January 12, 2020
Ministry Fair on March 7 will 'equip the saints to serve'

The Ministry Fair, themed "Equipping the Saints to Serve," will return to the Diocese of Los Angeles on Saturday, March 7, 2020, hosted by Campbell Hall, the Episcopal school in North Hollywood. All are invited.

Organizers are seeking proposals for workshops in the following ministry areas:
  • Finance (e.g., managing church finances, narrative budgeting)
  • Stewardship (e.g., annual stewardship planning, preaching stewardship)
  • Christian Formation & Education (e.g., education opportunities available, how-to information and best practices)
  • Spirituality (e.g., prayer, discernment, journaling)
  • Communication (e.g., print communication, social media)
  • Worship (e.g., LEM training, multilingual worship, liturgical resources for times of need)
  • Church Leadership (e.g., workshops for treasurers or wardens, vestry best practices)
  • Mission & Ministry (e.g., outreach, serving our neighbors in need).

To submit a proposal, click here.

Watch the Update and the new Episcopal News Monthly (coming in late January) for more information about workshop offerings, registration and more. Campbell Hall is located at 4533 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Studio City 91607. Workshop topic suggestions may be sent to the Rev. Laurel Coote at laurelcoote@pacbell.net or Samantha Wylie at swylie@ladiocese.org.
Professor Devon Carbado to return for Martin Luther King Jr. celebration Jan. 18
Professor Devon Carbado of UCLA will again keynote the diocese’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration, to be held at 4 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 18 at Holy Faith Church, Inglewood (pictured below right).

Carbado, an associate vice chancellor at UCLA and a professor at the university's school of law, addressed last year’s gathering, saying on that occasion, “Law and morality are not the same thing." Furthermore, he said, “The civil rights trajectory, the pathway to social change, is not linear. It reflects what we might call a reform entrenchment; a movement forward, then a movement backward.” (A report on the 2019 event is here.)

Carbado’s legal expertise includes constitutional criminal procedure, constitutional law, and critical race theory. His scholarship appears in law reviews at UCLA, Berkeley, Harvard, Michigan, Texas, Cornell, Yale and more. Carbado has won many teaching awards, including being elected professor of the year by the UCLA School of Law classes of 2000 and 2006. In 2005 he was named an inaugural recipient of the Fletcher Foundation Fellowship. Modeled on the Guggenheim fellowships, it is awarded to scholars whose work furthers the goals of Brown v. Board of Education. In 2016 he was named an Atlantic Philanthropies Fellow, and in 2017 he was awarded the American Bar Foundation’s Neukom Fellows Research Chair in Diversity and Law. Carbado has also taught at UC Berkeley Law School, University of Virginia Law School, and Harvard Law School. Carbado earned his bachelor’s degree in history from UCLA and his law degree from Harvard Law School. He is connected with UCLA's Critical Race Studies Program, which focuses on racial justice advocacy, racial justice teaching, and racial justice law.

All are welcome at the service, which also will feature The Episcopal Chorale, a renowned gospel group directed by Canon Chas Cheatham, pictured below at the 2019 MLK event.
Puerto Rico earthquakes severely damage churches
[Episcopal News Service] Several churches in the Diocese of Puerto Rico have suffered severe damage from the series of earthquakes that have struck the island in recent days, killing at least one person and injuring at least eight. Hundreds of minor earthquakes have hit Puerto Rico’s southwest coast since Dec. 28, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, but a 5.8-magnitude quake on Jan. 6 and a 6.4-magnitude one on Jan. 7 destroyed buildings and shut down the island’s power grid, leading to a state of emergency declaration. Two of the diocese’s churches – Santa Cecilia in Guánica and San Juan Apóstol in Yauco – appear to be in danger of collapsing, according to the Very Rev. Mario Rodriguez, dean of the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in San Juan and the diocese’s canon to the ordinary. Santo Nombre in Ponce and the Quinta Tranquila retreat center in Yauco also suffered major structural damage, Rodriguez told Episcopal News Service. Other church buildings had minor damage. Read more here.
Good Samaritan Hospital joins PIH Health Network
[PIH Health Network] PIH Health announced on Dec. 23 that Good Samaritan Hospital, Los Angeles, has officially joined its integrated healthcare network. This addition brings PIH Health to 7,100 full-time employees,three hospitals totaling 1,130 licensed beds, and 26 outpatient clinics. “Good Samaritan Hospital has an impressive 130-year history and we are thrilled to welcome their physicians, staff, volunteers and patients to the PIH Health network,” says James R. West, PIH Health's president and CEO. “Adding Good Samaritan Hospital into the PIH Health network enables us to continue to build our resources and expertise to enhance the care and services we provide to all of our patients, offering a high level of both primary and tertiary care, and creating a sustainable model in the current and foreseeable healthcare marketplace." Read more here.
Bishop Taylor will ordain eight to priesthood on Saturday, Jan. 11
Bishop John Harvey Taylor will ordain Brainerd Solomon Dharmaraj, Carlos Enrique Ruvalcaba, Jonathan William Feuss, Jamelia Cooper Barnett, William Ralph Knutson, Judith Forman Lyons, Kristin Claire (KC) Robertson and Sarah Dammann Thomas to the priesthood on Saturday, Jan. 11, 10 a.m. at St. John's Cathedral, 514 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles 90007. The prayers and presence of the diocesan community are invited. The service will be live-streamed on the diocesan Facebook page.
Events & Announcements
Workshop on Feb. 15 to consider church's role in civil discourse
“Civil Discourse and the Church: A Workshop,” addressing the problems of a "polarized, hyperbolic and angry" public discourse, will be held on Saturday, Feb. 15, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. at St. Paul's Commons, 840 Echo Park Avenue, Los Angeles 90026 (formerly known as the Cathedral Center). The program will be led by Alan Yarborough of the Office of Governmental Relations of The Episcopal Church (pictured at left with a young friend in Haiti, where he served as an Episcopal Church missionary). According to the event announcement, participants will be asked, "What can we do about this? How can we build a more civil, reasoned, and compassionate public conversation? What is the role of the church and its members, leading the way? Church is one of the few places people of different political and social views gather together, recognize each other’s humanity, and work towards greater understanding." Yarborough will help guide thinking and provide concrete ways to promote civility and understanding about the future of the commonweal, especially in an election year. All are welcome, lay and ordained, church members or not. Read more here.
Becca Stevens of Thistle Farm to deliver 2020 Stern Lecture in Pacific Palisades
The Parish of Saint Matthew, Pacific Palisades, has announced that the Rev. Rebecca Stevens will be its featured speaker at the 2020 Stern Lecture, to be held at the church on Saturday, Feb. 1. Stevens will also serve as guest preacher at both services on Sunday, Feb. 2. The Stern Lecture will include two talks on Saturday, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., with a break between conversations. St. Matthew’s Church located at 1031 Bienveneda Avenue in Pacific Palisades. The event is free of charge, but advance reservations are requested; email to sternlecture@stmatthews.com or call 310.454.1358 to confirm space availability. Read more here.
All Saints, Pasadena, will host 'Get Out the Vote' program
The Racial Justice Ministry and guest speaker Pat Coulter, president of the Pasadena chapter of the League of Women Voters (pictured at left), will provide information on the new voting system for L.A. County, local races, March primary, the Census, voter registration and getting out the vote for the November election. For information, contact Ada Ramirez, aramirez@allsaints-pas.org, or 626.583.2734. All Saints Church is at 132 N. Euclid Avenue, Pasadena 91101, directly across Euclid from Pasadena City Hall. More about Coulter is here.
Dates confirmed for annual pilgrimage to Cuernavaca
The Diocese of Los Angeles will sponsor its annual pilgrimage to its companion Anglican Diocese of Cuernavaca, Mexico, March 14 - 28, 2020. Up to 15 guests can experience Mexican culture, learn Spanish, and visit historical and cultural sites throughout the area. Cost is $3,000, which will cover transportation, lodging, meals, and teaching services; a deposit of $100 is required to confirm a place in the program. Contact the Rev. Laurel Coote ( RevLaurelC@gmail.com) for information on scholarships. Registration and further information are available here.
Camp Stevens invites clergy and families for winter retreat days
All clergy and their families in the dioceses of San Diego and Los Angeles are invited to a clergy retreat at Camp Stevens, the facility in Julian that serves both dioceses. Clergy families may visit for as much or as little time as they wish to experience the beauty of Camp Stevens and the charms of nearby Julian. Pick a day and overnight, or several, Jan. 21-25. There is no fee for Clergy Days, though donations are welcome. Reserve a spot at retreats@campstevens.org, or call 760.765.0028.
Salvage , a play by Seeds of Hope's Tim Alderson, will run until Jan. 19
The theatrical run of Salvage, a play with music written by Tim Alderson, has been extended. Performances will be held on Fridays and Saturdays (8 p.m.) and Sundays (3 p.m.) through Jan. 19 at the Lounge Theater, 6201 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles 90038. Directed by Damian D. Lewis, Salvage is about Harley, a singer-songwriter whose wife is expecting their first child, and who has decided to hang it up. On his way to pawn his guitar, he stumbles across the bar where his musical hero, Floyd Whitaker, died. Entering, he finds Johnson, the inhospitable bartender, and a single, surly customer, known as Preacher, who’s strumming the blues on an old guitar. Dueling words and songs ensue, dislodging uncomfortable truths, until an unexpected arrival turns everything on its ear. According to the Los Angeles Times, the play "truly snaps. Strong cast in a well-paced and tuneful production. This new work has plenty to enjoy." Tickets are $35; for reservations call 323.960.7712. Alderson is executive director of Seeds of Hope, the food justice ministry of the Diocese of Los Angeles.
Psychologists will lead program on community-based trauma care
All Saints Church, Pasadena, will host "Intersectionality and Trauma: Restoring, Reclaiming and Resourcing Traumatized Communities" Friday - Sunday, Jan. 17 - 19, with clinical psychologists Brinell Anderson and the Rev. Sally Howard providing introductory training on trauma- informed community-based care. This weekend-long introductory training on trauma- informed community-based care is open to the public and will provide an overview of trauma; identifying different types of trauma and exploring the whole-person impact of trauma across race, culture, gender, and sexuality. Fees range from $60 to $120, depending on ability to pay. Scholarships are available. Register here. For information contact Ana Camacho, 626.583.2737 or acamacho@allsaints-pas.org. All Saints Church is located at 132 N. Euclid Avenue, Pasadena.
Emmaus to offer February concert, retreat with Celtic flair
Vocalist Deirdre Ní Chinnéide of Inis Mór, Ireland, will offer both a Celtic Concert and a Lenten Retreat Day at Emmaus Spiritual Ministries, a ministry of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange. (Canon Stephen Bruce, spouse of Bishop Diane Jardine Bruce, serves on Emmaus's program design committee.) "Journey to the Heart: A Live Concert with Celtic Song & Poetry" will be held on Friday, Feb. 28, 6 - 7 p.m. Chinnéide will connect the audience to the power of Celtic Spirituality with an evening of Irish music and poetry. While the emphasis of her music will link to Celtic Spirituality and her album “Celtic Passage,” She will also sing some familiar Irish tunes and introduce music from her new album “I Will Sing for You,” due for release in Ireland in 2020. A light reception will be held before the concert, beginning at 5 p.m. The following day, Saturday, February 29, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Chinnéide will lead "The Spiral and the Cross: Symbols of Hope through Challenging Times - A Lenten Retreat." Drawing on the Celtic Christian heritage and spirituality, Chinnéide will weave together an experience to inspire, nourish and prepare participants for the Easter message of hope through poetry, scripture and worship. Chinnéide is a licensed psychotherapist, spiritual director and workshop facilitator from the Aran Islands off the coast of Ireland. She uses images and reflections to link with the source and wisdom of Celtic Spirituality and how it can support us in our daily lives. To register for the concert and the retreat, To register for the concert or the retreat (or both) click here.
From the wider Episcopal Church
The Episcopal Church urges peaceful solution to U.S.-Iran conflict
[Episcopal News Service - Jan. 8, 2020] The military conflict between the United States and Iran that began when President Donald Trump ordered the assassination of a top Iranian general on Jan. 3 escalated on Jan. 7, as Iran retaliated with missile strikes on military bases housing American troops in Iraq. On Jan. 7, The Episcopal Church released the statement below in response:

“Amid escalating tensions between Iran and the United States following the strike that killed Qasem Soleimani, The Episcopal Church continues to be guided by the teaching of Jesus Christ, ‘Blessed are the peacemakers.’ We affirm that ‘It is crucial in this time of instability and threat of violence that our government and our neighbors seek diplomatic and humanitarian solutions rather than violence.’ We pray for wisdom, restraint, and divine guidance for our leaders and decision makers, that they can move us away from violence and conflict and towards mutual understanding.”

The statement updates one issued in July 2019 at a time of heightened tension over over attacks on shipping vessels and the shooting down of a U.S. surveillance drone.
Episcopal Church seeks information on formation resources and practices
All practicing Episcopalians invited to participate in survey. Responses requested by Jan. 31
The Task Force for the Formation & Ministry of the Baptized, created by legislation at the 79 th  General Convention, is seeking input from lay and ordained Episcopalians throughout the church about the formation and efficacy of the processes and practices that are being used across the church through the short survey linked in English here , in Spanish here , and in French here .
Traveling the Way of Love Episode 7: Learn
Traveling the Way of Love, Episode 7: Learn, the final installment of the first season of the Way of Love video series from The Episcopal Church Office of Communication, is now available for viewing on The Episcopal Church website (click on Learn) and on The Episcopal Church Facebook page. Hosted by Chris Sikkema, the Office of Communication’s manager for special projects, Traveling the Way of Love shares stories of the ways people across The Episcopal Church practice the Way of Love with each episode highlighting one of the seven Way of Love practices: turn, learn, pray, worship, bless, go, and rest. This seventh episode focuses on Learn. Read more here.
Church-wide Bible reading initiative to begin in Epiphany 2020
Forward Movement, along with partners from across the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada, invites followers of Jesus to participate in the Good Book Club, a church-wide Bible reading initiative. The Good Book Club will focus on the Gospel of John, with participants reading a section of scripture each day during the Epiphany season, starting on January 6, 2020. “The Good book Club is helping us to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the holy scripture, anew in our time,” said Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry. “The Good Book Club is a helpful tool to engaging in ‘Learn,’ one of the seven Way of Love practices for a Jesus-centered life.” Read more here.
Nuevo Amanecer Conference on Latino/Hispanic Ministries, May 12-15, 2020
Nuevo Amanecer, a biennial event that unifies and celebrates the Latino ministries from across The Episcopal Church, will have the honor of hosting Presiding Bishop Michael Curry at their May 12-15, 2020 gathering at Kanuga Conference Center in Hendersonville, North Carolina. Lay leaders, clergy, diocesan missioners, parish staff, church planters, and anyone else interested in expanding their knowledge by sharing best practices and exploring new methods of church growth, discipleship and evangelism, are invited to attend. Speakers include Damaris de Jesús and Bishop José McLaughlin. Read more here.
United Thank Offering 2020 Annual Grants application process is open
An informational webinar will be offered Jan. 14
The United Thank Offering (UTO) board of directors is pleased to announce the availability of their 2020 United Thank Offering Annual Grants. These grants are awarded for projects in The Episcopal Church and throughout the Anglican Communion, each year with a different focus. For 2020, the focus is "Bless: Share faith, practice generosity and compassion, and proclaim the Good News of God in Christ with hope and humility." These awards have supported everything from staff positions, conferences, creation of educational resources, and contributing to building projects. The application process opened Sept. 6, 2019; application information and forms are available here. The deadline for submitting a grant application is March 6, 2020 at 2 p.m. (West Coast time). Read more here.
This week around the diocese
SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Free Legal Clinic
Jackie Robinson Center
1020 N. Fair Oaks Avenue, Pasadena 91103
Information: aramirez@allsaints-pas.org or 626.583.2734
All Saints Church in Pasadena will sponsor a free legal clinic at the Jackie Robinson Center that is open to all individuals and community members who need legal assistance but lack the resources to hire an attorney. Those who can’t attend and are in need of support may call Public Counsel at 213.385.2977.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 5 - 7:30 p.m.
The Interfaith Study Group:
'Helping People Who Are Experiencing Homelessness'
Sweetland Hall
All Saints Episcopal Church
132 N. Euclid Avenue, Pasadena 91101
Information: Ada Ramirez, 626.583.2734 or aramirez@allsaints-pas.org.
"Insanity or Creativity" with Rabbi Joshua Grater and "From Street to Advocacy" with Dorothy Edwards. Please bring a vegetarian dish to share in a potluck.
Trauma-Informed Community-Based Care Training
All Saints Church
132 N. Euclid Avenue, Pasadena
Information: Ana Camacho, 626.583.2737 or acamacho@allsaints-pas.org
All Saints Church will offer a course led by clinical psychologists Brinell Anderson and the Rev. Dr. Sally Howard, in a weekend-long bilingual (Spanish/English) program. Fees vary from $10 to $50, depending on ability to pay.

MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Let Freedom Ring: A Day of Readings from Dr. King
All Saints Episcopal Church
132 N. Euclid Avenue, Pasadena 91101
Livestream here
On Martin Luther King, Jr., Day join in All Saints' tradition of gathering for an all-day community reading of the speeches, sermons and writings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This year MLK Day is Monday, Jan. 20, and All Saints invites the diocesan community to balance action with reflection, and to visit the church anytime from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for the continuous – and inspirational – reading of Dr. King’s words. All are welcome to come and take part either as a reader or listener. Texts will be available in English and in Spanish. The entire event will also be streamed live online here.
This week in liturgy & the arts
FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 7 p.m.
Celtic Contemplative Prayer: "Blessed Are the Meek"
St. Columba’s Church
1251 Las Posas Road, Camarillo
Information here
Are you looking for an alternative to the stress and busyness of life? Come and be a part of this Contemplative Prayer experience of spoken word and prayer, meditative song, and silence.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 5 p.m.
AGO Concert: Eric Plutz
All Saints Episcopal Church
504 N. Camden Drive, Beverly Hills 90210
Information: 310.275.0123
All Saints Church and the Los Angeles Chapter of the American Guild of Organists welcome Eric Plutz in an epic performance of the Organ Symphonies of Louis Vierne on All Saints' recently renovated Casavant/Schlicker/Rosales organ. Featuring Symphonies No. I in D Minor, No. III in F-sharp Minor, and No. V in A Minor. Tickets: $20 ($10 seniors/students). Eric Plutz is organist at Princeton University, where his responsibilities include playing for weekly services at the chapel, academic ceremonies, solo concerts, as well as accompanying the University Chapel Choir in services and concerts. He coordinates the weekly After Noon Concert Series at the University Chapel, is lecturer in music and instructor of organ at the university, and maintains a private studio. Also in Princeton, Plutz is adjunct assistant professor of organ and rehearsal accompanist for the Westminster Symphonic Choir at Westminster Choir College, rehearsal accompanist for Princeton Pro Musica. In 2016 Mr. Plutz received the Alumni Merit Award from Westminster Choir College.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 5 p.m.
Jazz Vespers with Russell Ferrante
All Saints Episcopal Church
132 N. Euclid Avenue, Pasadena 91101
Information: jazz@allsaints-pas.org
Russell Ferrante is an All Saints parishioner and founding member of the YellowJackets. He will be joined by Steve Schaeffer on drums, Michael Valerio on bass, and vocalist Marilyn Scott. Ferrante has performed with Jimmy Witherspoon, Jim Pepper, Joe Farrell, Joni Mitchell, Bobby McFerrin, Robben Ford, Al Jarreau, Marilyn Scott, Kevyn Lettau, Ernie Watts, Sadao Watanabe, GRP, Big Band, Lee Ritenour, Tom Scott, Take 6, Michael Franks, Eric Marienthal, and Brenda Russell. He currently teaches in the Jazz Studies department at USC. Mike Kinman will offer a meditation. Admission is free. All are welcome. No reservations required. Validated parking is available at Plaza las Fuentes.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 6 p.m.
Solemn Evensong
St. James Church
3903 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles 90010
Information: 213.388.3015
Joshua Stafford, organ.

MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 8 p.m.
Chamber Music Concert II
All Saints’ Church
504 N. Camden Drive, Beverly Hills 90210
310.275.0123 ext.112 or here
All Saints Church and the Los Angeles Chapter of the American Guild of Organists welcome Eric Plutz in an epic performance of the Organ Symphonies of Louis Vierne. Featuring Symphonies No. II in E Minor, No. IV in G Minor, and No. VI in B Minor. Tickets: $20 ($10 seniors/students). Eric Plutz is organist at Princeton University, where his responsibilities include playing for weekly services at the chapel, academic ceremonies, solo concerts, as well as accompanying the University Chapel Choir in services and concerts. He coordinates the weekly After Noon Concert Series at the University Chapel, is lecturer in music and instructor of organ at the university, and maintains a private studio. Also in Princeton, Plutz is adjunct assistant professor of organ and rehearsal accompanist for the Westminster Symphonic Choir at Westminster Choir College, rehearsal accompanist for Princeton Pro Musica. In 2016 Mr. Plutz received the Alumni Merit Award from Westminster Choir College.
FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 12 p.m.
Music at Trinity: Guitarist Adam Tully
Trinity Episcopal Church
1500 State Street, Santa Barbara 93101
Information: Thomas Joyce, minister of keyboard music, tjoyce@trinitysb.org
Adam Tully is a guitarist and composer born in New York and based in Buenos Aires, where he has a celebrated career. His music has been called 'unmistakably tango, but with a cool, percussive vibe.' Since 2014 he has been involved in tango education, serving on the faculty of Tango Para Músicos in Buenos Aires and Tango For Musicians at Reed College. $10 suggested donation.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 2 p.m.
Recital: Taso Comanescu, guitar
St. Bede’s Church
3590 Grand View Blvd., Los Angeles 90066
Information: 310.391.5522 or here
Classical guitarist Taso Comanescu will perform a solo recital, including music by Agustin Barrios and Issac Albeniz.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 3:30 p.m.
Music at Trinity: Soprano Rena Harms with pianist Anyssa Neumann
Trinity Episcopal Church
1500 State Street, Santa Barbara 93101
Information: Thomas Joyce, minister of keyboard music, tjoyce@trinitysb.org
Rena Harms is a Santa Fe native, a graduate of the Manhattan School of Music and Music Academy of the West, and an award-winning opera singer. Raised in Sacramento, Anyssa Neumann is a U.K.-based concert pianist and collaborative artist, and holds degrees from the Manhattan School of Music and the University of Oxford. $10 suggested donation.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 4 p.m.
St. Luke's Episcopal Church
122 S. California Avenue, Monrovia 91016
Information: 626.357.7071
Featuring music by Arthur Sullivan, John Ireland, Felix Mendelssohn and Kent Bennet Jones, music director at St. Luke's.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 7 p.m.
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
3290 Loma Vista Road, Ventura 93036
Information here
St. Paul's Choir welcomes all to calm the soul at the end of the day during our brief candle-lit a cappella choral prayer service. The church will remain open after the service for those who wish to continue their prayers, light a votive candle, or walk the candle-lit labyrinth outside. Donations will support the music ministry at St. Paul's.
Be Transformed by Tanzania
April 25 - May 7, 2020
Christian and Shannon Kassoff will lead a transformational journey to Tanzania in East Africa April 25 - May 7, 2020. This trip will have a school project component, however, the focus will be traveling with intention to meet new people, experience another culture, and to stretch, learn and grow into new ways of being and engaging the world. This will not be a "churchy" trip but we will meet the Holy Spirit everywhere as she expresses herself around East Africa. We will have time for reflection and meditation and optional opportunities for yoga. We will of course visit God's creation on safari in the Serengetti and Ngorongoro Crater. Cost is $3,700, which covers roundtrip flight from LAX. For information visit RoadtoTanzania.com. Questions? Contact Christian at zinchy@gmail.com and 714.726.3673.
Central Europe: Oberammergau Passion Play
September 2 - 14, 2020
Join Bishop Guy Erwin of the ELCA and Canon Jim Newman of the Episcopal Church for a 13-day journey across central Europe to Oberammergau, Germany. The day-long Oberammergau Passion Play is produced every decade and is a four-century “thank you” to God for saving the people of this picturesque Bavarian Alpine village. Experience this spiritual event and look at the culture and religion of Poland (Warsaw, Krakow, Auschwitz and Czestochowa), Hungary (Budapest), Czech Republic (Bratislava), Austria (Vienna & the Salzkammergut) and Germany (Oberammergau & Munich). Cost is $4,899 from Los Angeles including $450 taxes/airline surcharges.) Information: Jim Newman, 3590 Grand View Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90066; 310.391.5522 or 888.802.6722; rector@stbedesla.org. A full itinerary is here.

Listing information may be sent to editor@ladiocese.org. Some documents, such as full job descriptions, are stored in an online Dropbox folder. It is not necessary to have a Dropbox account to download the files: select "Continue download" if the program invites you to create an account.

ALTADENA: Director of Christian Formation (all ages). St. Mark’s Church. Half-time with benefits; salary commensurate with experience. Director of Christian Formation will work with the rector, staff, and the Formation Committee to develop and implement a coordinated program of formation for all members of Saint Mark’s Church. A full job description is here. Contact: the Rev. Carri Patterson Grindon at carripg@saintmarksaltadena.org

BEVERLY HILLS: Financial Manager, All Saints Church. Part-time (30 hours/week). To coordinate and execute the congregation's financial business affairs. A full job description is here. Email cover letter and resume to Jody Giles, director of Giving and Engagement, at jgiles@allsaintsbh.org.

LOS ANGELES: Senior Accountant. The Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles is seeking an experienced senior accountant who is well versed in fund accounting, budgeting, financial statement preparation, and internal controls. The ideal candidate is a hard worker who can easily navigate new financial accounting software systems, who communicates well, works well in a variety of situations, and who has a servant heart. A full job description is here. Send resume and cover letter to finance@ladiocese.org.

OJAI: Organist/Choir Director. St. Andrew’s Church is seeking an experienced person well-versed in both organ and choral conducting skills. This is a part-time, contracted position, and compensation is commensurate with experience. Individuals who have excellent musicianship, can work both independently and collaboratively, are creative, and demonstrate strong leadership skills are encouraged to apply. More information is here.

ONTARIO: Parish Assistant, Christ Church, to staff the office Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. For inquires, contact Gianluigi Gugliermetto, priest-in-charge, at priest.christchurchont@gmail.com.

PASADENA: Building and grounds manager, All Saints Church. The manager has responsibility for supervision of a staff of eight full-time and part-time employees; for planning, organizing and directing campus maintenance, repairs and major events; and for managing annual budgets for the department. Must be fully bilingual (English and Spanish). Full job description and application instructions are here.

SANTA BARBARA: Director of Music Ministries. All Saints-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church is seeking a full-time Director of Music Ministries/Organist or part-time Director of music ministries versatile in both modern and traditional sacred music. This position can be held by one person or by two people (distinct director of music ministries and organist). Application period closes on Monday, March 1. A full job description with application instructions is here.

SIERRA MADRE: Ministry Intern at Church of the Ascension. Seeking a driven and organized part-time ministry intern, 5(+) hours/week (Sunday mornings from 7:45-12:45). Job duties include assisting Minister to Young Persons with childcare and various youth service activities. As-needed assistance with various kitchen maintenance duties (including coffee hour duties and kitchen upkeep.) Submit resume and cover letter to: parish@ascension-sierramadre.com, ATTN: The Rev. Canon Michael A. Bamberger.