Order of Worship: Sunday September 17th



Candle Lighting

Call to Worship

Opening Songs:

"Jesus, Name Above All Names"

"My Life is in You Lord"

Scripture Readings

Romans 14:1-12

Psalm 103:1-14

Matthew 18:21-35

Unison Prayer

The Word in Song:

"Majesty, Worship His Majesty"

Message: The Endless Possibilities of Forgiveness"

Offering/Doxology/Offertory Prayer

Hymn of Praise: "Softly and Tenderly, Jesus is Calling"

Prayers of the People/The Lord's Prayer

Closing Hymn--"I'll Fly Away"



This Week at Grace:

Saturday--Johnson funeral 11am

Monday--Finance Team 430pm

Tuesday--Adult Bible Study-9am

Bells rehearsal 1030am

Ad Council 6pm

Thursday--Planning meeting 11am

Friday--Jim Shubert funeral 11am

If you are planning to meet at Grace UMC, you need to call ahead or email the office to reserve space and to get your meeting on the church calendar.

Church Office Phone:


Grace Office Hours

Monday - Thursday

9 a.m. to noon


Online--available to view any time after 10:15am

Sunday morning.


Unison Prayer

O Lord, you are full of compassion and mercy, slow to anger and have not dealt with us according to our sins. Instead, you chose the sacrifice of your own son on our account. It is because Jesus Christ pays the last full measure that our sins are forgiven. This gift of forgiveness makes us able, with the power of Holy Spirit, to choose to forgive, renew and live again in right relationship with each other and with our God. In the name of Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Call to Worship

L: Children of God, when we face strife, upset, and harm in our midst, we so often turn to God and ask:

P: How many times should I forgive?

L: When Jesus answers that we should forgive again and again and again, we are tempted to repeat the question:

P: How many times should I forgive?

L: Until God turns the question around: “How many times have I forgiven you?”

P: Seventy times seven.

L: “How many times have I loved you?”

P: Seventy times seven.

L: “How many times has my grace been sufficient for you?”

P: Seventy times seven.

L: Let us learn, then, how to forgive not out of our own power, but out of God’s, who forgives us that we might be free to learn to live with one another well.

All: Amen.

The Scriptures for next week are:

Philippians 1:21-30

Psalm 25:1-10

Matthew 20:1-16

Brad Wallace, Director of Music Ministries, will be retiring this month. Brad has served Grace UMC for a number of years in this position, and we wish him well in the next phase of his "journey."

We are also very grateful for the job that Barb Wallace has done, as she stepped up to help with our tech needs for the past year plus!

 We will be honoring Brad's retirement during worship and fellowship time on Sunday, September 17. We encourage the congregation to bring or send cards and notes for this celebration and look forward to you joining us!


The Staff-Parish Relations Committee has developed a new job description for a Music Leader and will begin actively seeking a person to fill this part of Brad's role for us. This person will plan, coordinate and implement music for all worship services throughout the year, as well as recruit, train, and equip volunteers/musicians within this ministry for both choir and Praise Team. If you know of anyone who might be looking for such a part-time position, please let us know. We will also be assessing the needs on the Media Technician side and make a determination on our best plan forward.

Thank you for your “grace” as we navigate this change.

--Grace SPRC Team

Please join us in expressing our deepest condolences to the family of Larry Johnson. Larry passed away unexpectedly on Thursday the 7th of September. His funeral will be held at Grace UMC on Saturday the 16th at 11am.

We continue to pray for peace and comfort to Peggy and the rest of his family in the coming days.

Link to obituary here


The funeral for Jim Shubert, who passed away on June 17th of this year, will be held at Grace on Friday, September 22nd at 11am.

A luncheon will follow at the church and burial will take place at Fort Ripley Veteran's Cemetary.


Mission Giving for September

In September our missional giving will go towards UMCOR to support the recovery efforts in Hawaii. If you choose to give to this mission, please make a note on your offering.


Please join us at 7:38am and 7:38pm during the month of September, as we pray these words together. There are bookmark sized handouts with this prayer on them in the Narthex if you still need one.

Here is a copy of the prayer.

738 Breakthrough PRAYER

God, we lift up this prayer to you.

Please do what we cannot do ourselves.

We need you to breakthrough into our lives, our congregation, and our community.

Use us together for unimagined new purposes on behalf of Christ.

Break through any barriers that stand in your way and hold us back.

In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen

The "Bells of Grace" handbell choir is ringing again every Tuesday at 1030am in the bell room. If you are interested in becoming part of this music ministry, you can be taught in one-on-one classes, please contact Ardie Morris 218-330-8565.

The Choir's mission statement says it all--Purpose and Fun! "The purpose of the Grace Handbell Ministry is to; enhance worship for the congregation and players by lifting up the Lord through music--and -- to bring fellowship and joy among players."

Many thanks to Sonja Palmer and her family who have gifted Sonja's xylophone from her high school percussionist days to the handbell choir. The wonderful sound of this instrument will surely enhance our handbells! Are you someone who has played this instrument before? Would you like to try?

The Bell choir will be playing for us on September 24th, please make plans to join us for worship.

The church office is open Monday through Thursday, 9am until noon. The building and office are closed on Fridays.

Contact/Email Information: 218-568-5755

·      Church office (for all general inquiries and administrative/clerical duties)– [email protected]

·      Pastor Jen Matthees – [email protected]

·      Ann Hutchings-Congregational Care Assistant- [email protected]

Fall isn't quite here yet, but some of you are already heading south!

If you will be leaving, we would love to be able to stay in touch with you over the winter months. As you make your final arrangements to be gone, please drop Ann a note at [email protected] or call the office so we can make a note of how best to stay in touch.

Safe Travels!

If you have something that should be added to this newsletter from your group or mission, please speak with Pastor Jen or email the details to her at [email protected]. The E-Grace is generally completed by noon on Thursdays, so articles need to be received by Thursday 10am at the very latest.

If you wish to connect with me directly and it is not an emergency, please know that I will respond as needed during pretty regular office hours. I am generally in the church on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, from at least 10-1, call the office to be sure, as my weeks may vary. I check my emails frequently throughout the day, and this is the best way to contact me.

-Pastor Jen

Contact us concept with wood block and symbols at_ e-mail address and phone

Important note

If you are mailing something to the church, you must use our P.O. Box for the address. We do not receive mail at the church, and if you use the physical church address it will get returned and could delay your notices to us or offerings.

P.O. Box 276

Pequot Lakes, MN 56472

Visit our website
Contact Information

 Grace United Methodist Church 

29318 Patriot Ave - P.O. Box 276

Pequot Lakes, MN 56472

Phone: 218-568-5755

Email: graceumc[email protected]

Website: www.graceumcpequotlakes.org
