Episcopal News Update

A weekly newsletter serving the Diocese of Los Angeles
March 13, 2022
‘Back to the Holy City: The Hope of Christ in Our Time’ is theme for next Diocesan Convention, program year

Visiting in person, Jerusalem’s Anglican Archbishop Hosam Naoum will address Convention; Presiding Bishop Michael Curry will keynote diocesan MLK weekend commemoration

By Bob Williams

[The Episcopal News – March 9, 2022] Bishop John Harvey Taylor has selected the theme “Back to the Holy City: The Hope of Christ in Our Time” for Diocesan Convention’s 2022 annual meeting and program year, and announced that Jerusalem’s Anglican Archbishop Hosam Naoum will address Convention in Riverside Nov. 12.

Taylor also said that Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry will visit the diocese during the 2023 Martin Luther King Jr. weekend.

The convention theme – which seeks to inspire hope and healing after the ravages of a global pandemic, national racial reckoning, divisive partisanship, and war in Ukraine – will provide context for additional events during diocese’s program year, Taylor said.

“While mission and ministry in our diocese barely skipped a beat during the pandemic, we also spent a lot of emotional energy just getting through our days, individually and institutionally," said Taylor. "This is the year for fixing our eyes once again on God’s vision of a holy city of love and justice for all God’s people – taking what we’ve learned about what church and society are doing well, and what they’re not doing well, and rededicating ourselves to making it better. In November and January, these two archbishops, both eloquent, prophetic leaders in global 21st century Christianity, are going to take us up on the mountain and show us the promised land.”

The longstanding companion relationship shared by the dioceses of Jerusalem and Los Angeles will be in focus during the visit of Naoum, who took office in 2021 after serving as dean of St. George’s College, Jerusalem, and as a priest in Nablus and Zababdeh. These congregations have been regularly visited by members of the Diocese of Los Angeles, and current companion-diocese conversations include resuming pilgrimages to and from Jerusalem as pandemic-related travel restrictions continue to ease.

Curry, who has served since 2015 as The Episcopal Church’s 27th presiding bishop and provided significant pastoral leadership during the pandemic and concurrent civil unrest, will visit the Diocese of Los Angeles Jan. 12 – 15 and preach during a Sunday afternoon diocese-wide commemoration of the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. That Jan. 15 observance will be planned by the diocesan MLK host committee, with time, venue, and additional events of the weekend to be announced in the future.

Throughout his ministry and his writings focused on “The Way of Love,” Curry continues to underscore the concept of “beloved community” frequently invoked by King to call for a society based upon justice with opportunities and resources available to all.

Further information about Diocesan Convention and the visits of Naoum and Curry will be posted online as details become available.
Strategic planning will be focus as Gary Hall assumes leadership of Program Group on Mission Congregations

By Pat McCaughan

[The Episcopal News – March 9, 2022] Planting worshipping communities in underserved areas is just one aim of the Very Rev. Canon Gary Hall as he assumes leadership of the diocesan Program Group on Mission Congregations, beginning this month.

“The biggest part of our work has historically been approving mission development grants (MDGs) from the diocese to mission congregations,” said Hall, who has served on the program group for the past two years.

He succeeds the Rev. Canon Kelli Grace Kurtz, rector of All Saints Church in Riverside, who led the program group for 15 years. Hall has also served as interim dean of Bloy House, the Episcopal Theological School at Los Angeles, for the past two years.

The diocesan Mission Share Fund awards grants to some 27 mission congregations, intended to aid retention of consistent clergy leadership and general operating expenses – grants that were reduced overall by about $100,000 in the current budget. About $1 million is typically awarded yearly in MDGs, ranging from about $4,500 to $88,000.

Read more here.
Episcopal Church releases ‘Jesus in America’ study; polling data shows wide-ranging faith views

By David Paulsen

[Episcopal News Service – March 9, 2022] Most Americans see Jesus as an important spiritual figure. More than 30% of Americans have decreased their participation in religious activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. And only one in 10 thinks those who attacked the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, were associated with organized religion.

Those are some of the findings of a national study commissioned by The Episcopal Church and conducted by the polling firm Ipsos. The results of the “Jesus in America” study, released March 9, highlight the wide-ranging faith perspectives of a diverse cross section of Americans, including those who identify as nonreligious.

Episcopal leaders say the study points to both the popularity of Jesus’ teachings and the ways Christians are often perceived as failing to live up to those teachings.

“We are encouraged that the research shows Americans still find Jesus compelling, but we also see that the behavior of many of his followers is a problem, and it’s not just certain Christians: it’s all Christians,” Presiding Bishop Michael Curry said in a press release announcing the study. “This is a wake-up call for us, and based on what we have learned, we are refocusing our efforts on being a church that looks and acts like Jesus and models its behavior on his teachings. In this process, we hope to ignite a revival of love that encourages all Americans to do a better job of loving their neighbors.”

To conduct the study, global market researcher Ipsos polled 3,119 Americans, ages 18 and older, from Nov. 22 to Dec. 2 in English and Spanish, with a margin of error of 2%. The results will be used by Episcopal leaders to help plan for the post-pandemic church.

Read more here.
Daylight Saving Time starts this Sunday

Don't forget that thing with the clocks this weekend.

Set your clocks ahead one hour before 2 a.m. on Sunday, or late to church you will be.

Just ask Yoda.
Events & Announcements
A word on masks and continuing safety

Now that public health officers in each of the six counties within the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles have lifted mask mandates for fully vaccinated persons in indoor public spaces, diocesan congregations may adjust protocols accordingly while still requiring that unvaccinated persons continue to wear masks indoors.

Concurrently, congregations are strongly encouraged to keep in place safety protocols that assure maximum protection for all, especially safeguarding parishioners and clergy age 65 and older. These steps may include continuing to require, on church sites, proof of vaccination, to encourage mask-wearing widely among all who wish to do so, and to maintain careful cleaning and sanitizing procedures.

Current diocesan policy is updated regularly with guidance from Bishop Diocesan John Harvey Taylor together with the Rev. Canon Melissa McCarthy, diocesan canon to the ordinary, and the bishop’s council of advice comprising deans active in ministry across the diocese.

Please note the following links to public health information in the counties across the diocese, and to California state safety measures here.

Supporting humanitarian response to the crisis in Ukraine 

[Episcopal Relief & Development – February 28, 2022] Episcopal Relief & Development is mobilizing with Anglican agencies and other partners in order to provide humanitarian assistance to people fleeing the violence in Ukraine. 

Working through the Action by Churches Together Alliance (ACT Alliance), Episcopal Relief & Development will provide cash, blankets, hygiene supplies and other needed assistance.

“Ecumenical and orthodox faith networks are on the ground in the border areas of Poland and Hungary,” said Abagail Nelson, executive vice president, Episcopal Relief & Development. “We will continue to coordinate with these networks, in order to meet the needs of people who have been displaced.”

Please pray for all those affected.

Donations to Episcopal Relief & Development’s International Disaster Response Fund will provide humanitarian assistance for the crisis in Ukraine.

For more information, contact Linda Allport, Diocese of Los Angeles ministry partner for Episcopal Relief & Development, at [email protected].
Follow, share new diocesan content on social media

Twitter account
Features blog posts, commentary from Bishop John Harvey Taylor: @edlabishop. The blog may also be read here

#Weekly Query
A new series on Twitter (@ladiocese) and Instagram (#episcopaldioceseoflosangeles) – invites audience responses to questions related to Episcopal Church parish life.

Gospel Justice and Community Care Lenten series 
Providing insights into issues of policing in local and national contexts, the Bishop’s Commission on Gospel Justice and Community Care invites all in the diocese to follow its Facebook page and engage in daily posts on topics including countering racism and providing mental health-care options for intervention rather than arrest.

More social media
Additional diocesan social media feeds to follow and share include the diocesan Facebook page and YouTube channel and The Episcopal News's Facebook page and Twitter (@EpiscoNews_LA).
Five-week Lenten curriculum guides study of Bishop Curry's Love Is the Way

A five-week Lenten study guide of Bishop Michael Curry’s book Love is the Way: Holding Onto Hope in Troubling Times is now available.

Developed by One in the Spirit – the Diocese of Los Angeles' engagement across difference ministry – the curriculum is available in a downloadable PDF in both English and Spanish and is suitable for either group discussions or individual reflection.
The study guide includes reflections from:

  • The Rev. Canon Melissa McCarthy, canon to the ordinary
  • The Rev. Antonio Gallardo, vicar of St. Luke's Church, La Crescenta
  • The Very Rev. Canon Gary Hall, interim dean of Bloy House and former dean of Washington National Cathedral
  • Missioner for Youth Gabriel Vasquez-Reyes
  • The Rt. Rev. John Harvey Taylor, bishop diocesan

The writers invite participants to explore differences that challenge us while encouraging reflection on the love that binds us together: God’s love and the reflection of that love in human lives.

To download the English curriculum, click here. The Spanish curriculum is here.
Deacon Anthony Keller offers spirituality videos during Lent

During Covid lockdown the Rev. Anthony Keller, deacon at St. George's Church, La Cañada, began an online diaconal ministry named The Flow in which he helps viewers embrace contemplative spirituality. During Lent Keller is producing six videos under the title "The Way Of Our Cross," to be posted on Saturdays beginning March 5 and ending April 9. Each video will encompass one of six core teachings of Jesus, "affording people the opportunity to examine how well a teaching has been incorporated into daily living," says Keller. The videos can be accessed on The Flow website.
St. Peter's, San Pedro, highlights stories of African Americans in honor of Black History Month

The contributions of Black Americans are sometimes overlooked when people of the United States learn about the nation's history.

In an effort to introduce some of these stories and in celebration of Black History Month, the Inclusion Committee of St. Peter's Church, San Pedro, has produced The More You Know, a 32-page collection of brief items about Black Americans who have contributed to American life in women's and civil rights, science, politics, medicine, journalism, education, sports, the arts and more. The collection ends with several personal reminiscences and reflections on encountering racism from Black and White perspectives.

Writers include Don Briggs, Daisy Carr, Tom Carr, Michelle Durojaiye, Jean Foster and Bose Labisi.

In a typical entry Durojaiye describes the work of Mary Bethune (pictured above), "an educator and school founder who served as an unofficial advisor on African-American issues to presidents Roosevelt and Truman. Born to parents who had grown up as slaves, Bethune was the only one of 17 children in her family to go to school. After attending bible college in Chicago, she dedicated herself to educating others. She worked in Georgia and South Carolina, then founded Florida’s Daytona Normal and Industrial Institute for Girls in 1904. The school became Bethune-Cookman College, one of the few black colleges in the country. A firm believer in education as a path to racial equality, Bethune focused on vocational education and social activism and became a worldwide public figure."

The More You Know is available as a PDF here.
Camp Stevens invites all to family camps, retreats; summer camp registration continues

In addition to its summer sessions for children and teens, Camp Stevens will hold its annual series of Family Camps this year: Memorial Day, May 28 – 30; Harvest, Oct. 7 – 9; and Thanksgiving, Nov. 25 – 27.

"Family Camps are a great way to connect with your family and experience all Camp Stevens has to offer," says the announcement. "All you have to do is bring your family and we provide the rest. Cost covers your private room, food, and activities."

Weekend activities may include archery, climbing wall, garden tour or project, staff-led hikes, ice dye or tie-dye projects, swimming, campfire with s'mores, family-friendly trivia, culinary projects, visits with the camp's pigs and goats, family fun games, beer and wine tasting, or arts and crafts. More information about family camps, including cost, is here. For reservations, click here.

Camp Stevens also offers family retreats on specific dates: this spring's available weekends are March 11 – 13 and April 1 - 3. Individuals, families or groups are invited to stay in one of the camp lodges, visit the town of Julian, take hikes, tour the gardens and enjoy meals served in the camp dining hall or patio. For pricing and lodge availability, email Sam at [email protected] for pricing and lodge availability.

Summer camp registration continues: sessions are filling quickly

Summer camp registration is now open for children ages 8 to 15 for these sessions:

  • Adventure Session 1: June 26 – July 1
  • Adventure Session 2: July 3 – July 8
  • Adventure Session 3: July 10 – July 15
  • Adventure Session 4: July 17 – July 22

The camp recently posted on Instagram that spaces are filling up quickly. "Session 1 is wait-listed and Sessions 3 and 4 are nearing capacity as well. Session 2 (4th of July week) still has about 30 spots left. We’re so excited to see everyone again this summer!"

Teens 16 and up are invited to apply for Counselor Training (June 12 - 21). The camp also offers Wilderness Trips for teens up to age 17, featuring such activities as rock climbing and sea kayaking.

For information about all summer camps, visit the website here. Cost is on a tiered system, with each family choosing which rate to pay, according to its means. Fees for Adventure Sessions range from $625 to $795. Some camperships are available.

Covid-19 mitigation measures will be observed at all camp sessions until the staff, guided by camp nurses, the American Camping Association and public health officials, deem them no longer necessary: see the website for details.
Episcopalians invited to 'Lenten Virtual Borderlands Experience'

[The Episcopal Church] The Episcopal Church's Latino Ministries office and Episcopal Migration Ministries invites church members and others to walk a special Lenten journey with immigrant sojourners and advocates in a free, five-week Lenten Virtual Borderlands Experience, 4 – 5:30 PT (7 – 8:30 p.m. ET) on Thursdays: March 10, 17, 24, 31, and April 7.

  • Hear stories from our immigrant siblings 
  • Learn from those involved in migration ministry
  • Follow the steps of those who have crossed borders in search of a better way of life

This series can be done individually or as part of a congregational study group. To register, click here.
Kaleidoscope Institute workshop to focus on ways to consensus

[The Kaleidoscope Institute] Have you ever wondered if there’s a better way than majority rule to make group decisions? Have you wondered where God was in your group’s decisions? The Kaleidoscope Institute (KI) offers a three-hour online workshop on faith-based consensus, facilitated by the authors of Sacred Decisions: Consensus in Faith Communities, on Tuesday, March 22, 12 - 3 p.m.

In this workshop, there will be opportunities to discuss the rationale and process of faith-based consensus, and to practice using it in a small group.

The fee for this new workshop is as low as $1; additional donations are welcome. Participants' feedback on their experience will help KI staff refine and perfect this new curriculum. Registration is limited to 20 persons.

Click here to register.
Bloy House announces 'Education for Your Faith Journey' classes for March

The Education for Your Faith Journey program at Bloy House (Episcopal Theological School Los Angeles) is designed to meet the education needs of those not currently served by seminaries or other church programs. Each class meets online weekly for four weeks. Class sessions are about 60 to 90 minutes long. The class fee is $50; financial aid is available.

TUESDAYS, MARCH 1, 8, 15 & 2; 7 - 8 p.m.
Faith and Grief
Led by Victor Luna, M.S.W., M.Div., school social worker with the Los Angeles Unified School District.
While grief and loss are universal, they are also complicated and complex processes. In these four sessions, we will review the stages of grief and the array of emotions that we experience when we lose someone or something of value in our lives. We will explore the following:
  • How to grieve in a healthy manner?
  • What do the scriptures teach about grieving?
  • How does our faith sustain us?
Finally, participants will reflect on the losses from the pandemic and health crisis and how to turn to the divine for guidance during these difficult times.

THURSDAYS, MARCH 3, 10, 17 & 24; 7 – 8 p.m.
Let There Be Light! Best Practices for Living Beyond Crisis
Led by the Rev. Carlos Ruvalcaba, program director, Instituto de Liderazgo and associate rector, St. Stephen’s Church, Hollywood, and St. Barnabas Church, Eagle Rock.
When we look at ourselves 22 months ago, we cannot help but to think in a world that literally had to shut down. The disruption and suffering caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the economic turmoil, the social upheaval, and violence came to change our lives and livelihood in ways both small and profound. Is all this a tragedy? Yes! Could all this be a gateway to something new and better? Yes!

In this four-week, one-hour course participants will explore these questions: What was normal? What is normal nowadays Where have we been? Where are we headed? How might we attend to the pandemic’s impact on our lives, while also identify our role in fixing the mess of the world and solving the catastrophes that are already upon us?

Optional reading material includes Alexis Pauline Gumbs' Undrowned, Black Feminist Lessons from Marine Mammals, along other reflections that will help us in our discussion time and further activities.

Class sessions may be recorded; if so, the link to the video will be sent to all students.

Information and registration links for both sessions are here.
New diocesan Commission on Climate Change will begin work in March

The Bishop’s Commission on Climate Change – a new forum engaging individuals and congregations in deeper response to urgent environmental issues – is set to begin work in March, taking up priorities underscored by the U.N.’s COP26 conference and in the recent Diocesan Convention lecture given by Mary Nichols, parishioner of St. James’, Los Angeles, and former chair of the California Air Resources Board.

The commission is chaired by the Rev. Canon Melissa McCarthy, diocesan canon to the ordinary, who was among Episcopal Church representatives to the COP26 conference in November. Nominations for new commission members are now being received, and names or self-nominations may be emailed to [email protected].

The commission’s work, set to commence with monthly Zoom meetings, is three-fold:
  • Advocacy and education for diocesan congregations, schools, institutions, and individuals in addressing climate change
  • Engagement of General Convention legislation calling dioceses, congregations, and individuals to action
  • Preparedness for natural disasters and responsiveness when they occur

In addition, the commission will bring attention to intersections of food insecurity and racial justice; tracking of federal, statewide, regional and local legislation; and development of an anthology of online resources. The role of youth and young adults, together with local schools and seminaries, also will be key. Updates of the commission’s work will follow in news reports and on the diocesan website.

Above: Fellow climate activists Mary Nichols and Melissa McCarthy meet before the Margaret Parker lecture at the 2021 Diocesan Convention. Both attended the recent U.N. climate conference, COP26; Nichols in person and McCarthy via the internet. Photo: John Taylor
From the community
Seniors Get Seeds of Hope at New Farmers Market

By Greg Hernandez

[Los Angeles LGBT Center – March 8, 2022] Steven Abeyta picks up the free lunch in the courtyard outside of the Los Angeles LGBT Center’s Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Senior Center about three times a week.

Last Wednesday, he was pleasantly surprised to find a farmers market had also been set up in the courtyard and he enthusiastically began selecting some fresh fruits and vegetables to take home.

“I’m vegan so this is great,” Abeyta said. “I grabbed green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, squash, a melon, and some mushrooms.”

The Center’s Senior Services has teamed up with Seeds of Hope, a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, to offer a monthly farmers market outside the senior center.

“With seniors, we are trying to give them things that don’t need to be prepared or cooked for a long time,” explained Seeds of Hope Nutrition Program Coordinator Steven Trapasso.

“So there’s a lot of fruit, lettuces, cucumbers, tomatoes. Things you can take out of your refrigerator and eat or easily make a salad with. If we brought an eggplant, it would take work to break it down and eat it.”

Read more here. H/t Canon Jim White
From the wider church
Episcopal Pulse recruits 1,000 respondents for mini-surveys on church’s pressing issues

By David Paulsen

[Episcopal News Service – March 4, 2022] What if Episcopalians and Episcopal leaders could get data on the state of the church and its congregations nearly in real time as they grapple with some of the biggest challenges of the day, from navigating the pandemic to confronting racial injustice?

That is the idea behind Episcopal Pulse, a mini-survey experiment backed by TryTank Experimental Laboratory and developed by the FaithX Project. They launched the surveys in January with more than 1,000 people receiving weekly questions by email. The developers have been encouraged by the initial response rate; about 500 to 600 participants are answering the questions each week.

“This is a crucial thing to be able to do,” said the Rev. Ken Howard, executive director and founder of FaithX, a nonprofit consulting firm. “The church is horrendously handicapped by its traditionalist point of view about things. We don’t like change very much, and we’re not very agile.”

As its name suggests, Episcopal Pulse aims to regularly take the pulse of the church. Its surveys are designed to require no more than two minutes to complete and often are centered on a single question, yet they still produce bits of statistically significant data and analysis – in a fraction of the time and effort it would take large polling agencies to conduct more robust surveys.

Read more here.
Episcopal-Methodist full communion partnership on hold as UMC delays vote on split over LGBTQ+ inclusion

By Melodie Woerman

[Episcopal News Service – March 8, 2022] The timeline for a full communion partnership between The Episcopal Church and the United Methodist Church remains on hold as the latter has postponed its quadrennial General Conference until 2024, when it will take up a twice-delayed vote to split the 12.9 million-member denomination over disagreements on the full inclusion of LGBTQ+ members.

That vote was to take place in 2020, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic it was postponed first to 2021 and then to 2022. It’s now been rescheduled a third time due to ongoing virus concerns and visa delays for its members traveling from some 130 countries outside the United States.

In the meantime, the General Convention Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations recently discussed Resolution A093, which commends the ongoing work of The Episcopal Church-United Methodist Dialogue and its proposal for full communion.

During the legislative hearing, the Rev. Rowan Larson, curate for formation and mission at Grace Church in Newton, Massachusetts, asked committee members to recommend that The Episcopal Church not move forward with any proposal until the United Methodist Church addresses its current ban on LGBTQ+ clergy and the marriage of same-sex couples.

Read more here.
More reporting from Episcopal News Service is here.
Coming up
FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 7 p.m.
Stations of the Cross
St. Andrew's Church
1432 Engracia Avenue, Torrance 90501
Each Friday during Lent we will celebrate the Stations of the Cross when we say a meditation and prayer at each of the 14 stations around our sanctuary, remembering Jesus' journey from Pilate to his crucifixion and burial. St. Andrew's will alternate weekly with Christ Church, 6122 Pacific Coast Hwy., Redondo Beach, for this service.

SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 10 a.m.
Memorial Service: Anita Jeanette Edwards
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
1145 W. Valencia Mesa Drive, Fullerton 92833
Anita Edwards (September 24, 1935 – February 15, 2022) was the wife of the Rev. Canon Paul Edwards and mother of the Rev. Robert Edwards. An obituary is here.

SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 11:30 a.m.
Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of Luke: The End And The Beginning
St. John's Cathedral, Los Angeles
Via Zoom: register here
Presenter: Mark Kowalewski, co-dean of St. John's. This series will take a deep dive into the Gospel of Luke, the text for most Gospel readings at Eucharist this liturgical year. How does Luke tell the story of Jesus? How is his story distinct, and how similar to the other writers who tell the story of Jesus? Participants will see the whole map, but pay particular attention to key places of interest. "We will combine the study of the text with time to allow ourselves to meet the Jesus who speaks in a unique way through this telling of the Gospel," according to the course announcement. Recordings of previous sessions are at the link above.

SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 4:30 p.m.
Solemn Evensong
St. James' in-the-City Episcopal Church
3903 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles 90010
Information here
Tickets here
Choir of Saint James offers the uniquely Anglican service of Evensong in the style of the great English Cathedrals on the second Sunday of the month. Freewill offering. Ticket required to attend.

SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 5 p.m.
Chamber Music Concert IV: American Soundscapes
All Saints’ Church
504 N. Camden Drive, Beverly Hills 90210
Information: 310.275.01, ext.112 or
Performers: Patricia Cloud, flute; Roger Wilkie, violin; William Wood, bassoon; Edith Orloff, piano; Craig Phillips, organ. Music selections include Three Pastoral Scenes, Poem for Violin and Piano and Scenes from a Gallery by Craig Phillips; Canzone for flute and piano op. 38a by Samuel Barber; Trio for Flute, Bassoon and Piano by Chick Corea; Three Preludes for violin and piano by George Gershwin, arranged by Jascha Heifitz; Air for bassoon and piano by Alec Wilder. Tickets: $20 adults / $10 students & seniors. Admission free with Music Guild donor season pass.

SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 6 p.m.
International Laureates Organ Series: Clive Driskill-Smith
St. James' in-the-City Episcopal Church
3903 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles 90010
Information here
Tickets here
British organist Clive Driskill-Smith has taken the classical music world by storm, enthralling audiences from Beijing to Boston to Budapest with his extraordinary playing and fearless programming. Critics have praised his “blazing technique and unbelievable virtuosity” (Chiff Chat, American Guild of Organists) and described his performances as “intensely moving and truly breathtaking” (Organo Pleno, Australia). His solo recitals and duo performances with Grammy Award–winning percussionist Joseph Gramley bring audiences to their feet across the world. Read more about this artist here. Ticket required to attend.

MONDAYS, MARCH 14, 21, 28, April 4, 7 - 8:15 p.m.
Lenten Program: Listening for Spirit in Wilderness Times
St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Long Beach
Via Zoom: Register here
Information: [email protected]
Are you clear about the path moving forward? We seem to be approaching the end of a pandemic that has changed the world around us, and we all know the world isn’t and can’t be the same. So, what is next? What do I do? Perhaps you’re pondering these questions for home, family, job, and church. When we journey through the wilderness, sometimes we struggle to listen to the source that is there to guide us – the source that manifests through God, ourselves, and others. Listening for Spirit in Wilderness Times is a six-Monday Lenten program that seeks to ground us in the sacred art and spiritual practice of listening as we connect with Spirit’s wisdom. Join one session or all. (Sessions began on March 7.) Facilitated by Canon Kay Lindahl, author of The Sacred Art of Listening and Practicing the Sacred Art of Listening.
March 14: Listening for God
March 21: Listening for Self
March 28: Listening for Others
April 4: Listening Forward
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 4 - 6 p.m.
Inspiring Stories: How Perpetrators of Racism Recognize Their Complicity
The Guibord Center
Online: Register here
"Tragic events in our nation over the past two years have awakened many of us to how we perpetuate racist thoughts and behaviors, knowingly or not. In this event, the third in our four-part series on racism, we'll hear from people who have come to realize their role in maintaining racist attitudes and systems. They'll share how they turn to their spiritual traditions for guidance and strength to transform themselves and their communities. Join us as we hear from compelling storytellers whose personal reflections open a space for deeper exploration and transformative engagement." Storytellers for this event will be announced soon. The Guibord Center, an interfaith organization founded by the late Rev. Gwynne Guibord, an Episcopal priest, works to increase understanding among Los Angeles' diverse faith communities. All of their programs are free; donations are gratefully accepted. Learn more here.

FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 7 p.m.
Stations of the Cross
Christ Church
6122 Pacific Coast Hwy., Redondo Beach
Each Friday during the season of Lent we will celebrate the Stations of the Cross when we say a meditation and prayer at each of the 14 stations around our sanctuary, remembering Jesus' journey from Pilate to his crucifixion and burial. Christ Church will alternate weekly with St. Andrew's Church, 1432 Engracia Ave, Torrance 90501 for this service.
FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 7 p.m.
Stations of the Cross
St. Andrew's Church
1432 Engracia Avenue, Torrance 90501
Each Friday during Lent we will celebrate the Stations of the Cross when we say a meditation and prayer at each of the 14 stations around our sanctuary, remembering Jesus' journey from Pilate to his crucifixion and burial. St. Andrew's will alternate weekly with Christ Church, 6122 Pacific Coast Hwy., Redondo Beach, for this service.

FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 8 p.m.
Pianist Petronel Malan in Concert
St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
1031 Bienveneda Avenue, Pacific Palisades
Tickets: or 310.573.7422
Lauded by reviewers as an unmistakably creative force in the classical music industry, Malan’s critical acclaim culminated in the nomination of three Grammy® Awards, including “Best Instrumental Solo Album” for her debut disc Transfigured Bach. This program will feature music of Mozart, Liszt, Florence Price and Scarlatti. Masks are required for all audience members. All audience members must show proof of having been fully vaccinated. Proof of vaccine booster is not required at this time.
SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 10 – 11:30 a.m.
Kindred Spirits: One Animal Family, Part II
St. John's Cathedral
514 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles 90007
In person and online: register here
An in-person interview and book signing with Anne Benvenuti, Ph.D., celebrates her new book, Kindred Spirits: One Animal Family. Benvenuti describes what she calls a global shift of consciousness in how humans relate to other animals. In this interview, she will "connect the dots between the ecological, social, and political challenges we face and some of our most important resources for meeting them. She explores how we find comfort, inspiration, and courage in our relationships with dogs and cats, as well as in understanding the lives of other animals. The evolutionary significance of these connections? Giving everything we have to save our family - our one animal family - is a natural response. But we first have to consciously affirm and experience that animals are our family. Anne illustrates these ideas with stories of people and animals in places where this cultural shift is happening...none too soon, and hopefully not too late." Following the program at the in-person event, Benvenuti will sign copies of Kindred Spirits: One Animal Family. To purchase the book in advance, click here. The Guibord Center, an interfaith organization founded by the late Rev. Gwynne Guibord, an Episcopal priest, works to increase understanding among Los Angeles' diverse faith communities. All of their programs are free; donations are gratefully accepted. Learn more here.
Additional events are listed on the diocesan calendar here.
Blood Drives
Churches continue blood drives

Blood supplies are critically low in California, and congregations in the Diocese of Los Angeles have stepped up to help replenish them by hosting blood drives. Currently scheduled events are listed below.

Additional helpful resources from the American Red Cross:

Donors may save up to 15 minutes by completing pre-donation reading and answering health history questions here, rather than filling out forms on the day of donation.

Reservations are required. All donors and staff will be screened before entering the facilities.

TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
St. James' Church, Newport Beach
3209 Via Lido, Newport Beach 92663
Reservations here or call 1.800.RED.CROSS (1.800.733.2767) or here or 949.675.0210 (St. James')
Sponsor code: stjamesnewport

SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 8:15 a.m. - 2 p.m.
St. John's Episcopal Church, Cardinal Gym
30382 Via Con Dios, Rancho Santa Margarita 92688
Reservations here or call 1.800.RED.CROSS (1.800.733.2767)
Sponsor code: St. John (note no "s")
Additional dates at this location are Sundays, June 26 and Oct. 23.

SUNDAY, APRIL 3, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
St. John's Episcopal Church
Vicenti Hall
4745 Wheeler Avenue, La Verne 91750
Reservations here or call 1.800.RED.CROSS (1.800.733.2767)
Sponsor code: STJOHNS
Additional dates at this location are: Sunday, May 29; and Sunday, July 24.

Will your church host blood drives in coming months? Send the information to [email protected] for inclusion in the calendar. Please include the date, times, location and sponsor code.

Listings may be sent to [email protected]. There is no charge.

COVINA: Organist/Choirmaster, Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. Part time (6-12 hours per week). Holy Trinity Church in Covina seeks an organist/director of Music responsible for providing music in the Episcopal/Anglican tradition (music ancient, classical, contemporary, and multicultural). Send resume to the parish administrator via email at [email protected]. For a full job description, click here.

FILLMORE/VENTURA: Community Engagement and Development Coordinator, The Abundant Table, a non-profit, organic certified farm and BIPOC- and women-led worker collective in Ventura County, California that seeks to transform our food system towards justice, liberation, and increased health for all people, while caring for the land and all who tend the land. Community Engagement and Development Coordinator will be responsible to oversee and coordinate the TAT community engagement and development processes, including management; fundraising; community engagement, coordination and development. 30 hours/week; salary and benefits $32,864.Full job description here.

LOS ANGELES: Coordinator for Capacity Building, Outreach and Volunteers, Interfaith Refugee and Immigration Service. IRIS is a program of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles and the Southern California based affiliate office of Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM). IRIS offers refugee resettlement assistance, intensive case management and immigration legal services to the low-income refugee and immigrant community of the greater Los Angeles region. The Coordinator for Capacity Building, Outreach and Volunteers will work across IRIS’ departments to build comprehensive community capacity and engagement to support IRIS’ efforts to support refugee and immigrant integration throughout the greater Los Angeles region. This position is responsible for: recruiting, training and supervising volunteers and co-sponsors; tracking and maintaining data; working with IRIS staff, donors and partners to coordinate donations of household goods; coordinating IRIS community engagement efforts including education and outreach to program partners, faith groups, educational institutions, and other community partners; and develop and distribute materials to engage local stakeholders around resettlement service activities that positively impact refugee and immigrant communities in the region. Full job description here.

LOS ANGELES: Preferred Communities Afghan Intensive Refugee Case Manager, IRIS (Interfaith Refugee & Immigration Service). Responsible for coordinating medical and/or mental health services and provide case management to individuals with refugee and asylum status who have significant physical and/or mental health conditions. The PC Afghan Intensive Case Manager will be part of a specialized team within IRIS that focuses on intensive case manager for the agency’s most vulnerable clients. The position will work to promote self-sufficiency and goal attainment for clients, through connections to ongoing programming and mainstream supports, in compliance with IRIS programs and contract guidelines. This position reports to the Refugee Program Supervisor and IRIS executive director. Full job description and application instructions here.

LOS ANGELES: Executive Director, Commission on Schools. The Diocese of Los Angeles and the Commission on Schools are seeking a lay or ordained person with school, preschool, and/or parish leadership experience to be a part of the diocesan staff beginning Summer 2022. Being an Episcopalian is not required but is preferable, and a non-Episcopalian must be willing to fully understand, articulate, and support the ministries of Episcopal schools and preschools. The position is 1000 hours per year, benefits eligible, with the work schedule to be determined by the needs of the position with respect to the school year and diocesan considerations. Please send a cover letter, resume, and a reference list to Canon Anilin Collado via email at [email protected] or by postal mail at 840 Echo Park Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90026 no later than March 31. A job description is here.

LOS ANGELES: Seminary Dean and President, Bloy House. The Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles is recruiting an individual to serve as dean and president of Bloy House, the Episcopal Theological School of Los Angeles. Over its 50-year history, Bloy House has trained generations of lay leaders, priests, and deacons, moving flexibly with the needs of the diocese and the changing realities of academic seminaries. Our vision is that Bloy House will now put greater emphasis on lay formation and will provide an integrating hub for the many excellent existing, but disparate, formation programs in the diocese, as well as visioning new initiatives and expanded constituencies. A full job description is here.

LOS ANGELES: Preschool Director, St. James' Episcopal School. The preschool director oversees the Grammercy Place Preschool and is the supervisor for the St. Andrew’s Place preschool site director. The preschool director is responsible for curriculum, evaluation, professional development and parent and family engagement and communications for both preschool campuses. Website is here. Full job description here.

PACIFIC PALISADES: General Maintenance Worker, St. Matthew's Church and School. St. Matthew's is a vibrant community that includes both a Church and a School situated in beautiful Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles. The Director of Facilities and Operations seeks a full time maintenance staff member with maintenance experience. This is a "hands-on" position and the ideal candidate will have repair maintenance and event setup experience, great people skills and a history of providing the highest level of customer service. A full job description is here. Please email resume to [email protected].

PASADENA: Associate for Giving & Stewardship, All Saints Church. The purpose of this position is to provide excellent stewardship of All Saints’ donors and to ensure accurate and timely processing of all income. This position reports to the Director of Giving & Stewardship. Full time (hybrid in-person and online). Full job description here.

PASADENA: Administrative Assistant for Pastoral Care, Health & Healing and Giving Office, All Saints Church. Full time with benefits. Performs routine administrative functions for Pastoral Care, such as drafting correspondence, scheduling appointments, organizing and maintaining paper and electronic files; write reports of prayer requests and pastoral care needs; handle phone and email, provide information, coordinate meetings and more. A complete job description is here.

SANTA CLARITA: Youth Ministry Coordinator, St. Stephen's Church. Part-time. The role of the youth ministry coordinator will be to develop, coordinate and lead all St. Stephen’s Church youth activities. The major goal is to guide young people in their faith journey by creating a welcoming environment, providing faith direction and encouraging discussion, education and programming. 10-15 hours per week. A full job description is here.


OAKLAND: Director of Children and Youth Ministries, St. John’s Episcopal Church. The founding congregation of Confirm not Conform, St. John's prides itself on being welcoming, innovative and action focused. Its vision is to manifest God’s love through invitation, inclusion, faith and action and it is seeking ways to extend its relevance to the unchurched now and in the future. St. John's is seeking a Director of Children and Youth Ministries to lead its efforts in actively revolutionizing ministry for and with young people within the church and the larger community. St. John’s seeks a person who is passionate about social and environmental justice and equity, and who is excited to empower children, youth, and families to take action locally and beyond. The DCYM oversees the creation and delivery of a holistic formation program from birth through high school graduation and beyond, including intentional spiritual nourishment of the caring adults who walk alongside children and youth during these times. Full job description is here. Interested and qualified candidates should submit a resume and cover letter to Martha Whitesides, [email protected].

Additional job listings are here. Listings are free: send information to [email protected].
The Episcopal News Update is published on Wednesday afternoons. News items, job listings, calendar items, questions and comments may be sent to [email protected]. Weekly deadline is Tuesday at 12 p.m. Photos are welcome: please include them as attachments (rather than embedded in a document). To subscribe, click here.
— Janet Kawamoto, editor