“Disability: Part of the Equity Equation"
Employment is the goal for all students. For our loved ones with disabilities, finding the right job includes building employment readiness skills, interview practice, and learning social skills from the breakroom to customer interaction. In honor of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), this month's newsletter is devoted to all things employment! We've included resources for building job skills for teens, information on options (via the Options Fair on October 17), the PACE Program at National Louis, local job fairs, and the Parents Alliance Employment Project.
For younger students, the IEP Team can start with tasks at school, for example-- delivering or sorting mail, making copies, assisting in junior classrooms or on other classes' field trips and community outings. Maybe it's working for a relative, and asking that person to work on specific soft skills like addressing "customers", counting change, crossing items off a task list, and even handling break time. Ask your IEP team to think creatively to identify these opportunities and build them into the IEP.
Our team can assess your child's Transition Plan and suggest opportunities to develop and practice critical employment skills. Parents who develop a clear transition strategy not only position their young adult for meaningful work, but at the same time prepare for SSI applications and selecting decision-making tools. Read more about our Transition Plan Check-Up.
Reading Recommendations:
Building Employment Skills
Based on the Autism Works Now!® Workplace Readiness Workshop, this interactive resource shows how to help students aged 14-17 develop the necessary transition skills for getting and keeping a meaningful job, with accompanying worksheets available to download.
What lessons can your program learn from the highly successful Project SEARCH® model—and how can you apply these strategies to improve training and employment opportunities for students with disabilities? Find the book here.
As groundbreaking legislation redefines transition practices and ideal employment outcomes for young people with disabilities, professionals need practical, up-to-date guidance on helping young adults achieve competitive, integrated employment.
Upcoming Events and Resources
Monday, October 17, 2022 at 6:00-8:00pm
Downers Grove South High School, Downers Grove
The Options Fair 2022 will be hosted at Downers South High School. The "Options Fair" brings together over 70 college experience and degree programs, trade/certification programs, adult agencies and service providers in one evening. If you have a student who receives special education or has disabilities, this is a perfect fair for you to gather information about options for your child's future.
All are welcome and registration is not required. Please stop by our table to say hi!
Address: 1436 Norfolk St., Downers Grove, IL 60516 6:00-8:00pm
October 20-21, 2022
The IAASE invited Katie Clancy and Jennifer Sabourin to present at its 23rd Annual Statewide Conference. They will present Transition Planning issues, specifically, how Special Educators and Administrators can help build a student's case for SSI Benefits, Vocational Programs, and explain Decision Making tools such as Powers of Attorney and Guardianship. The IAASE has 1,300 statewide members. This presentation is available to school professionals only.
Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 12:00-1:00pm
Interested in learning more about PACE? It's a 2 year residential college program for young adults with intellectual and/or developmental disability located in Chicago. Our team member Alexandra Baig, Executive Director of the PACE Program at National Louis University, will present information about the program.
Registration is required. Click this link to register. You will receive confirmation and a link to participate after you register online. The webinar will be recorded.
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a federal program that provides cash assistance to people with disabilities. Because SSDI is an insurance program and not a “means-tested” benefit for people with minimal resources, anyone who meets the program’s eligibility requirements can qualify for benefits, regardless of their income and assets.
For nearly 60 years, Medicaid has helped support tens of millions of low-income Americans, including people with disabilities, with low-cost or free health coverage. Come 2023, a new set of rules proposed by the federal government could improve timely access to this program for millions of eligible individuals. Learn more here.
If you are considering saying “I do” and currently receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicaid, or any other disability-related benefits, getting married could impact your benefits. Unfortunately, under current Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare rules, getting married is not always financially or medically practical for their recipients. Learn more here.
Our client and friend Caroline personally delivered our latest order of Caroline's Birdie Tweets. Caroline shapes birdseed into beautiful shapes to hang from your favorite tree and fatten up the local birds. We make sure we're fully stocked all year-round so we can share them with each client! Thank you Caroline for brightening our afternoon.
(Pictured from left to right: Elizabeth, Kate Schye, Violet, Caroline, Katie Clancy)
D58 Building Bridges Parent Support Fair
The C&A team loved seeing old friends and making new ones at the Special Needs Community Resource Fair in Downers Grove! A big thank you to Peggy Delaney for her masterful organization and execution of the D58 Building Bridges Parent Support Fair, and for inviting us of course!
Proud to keep company with so many other respected and impactful service providers. We loved seeing our past clients, hearing about their child's progress, and answering questions. We look forward to the rest of community conferences we have on our calendar this Fall.
Planning for individuals with disabilities and their families.
Clancy & Associates Ltd. is Illinois's only full-service special needs planning law firm dedicated to supporting individuals with special needs and their families. Our mission is to help families protect and empower their loved ones with a disability through streamlined, comprehensive planning. We use our innovative full-service approach to both identify opportunities and secure solutions and benefits for our clients at our Firm. We “keep watch” for families so they can attend to the daily priorities of their loved one’s life and leave the legal planning to us.
Connect with us on social media and tell your friends about us!