Nomination Report:
Candidates outline vision in special
fall issue of
The Episcopal News
A special "Nomination Report" issue of The Episcopal News has been posted online in versions suitable for reading and printing.
The Bishop Coadjutor Search Committee submitted a list of 10 questions to the six candidates about their vision for ministry in the Diocese of Los Angeles, and how each would handle certain aspects of that ministry if elected. The candidates' answers, plus an opening vision statement, are in this issue, along with a review of how the candidates were selected and a look back at bishops of the diocese. A Spanish-language edition also will be available after Oct. 7. To download a copy of The News for printing or reading, click here.
Regional forums set with coadjutor candidates
All are invited to sessions Oct. 7 - 9
Four regional forums with the candidates for bishop coadjutor of the Diocese of Los Angeles have been scheduled by the search committee to provide opportunities to meet and confer with prospective nominees. All in the diocese are welcome to attend the sessions, and to view the Saturday-morning plenary via webcast. All voting delegates and clergy should attend one of the forums, and all church members are invited. The schedule is as follows:
- Orange County: Friday, October 7, 6 - 9 p.m., St. George's Episcopal Church, 23802 Avenida de la Carlota, Laguna Hills;
- Los Angeles County: Saturday, October 8, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., Campbell Hall Episcopal School, Laurel Canyon Blvd., North Hollywood, with a webcast of the plenary session here and here. Later, video on demand will be available through the diocesan website, www.ladiocese.org;
- Ventura County: Saturday, October 8, 3 - 6 p.m., St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 3290 Loma Vista Road, Ventura;
- Inland Empire: Sunday, October 9, 1 - 4 p.m., Trinity Episcopal Church, 419 S. 4th Street, Redlands.
The forums will occur in advance of Diocesan Convention's Dec. 2 - 3 election of the bishop coadjutor, who, following the receipt of necessary consents from the dioceses and bishops of the wider Episcopal Church, will succeed Bishop Diocesan J. Jon Bruno upon his retirement. Inquiries about the forums may be directed to the Rev. Lester Mackenzie, priest-in-charge of St. Mary's Church, Laguna Beach, at lmackenzie@stmaryslb.org.
People ...
Ken Adams
1913 - 2016 Ken Adams, a lay leader in the Diocese of Los Angeles, has died at the age of 103. A funeral service will be held on Friday, Oct. 28, 2 p.m. at Holy Faith Church, 260 N Locust Street, Inglewood 90301
(310).674.7700). Adams was a longtime member of Diocesan Council, where he continually advocated for the needs and rights of African American Episcopalians as well as people of the wider community. The photo above was taken at a celebration in 2013 of Adams' 100th birthday.
Events & announcements ...
'Versed' returns with candidates for bishop coadjutor
'Versed," the Bible discussion program for young adults, returns Oct. 11 with "Imagining the Kingdom." The Program Group on Youth & Young Adult Ministry invites all adult members of the diocesan community to take part in these special sessions, which will be led by the candidates for bishop coadjutor. Participants will eat, learn and reflect on the Kingdom to become well "versed" in scripture and faith. Dinner will be served at each session, followed by presentations by the coadjutor candidates and small-group discussion. All sessions will take place on Tuesdays, Oct. 11 - Nov. 22, 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. at the Cathedral Center of St. Paul, 840 Echo Park Avenue, Los Angeles. Cost is $50 for the series; scholarships are available for those needing financial assistance. For reservations (requested), click here. Seating is limited to 120 participants; half of those seats will be reserved for young adults. Read more here.
Fr. Greg Boyle, Bishop Chet Talton to speak at Prism anniversary celebration
Prism, the restorative justice ministry of the Diocese of Los Angeles, will celebrate a decade of ministry in Los Angeles County jails with an event on Saturday, Nov. 5, 6 - 9 p.m. at Church of Our Saviour, 535 W. Roses Road, San Gabriel. Keynote speaker will be Fr. Greg Boyle, SJ (pictured at left), founder and executive director of Homeboy Industries, the largest gang intervention and re-entry program in the United States. Retired Bishop Suffragan Chester Talton also will offer remarks. The evening will feature dinner, an art exhibit and a silent auction. Sister Greta Ronningen of Prism and the Community of Divine Love will sign copies of her newly released book, Free on the Inside: Finding God Behind Bars (Cathedral Center Press). Tickets are $100 per person: to order, click here. For information, call 626.703.4474 or email to info@cdlmonks.org.
Desert Journeys announces fall retreat
The Rev. Canon David Caffrey will lead Desert Journey's Fall Desert Campout Retreat Oct. 21 - 23 at Patton's Altar near Desert Center, Calif. The weekend's activities will include nature walks, daily offices and Sunday Eucharist, barbecue, stargazing, local history of the WWII Army camp and lots of rest and quiet. All rigs are welcome. For information and reservations, contact Caffrey at 760.362.4670 or 951.314.2301 or desertfather@earthlink.net.
Join Seeds of Hope to work, play under the stars at 'Friday Night Farming'
Seeds of Hope will hold a session of "Friday Night Farming" on Friday, Oct. 28, 5:30 - 9:30 p.m., at the Edendale Garden next to the Cathedral Center (840 Echo Park Avenue). Help plant and beautify the garden, then enjoy a fabulous fresh dinner, music and fun. For information, click here or visit the Seeds of Hope Facebook page here.
Theologian Matthew Fox to speak on 'Creation Spirituality and the Cosmic Christ'
Matthew Fox, one of the truly prophetic voices of our time, will be at All Saints Church, Pasadena, on Saturday, October 15. Internationally acclaimed spiritual theologian, Episcopal priest, and activist Matthew Fox will speak on "Creation Spirituality and the Cosmic Christ" on Saturday, Oct. 15, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. at All Saints Church, 132 N. Euclid Avenue, Pasadena. Fox will lead a workshop teaching on the "third nature" of Christ, and artist Ulrich Javier Lemus will comment on his clay tablets. In this mini walking pilgrimage participants will meditate on the seven "I am" passages and the nine events in the life of Jesus that are cosmic-based, including the Nativity, Baptism, Transfiguration and Pentecost. The practice is meant to supplement the traditional "Stations of the Cross" and move into an ecological and cosmic understanding of the role that a Cosmic Christ theology can play. Registration fee is $10. Register here. For more information, call 626.796.1172.
Girls and moms invited to GFS's World Day of Prayer celebration
The Girls' Friendly Society of the Diocese of Los Angeles invites girls of all ages and their mothers to "Love Makes the World Go Round: A Celebration of the World Day of Prayer" on Saturday, Nov. 5, 3:45 - 9 -p.m. at Holy Trinity & St. Benedict Episcopal Church, 412 N. Garfield Ave., Alhambra 92801. The 4 p.m. service will feature an international procession, prayer and dance, and will be followed by a potluck dinner and work on the service project for Japan. A dance at 6 p.m. will conclude the evening. Attendees are encouraged to wear outfits representative of another country, or their GFS uniforms or vests, and to bring an ethnic dish for the potluck dinner; baked chicken will be provided. GFS members and moms are encouraged to bring friends. For reservations and more information, click here.
Music and comedy will highlight dinner event at La Verne church
Saint John's Church, La Verne will turn itself into "Smokey Joe's Cafe" for its fall fundraiser, an evening of fine dining, fine music and fun comedy. Dinner will be catered by "Master Chef" contestant Diane Bilow, with music by Julie Esposito and her band. Improvisational comedian and ELCA Pastor James Pike will entertain. A special children's program and menu also will be offered. There is no set cost, but donations are welcome to help support St. John's outreach ministries, its youth and other mission and ministry. For information and to register, click here or contact the church office at 909.596.1321 or office@stjohnslaverne.org.
Bloy House to celebrate Episcopal - Methodist ties
Bloy House, the Episcopal Theological School at Claremont, invites all to a celebration in thanksgiving for the ongoing ecumenical dialogue between Methodists and Episcopalians on Saturday, Oct. 29, beginning with Eucharist at 11:15 a.m. in Kresge Chapel at the Claremont School of Theology. The Rev. Jeffrey Kuan (pictured below left), president of CST, will preach at the service, which will commemorate Anglican priests John and Charles Wesley, founders of Methodism. The Rev. Dr. Sheryl Kujawa-Holbrook, academic dean and vice president of CST (and Bloy House professor of Anglican Studies), and the Very Rev. Sylvia Sweeney, dean and president of Bloy House, will be co-presiders. The Rev. Patricia Farris (pictured above left), chair of the CST board of trustees and a Methodist member of the dialog team, will speak at Bloy House during a lunch presentation. Reservations are requested for lunch: cost is $20 per person. Checks may be made payable to Bloy House, ETSC; please write "Methodist-Episcopal lunch" in the memo line. Mail to Bloy House/Episcopal Theological School at Claremont, 1325 N College Avenue, Claremont 91711. For information, call 909.621.2419 or email to bloyhouse@cst.edu.
Stillpoint offers day retreat on wholeness of body and spirit
Stillpoint: The Center for Christian Spirituality will offer "The Body's Role in Spiritual Transformation: Rediscovering the Lost Body-Connection within Christian Spirituality," an experiential day retreat, on Saturday, October 22, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., facilitated by the Rev. Elizabeth Rechter, Stillpoint's executive director. "The starting point for any path to wholeness is our personal inner journey of growing into communion with ourselves," according to the course announcement. "You are invited to experience a process of inner exploration into your own body's wisdom called 'BioSpiritual Focusing.'" The retreat will be held at All Saints-by-the-Sea Church, 83 Eucalyptus Lane, Santa Barbara 93108. Cost is $48 per person ($58 with lunch). For information and to register, click here.
Interfaith ministry to hold memorial service for those who died homeless
Congregations and individuals in Deanery 6 are especially encouraged to participate as the East San Gabriel Valley Collation for the Homeless remembers the lives of the 472 homeless people who died in Los Angeles County between November 2015 and August 2016. Because no one claimed their bodies, their remains will be cremated and will be interred in a common gravesite with only a plaque marking the year of their interment. Bishop David O'Connell of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles will preside over a memorial service along with Venerable Hui Dong of Hsi Lai Temple in Hacienda Heights, Rabbi David Mattis of Temple Sholom, Ontario; Marci Hoopes, Arcadia public affairs director of the Church of Latter-day Saints, and Said Seddouk, an imam from the Islamic Center of the San Gabriel Valley. Music will be performed by Bryan Pezzone of West Covina United Methodist Church. The memorial service will be at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 344 Workman St, Covina on Wednesday, October 26, 7:15 to 8:15 p.m. A complete program and flyer can be downloaded here. For information, contact ESGVCH at 626.333.7204, or email to esgvch@aol.com.
This week around the diocese ...
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 6 - 9 p.m.
Bishop Coadjutor Candidates Forum
St. George's Episcopal Church 23802 Avenida de la Carlota, Laguna Hills Inquiries: The Rev. Canon Julian Bull, search committee chair, bullj@campbellhall.org First of four regional forums with candidates for bishop coadjutor of the Diocese of Los Angeles have been scheduled by the search committee to provide opportunities to meet and confer with prospective nominees. All in the diocese are welcome to attend the sessions.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Seminar: 'Learning to Do Inner Healing'
Vineyard Community Church 1320 Flynn Road, Camarillo Registration here Led by the Rev. Mike Flynn, former rector of St. Jude's Episcopal Church, Burbank. The program will cover topics including: The Basics of Inner Healing; Inner Healing of Oneself; Inner Healing of Lacks; Inner Healing as Intercession. Cost is $20 per person. Flynn was anointed for inner healing by Agnes Sanford in 1974. Since then he has prayed for hundreds of people and is co-author of the book Inner Healing, published by InterVarsity Press. Advance registration is requested for planning purposes. To pay at the door, email to MKFLN@aol.com to reserve a place.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Workshop: 'Sanctuary: creating spaces to rest, renew and live'
St. Paul's Episcopal Church 242 E. Alvarado Street, Pomona 91767 Information/Reservations: stpaulspomona@yahoo.com Presented by author and speaker Terry Hershey. "In sanctuary, we let this life in. Every bit of it," writes Hershey. "In sanctuary we can be wholehearted; whether grief or gladness or sadness or joy. We make space to see and to be seen. We make space to welcome, to offer comfort and hope." Cost for the workshop is $39 per person, which includes a copy of Hershey's latest book, Sanctuary. Pay at the door, but reservations are requested.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Bishop Coadjutor Candidates Forum
Campbell Hall Episcopal School 4533 Laurel Canyon Blvd., North Hollywood Inquiries: The Rev. Canon Julian Bull, search committee chair, bullj@campbellhall.org Second of four regional forums with candidates for bishop coadjutor of the Diocese of Los Angeles have been scheduled by the search committee to provide opportunities to meet and confer with prospective nominees. All in the diocese are welcome to attend the sessions. The format will include break-out sessions with individual candidates following a plenary session. The plenary session will be live-stream webcast via the diocesan website, www.ladiocese.org.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 3 - 6 p.m.
Bishop Coadjutor Candidates Forum
St. Paul's Episcopal Church 3290 Loma Vista Road, Ventura Inquiries: The Rev. Canon Julian Bull, search committee chair, bullj@campbellhall.org Third of four regional forums with candidates for bishop coadjutor of the Diocese of Los Angeles have been scheduled by the search committee to provide opportunities to meet and confer with prospective nominees. All in the diocese are welcome to attend the sessions. The format will include break-out sessions with individual candidates following a plenary session.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
A Gala of Support for Haiti Nursing School
The Renaissance Los Angeles Airport Hotel 9620 Airport Boulevard, Los Angeles 90045. Information/tickets: contact Eric J. Williams, NBNA president, ewilliams@nbna.org or Lovene Knight at loventy5@gmail.com. Faculté des Sciences Infirmières de l'Université Episcopale d/Haïti (Faculty of Nursing Science of the Episcopal University of Haiti) in Léogâne, Haiti, will benefit from "A Gala of Support" sponsored by the Friends of the National Black Nurses Association of Los Angeles and the Haiti Nursing Foundation. Tickets are $75 each. The event will raise support for students at FSIL Nursing School, the first four-year baccalaureate program of nursing in Haiti.
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1 - 4 p.m.
Bishop Coadjutor Candidates Forum
Trinity Episcopal Church
419 S. 4th Street, Redlands Inquiries: The Rev. Canon Julian Bull, search committee chair, bullj@campbellhall.org Fourth of four regional forums with candidates for bishop coadjutor of the Diocese of Los Angeles have been scheduled by the search committee to provide opportunities to meet and confer with prospective nominees. All in the diocese are welcome to attend the sessions. The format will include break-out sessions with individual candidates following a plenary session.
Family Harvest Weekend
Camp Stevens 1108 Banner Road (Hwy 78), Julian 92036 Information here Featuring hikes, crafts, and outings around Julian. This weekend celebrates the bounty of autumn. It's the perfect time away with family, to connect with old friends and make new ones, sing around the campfire, craft, explore, and create wonderful memories. The weekend begins with a buffet supper on Friday, Oct. 14, and ends with lunch on Sunday, Oct. 16. All ages are welcome! To register, or for more information, call 760.765.0028, email to retreats@campstevens.org, or click here.
This week in liturgy & the arts ...
Blessing of the Animals
1648 W. 9th Street, San Pedro 90732 Information: 310.831.2361 Along with special blessings for our special furry, feathered, scaled, et al, loved ones, St. Peter's will have light refreshments on hand. LAPD Canine Officers and their handlers are invited.
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9, 4:30 p.m.
Solemn Evensong
St. James in-the-City Episcopal Church 3903 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles 90010 Information: 213/388-3417 ext. 200 or GreatMusic@SaintJamesLA.org Choir of St. James'; James Buonemani, director. There is no charge.
Chamber Music Concert I: Hommage à Martial Singher: The Mélodie and the Maître
All Saints' Episcopal Church 504 N. Camden Drive, Beverly Hills 90210 Information: 310. 275.0123, ext.112, or www.allsaintsbh.org Featuring David Costello, baritone, and Victoria Kirsch, piano. Songs and readings in honor of the French baritone Martial Singher, including music of Maurice Ravel, Gabriel Fauré, and Claude Debussy. Tickets: $20 ($10 students & seniors). Admission free with Music Guild donor season pass.
Organ Recital: Peter Richard Conte
St. James in-the-City Episcopal Church 3903 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles 90010 Information: 213/388-3417 ext. 200 or GreatMusic@SaintJamesLA.org Peter Richard Conte of Wanamaker Organ, Philadelphia, will perform after the Evensong (see listing above). There is no charge.
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16, 4 p.m.
Concert: Love4Cello
St. Gregory's Episcopal Church 6201 E. Willow Street, Long Beach 90815 Information: 562.420.1311 Love4Cello is a Los Angeles based cello quartet concentrated in classical and pop/rock repertoire. They met while attending the Bob Cole Conservatory at CSULB. They frequently perform around the Southern California area.
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16, 4 p.m.
St. Luke's Day Men's Evensong
St. Luke's Episcopal Church 122 South California Avenue, Monrovia 91016 Information: StLukesDirector@aol.com St. Luke's Church invites male singers to join its 13th annual St. Luke's Day Men's Evensong Invitational on Sunday, Oct. 16 at 4 p.m., with rehearsal earlier that afternoon. The Rev. Neil Tadken, rector, will be cantor, and selected music will include Franz Biebl's seven-part setting of Ave Maria. "We would like to involve men from as many congregations as possible," says Kent B. Jones, director of music at St. Luke's. "Some sight reading is necessary, as rehearsal time is limited." More information is here. A wine and cheese reception will follow the service. For more information or to join the choir for this occasion, contact Jones at StLukesDirector@aol.com.
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16, 4 p.m.
Jouyssance Early Music Ensemble: The Greatest Hits of 1525
Church of The Angels 1100 Avenue 64, Pasadena Information/Tickets: 213/533-9922 or info@jouyssance.org Jouyssance, a Los Angeles-based vocal ensemble dedicated to revitalizing the music of the medieval, Renaissance and early Baroque periods, under the direction of Dr. Nicole Baker, celebrates the early and middle Renaissance with beloved examples of such great genres as madrigals, chansons and Lieder. Works by Thomas Tallis, Josquin des Prez, Christobal de Morales, Heinrich Isaac, Claudin de Sermisy, Jacob Arcadelt and other composers who dominated European musical life in 1525. The works range from popular, earthy secular songs of the era to devoted expressions of faith. Tickets: $25 ($20 seniors and SCEMS members; $15 students).
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16, 5 p.m.
Jazz Vespers: Dwight Trible
All Saints Church 132 N. Euclid Avenue, Pasadena Information: mhayes@allsaints-pas.org Dwight Trible is a singer who combines the best of vocal virtuosity with musicianship and improvisational skills to the delight of audiences and musicians alike. He uses his music to bring people together, to bridge the gap between the races, and to heal the human heart. He has received numerous awards for his humanitarian efforts. Childcare provided. To use the chancel elevator for accessibility, please arrive five minutes early. Admission is free.
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16, 9 p.m.
Compline at the Cathedral
ProCathedral of St. John 514 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles 90007 Information: 213.747.6285 A 30-minute, candlelit service of song and prayer, followed by food and fellowship, for college students and young adults.
Recurring Services ...
The worship services or events listed here occur on a regular basis; weekly or monthly. Note that some are suspended on holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas or Holy Week, or during the summer. Please check with individual churches for exceptions to the regular schedule.