Hey Kids, Let's Bake Some Bread!

Wednesday November 23, 2022, in the Church Kitchen

Be Sure to Register Your Attendance

All preschool through 5th-grade students are invited to join Mrs. Hixon in the church kitchen to bake bread! On Wednesday, November 23, 2022, at 4:00pm we will be baking bread for our annual "Sharing of the Bread" service.

 We will make some delicious biscuits and package them up to share with guests and church members at our 7:00pm worship service, Wednesday, November 23, 2022. You MUST register for this event in advance so we can purchase enough supplies for everyone! Register by clicking the link below!

Register Now 

All Saints' Sunday

This Sunday November 06, 2022

Light a Candle in Remembrance of a Loved One

This Sunday, November 06, 2022, we will observe All Saints' Day at Epiphany in both worship services. The Church Triumphant is filled with quiet saints; some are known, loved, and missed by us. The fact that they matter to us, that there are specific persons in that number that we remember and are eager to see again, all matters to God.

All Saints' Day allows us to commemorate those who are Blessed in the Eternal Presence of Christ. During communion, we will have a station setup where anyone can come and light a candle to remember a friend or loved one, in addition to special prayer and reflection during the service.

This year, we especially remember the following members of our Epiphany family:

  • Leo Herbert Goedecke
  • John Stanley Thomas
  • Kathy Elaine Holiday Bednarek 
  • Tony Kelley
  • Gay Lynn McDaniel
  • William Howard Elliott, Jr.

Every One His Witness

This Sunday, November 6, 2022, at 9:30am in the Portable Building

NEW Six Week Workshop to Help us Talk With Jesus

Have you ever struggled to talk about Jesus with someone? It happens to ALL of us! To combat our silence and give us better tools for witnessing, we offer a 6-week witness workshop. This workshop comes from the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod called “Every One His Witness.” 

This Sunday, November 6, 2022, we will begin this evangelism training workshop during the 9:30am Sunday morning Bible study hour with Pastor Muchow. The study will last the next six weeks ending on December 11.

Rather than a lofty invite from your Pastor, let us share a few praises from those who experienced this workshop:

  • “It is a much needed toolkit for all members of Lutheran congregations to learn about becoming witnesses to the saving work of God in Christ. The world needs it. Comprised of videos and a written manual, it approaches and conveys the task of witnessing today both theologically and practically. It lays out that task in simple yet meaningful steps, such as with the acronym LASSIE, and gracefully beckons even the most fearful and reluctant member to find his/her personal place in God’s mission.” - Rev. Dr. Klaus Detlev Schulz, Dean of Graduate Studies and Director of the Ph.D. Missiology Program, Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana.
  • “It is a great springboard for congregations, LWMLs, or any other group needing encouragement and confidence in their role as disciples for our Lord. I’ve been through several different evangelism courses, and Every One His Witness is a refreshing look at our everyday witnessing practices. The material is centered in God’s Word and will certainly benefit people looking for a program with solid teachings to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ with family, friends, and all the ends of the world.” - Shelly Moeller, Vice-President of Gospel Outreach, The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, 2013-2017. 
  • “Finally, a natural way to share your faith in the relationships where God has planted you as you care for others who have been broken by sin. I have already started to use this personally and am excited to share this resource with the people of my district.” - Rev. Richard Snow, President LCMS Nebraska District

If you wish to overcome fears and develop better evangelism skills, please join us this Sunday, November 6, 2022, 9:30am in the portable building behind the school, or as w call it, “the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). 

LWML Personal Care Kits Update

Thank You For Your Help!

LWR Ingathering This Saturday November 5, 2022

We want to thank everyone who contributed to wrapping and packing over 404 personal care kits last Sunday. This Saturday, November 5, 2022, our kits will be united with kits created from other churches in Southeast Texas in our Epiphany parking lot as we load them into a semitrailer to their final destination. We are looking for strong-armed and strong-minded volunteers to assist loading the truck. The fun begins Saturday, November 5, 2022, from 9 am to 4 pm, and we will provide your lunch! If you are able and willing, please email Sandy Miller at miller4vs1@sbcglobal.net.


It's Time For Our Epiphany Members to Shine!

Pastor Muchow is Looking For Volunteers

New Special Epiphany Christmas Play In The Works!

This Christmas will be extra special, thanks to our Pastor! Pastor Muchow has created a fantastic event called The Happiest Search. For two evenings, we will invite members and the local community to take a special Christmas Walk with the wise men as they follow the star in search of the King! This Christmas play will give participants a unique way of looking at the Christmas season and be memorable. For the past few weeks, Pastor Muchow has written the script in combination with feedback from many others, and there is already a consensus that it will be a hit.

As a Navy kid, Pastor would say this event will require "all hands on deck" and that means you! We all have different gifts and talents God has given us that we can use to make this event memorable. 

We are searching for volunteers to assist in:

  • Creating sets
  • Setting up lighting and tents
  • Serving hot chocolate and goodies
  • Fitting actors for costumes
  • People to handle the sound system needs
  • And more!!!

The event will occur outside, in the field facing West Road, from 6pm - 8pm on December 19th and 20th. Please use the form below to register your interest if you can help Pastor make this special event happen. We will contact you soon!

Volunteer Registration Form

Volunteers Needed for

Operation Christmas Child!!!

Church Packing Party Sunday, November 13, 2022

Collecting Shoeboxes From November 14-21, 2022

It's Operation Christmas Child Time! Please be sure to register to volunteer as we gear up to host a church packing party on Sunday, November 13, 2022, during Sunday School Hour, and Collect Shoeboxes November 14-21, 2022. If you haven't volunteered before–no worries! It's easy and fun. Members from our church and other local churches will be in attendance. This is an opportunity to help those in need while sharing in fellowship and faith with your local church community!

We are looking for some strong young men to help us stack the shoeboxes in the semi-truck each evening - it's pretty quick work, but you need a strong back! This is perfect volunteer work for our young dads and youth group teens! Loading time is flexible based on availability.

Finally, if you cannot volunteer to accept shoeboxes, consider preparing a snack for our volunteers to give donors as a thank you for their shoeboxes!

Register to Volunteer

Mid-Week ADVENT-ure Bible Study

Starting Wednesday, November 23, 2022, at 5:30pm

We Will Focus on Jesus's Presence and Light in Our Lives

Get ready to send your kids on an ADVENT-ure! Epiphany will host a four-week Advent series designed specifically for preschool and elementary youth. Instead of focusing on PRESENTS and LIGHTS – let’s focus on Jesus’s PRESENCE and LIGHT in our lives!

Join us on Wednesday nights for dinner and Bible study as we learn about the season of Advent. Each night we will focus on a different Advent theme, create a keepsake manger scene, play games, sing songs, and learn together as we dive into the TRUE meaning of Christmas. This is a free event, however, all youth must be pre-registered so we can plan accordingly. 

Use the link below to register now! Join us for this awesome ADVENT-ure! Classes begin Wednesday, November 23, 2022. Dinner is at 5:30pm and classes start at 6:00pm.

Register Now

Epiphany in a Minute

The Prayer Garden & Veterans Day

Click the Video Below to Watch

Movie Night 1.jpg

This Week's

Altar Flowers

November 06, 2022

The flowers on the altar are donated by Janet Donath in memory of her husband, Monroe Donath, Jr., and her father, Samuel Glines.

Join Us This Sunday!
Join us In-Person or Online for Worship Sunday Morning or watch on-demand anytime afterwards.

Sunday Mornings
Traditional - 8:00am
The Blend - 10:45am
Click Here