hiring an Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Worker.

Click here to view job posting!

Wesley is currently seeking a Part-Time Driver.

Click here to view job posting!

Happening In The Community!

Hamilton Public Library: Now Hiring

Looking for a part-time role this new year? The Hamilton Public Library is hiring an Information Clerk for the Central Library and a Library Page for the Dundas and Greensville Branches. Submissions are due on or before January 20 and 23, respectively.

More details on how to apply can be found at our website, www.hpl.ca/jobs

YWeConnect Program

N2N Community Food Center ( 10-310 Limeridge road west) Mondays & Fridays 10:30-12pm

Immigrant Working Center ( 1119 Fennell Ave. E # 236) Mondays 12:30-2pm

Center 3 for Arts & Social Practice ( 29 Harriet St. ) Tuesdays 12-1:30pm

IWC ( Immigrant Working Center at 8 Main St. E) Tuesdays 2-4pm

Sherwood Library ( 467 Upper Ottawa St. ) Wednesdays 1-3pm

Central Library ( Hamilton Room) ( 55 York Blvd, Jackson Square Building) Thursdays 1-3pm

YWCA Mac Nab Location (75 Mac Nab south, at Studio) Fridays 2-4pm & Saturdays 10-12pm ( starting Feb. 4th )

HAV Connect

2023 is already in full swing and HAV is pleased to announce our January HAV Connect session:


Staff Buy-In

Thursday, January 26

12-1 p.m.



  • How do you get your colleagues on board with volunteer engagement?
  • Through this interactive session, you will discover the messaging and tools needed to encourage staff to better engage with volunteers.
  • Tools and resources will be shared with attendees for use in the workplace after the session.


For more information and to RSVP visit https://www.hamiltonhav.com/events


This event is FREE for HAV members.


About the Trainer

As Manager of Learning, Sammy Feilchenfeld, CVA, designs and oversees Volunteer Toronto’s responsive and accessible learning experiences for non-profit engagement professionals, grassroots leaders and volunteer seekers. With a strong focus on diverse educational interventions that support the changing needs in volunteerism, Sammy also develops training for aspiring and established non-profit Board Members. Sammy has been a volunteer for more than 20 years, a volunteer manager for more than 15 years, and an adult educator for more than 10 years. He uses all of these experiences to help his training sessions come to life.


We look forward to seeing you then!

-HAV Executive Team

Hamilton Anti-Racism Resource Centre

The Hamilton Anti-Racism Resource Centre (HARRC) is looking for new Board of Director members. More details are available in the attached flyer. For more information and to apply contact [email protected]

Celebrate The Lunar New Year!




Food, friends and wishes for a wonderful new year.

Monday Jan. 23rd, 2023, from 12:00pm-2:00pm

181 Main St W, Hamilton ON

For more information call 905-522-3233

or email [email protected]

G1 Drivers Literacy Prep

Hill Park Learning Centre is accepting registrations for the G1 Drivers Literacy Prep Course. Limited spots are available. Please see the attached flyer for specifics.

  • Are you interested in acquiring your G1 Drivers Licence? Our FREE G1 Drivers Literacy Prep Course provides the practical knowledge to identify traffic signs, rules of the road, and safe driving practices required to successfully write the Ontario Class G1 drivers licence test.


  • Must be able to attend the course independently without the aid of a support worker
  • Participants are required to be 19 years of age or older (we can accept a small percentage of 18-year-old participants provided they are not attending high school)
  • Resident of Ontario
  • Have less than Grade 12 education OR
  • Be assessed as having to improve reading, writing, or math skills OR
  • Participants who are newcomers to Canada require a Canadian Language Benchmark Level 5 or 6 in Reading/Writing/Speaking/Listening (some Level 7's accepted)


All participants must pre-register prior to start date. This will involve completing online registration forms and an assessment to confirm suitability (nothing scary). We offer assistance during this process.


Meaningful discussion is a hallmark of the Cornerstone Program. Everyone has a voice. We pride ourselves in providing an atmosphere of inclusion and strive to maintain a positive culture. Our courses typically attract an eclectic mix of people. As such, we require all potential learners to be open-minded and thoughtful towards others in the classroom.

To register for the G1 DRIVERS LITERACY PREP COURSE, please contact:

Vanessa Byrne

905-561-2190 ext. 4792

[email protected]

YMCA: Bridge To Work Program

Do you have newcomer clients who are internationally trained teachers/early childhood educators looking for meaningful employment in Canada? We are conducting intakes and accepting applications for our next ECE Bridge to Work cohort beginning February 14th, 2023.


Partipcants will attend 4 weeks of employment readiness training, followed by an interview and a 16 week PAID work placement including mentorship at a child care centre.

Hamilton Council on Aging

The Hamilton Council on Aging (HCoA) is a non-profit charitable organization that was founded in 2005. We advance positive aging — promoting the health, well being and social participation of ALL older adults — by influencing attitudes, policies and programs to include their voices. Educational Workshops are interactive,

planned and facilitated by older adults who are volunteers of the Hamilton Council on Aging.

ABEA: Better Jobs Ontario

We'll work with you to:

  • find training programs you're interested in 
  • explore the skills you'll need for the training 
  • develop a plan
  • connect with an Employment Service to support you with your application 

Connect with us today!  www.abea.on.ca  [email protected]  

ABEA: Employer Career Pathways

Looking for something new and innovative to help you attract and retain staff? We’ve got you covered!

Local employers, workforce planning boards, and adult literacy networks are working together to build a new online Career Pathways tool for employers and jobseekers. This innovative tool will promote in-demand, entry-level careers with opportunities for growth across Hamilton, Niagara, and Grand Erie. It will give job seekers information about jobs, skills, and training they may need. And there's a good chance that we'll include a job you're hiring for right now! By taking a short survey, you will help us to test the Career Pathways tool. Why participate in Career Pathways?

· It addresses labour challenges faced by your organization and the community by enabling you find and keep the right person, in the right job, with the right motivation.

· Your organization’s logo and website can be featured on our contributor’s page and viewed by job seekers.

· You could win 1 of 5 $50 gift cards! Draws will be held, and winners announced from Nov 2022 to Jan 2023.

We are looking to hear from employers in these sectors

· Construction

· Wholesale and Retail Trade

· Other Services

· Transportation and Warehousing

· Accommodations and Food Services

· Business, Building and Other Support Services

· Agriculture

· Education

Check out the website & fill out the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/B3TB22L

Time commitment – 5 minutes to check out the tool, 15 minute survey

If you would prefer a live demo of the tool, email [email protected]


3 reports that caught our eye the week of Jan. 15, 2023

World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2023 (International Labour Organization)

The current global economic slowdown is likely to force more workers to accept lower quality, poorly paid jobs that lack job security and social protection, accentuating inequalities exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis, according to a new ILO report.

Competency of Career Development Practitioners for Virtual Services (ASPECT BC)

This report identifies which competencies have become easier for CDPs since the move to virtual services and which areas have become harder. It then highlights the worries CDPs have moving forward with virtual service delivery and provides recommendations for supporting CDPs and their clients.

A progress report on anti-racism policy across Canada (People for Education)

This report is based on a pan-Canadian scan of anti-racism policy and legislation; data from the 2021-22 Annual Ontario School Survey; and findings from a scan of the websites of Ontario’s 72 publicly funded school boards. The report points to a particular lag in implementation of Ontario’s anti-racism and equity strategies for schools.

Read more here!

Be kind to yourself: Work-life wellness when working from home

Living through this pandemic has been challenging in so many ways. Even though it’s not a fair comparison, it can be easy to feel guilty when our work or personal life is not at the same standard it was pre-pandemic. We’ve had to radically change our personal and work lives to be safe, including working from home for many of us.

Working from home can be a mixed bag. It can be an absolute nightmare when your chair is uncomfortable, your kid is crying and your office is in the kitchen. On the flip side, working from home can also be a dream when you no longer have to commute and you are able to cook your lunch on the stove and walk the dog for a break. Every person experiences working from home a little differently, depending on their personality, work environment, personal life and other factors.

Being kind to yourself is integral, recognizing that you have done your best to adapt to working from home along with overhauling your life to accommodate social distancing and health regulations. However, simply pausing and remembering to prioritize work-life wellness can be challenging when the world seems to be turning upside down. Many people are overworking and forgetting to switch off at the end of the day.

What can we do about it?

One recommendation is to set up a wellness prompt for yourself: “Breathe.” “How are you feeling?” “Go for a walk.” You could put a reminder in your phone, add it as a task on your to-do list or ask a friend to check in. Scheduling your wellness time just like you would schedule a meeting helps increase the chances that it will get done.

Read more here!

Want to subscribe WPH newsletter? Sign up here
If you have new updates you want to share with the community please reach out to Travis MacCarl via email: [email protected]
The Hamilton COVID Concierge for Business is a one-stop online resource centre and phone line dedicated to supporting Hamilton businesses with their COVID-19 business questions and concerns.
Hamilton businesses can call the COVID Concierge at 905-521-3989 (Mon-Fri, 8:30 am-4:30 pm) or Contact Us online. Learn more at hamiltoncovidconcierge.ca
The Hamilton COVID Concierge for Business is brought to you by the Hamilton COVID Concierge Team, comprised of the City of Hamilton and the three local Chambers of Commerce.
Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| [email protected] | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca
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