Volume 1, Issue 25
June 30, 2016
In This Issue
Supporting our Keiki
Independence Day
Pastoral Letter
'Aha Mele
Thursdays at 2
Annalise's Ordination
Last Hurrah for Dr. Bal
In Brief
This Sunday
Readings for July 3
Proper 9(C)

Joe Adorno (EM)
John Hanaoka (U)
Lorna Nishi  (AG)

David Murray  (EM)
Ron White (U)
Margaret Hosono (U)
Chris Kostka (R)
Daileen Barton (R)
Braden and Joshua  (A)
Edith Hashizume  (AG)
Mabel Antonio (OSL)
Mary Schulz (OSL)
Upcoming Dates
Every Wednesday
McMaster Slack Key Guitar and Ukulele Concert
6:00PM -  Church

Every Thursday
Choir Practice
6:00PM - Choir Room

Sunday, July 3
Independence Day
BBQ and Potluck
After 9:30AM Service

Tuesday, July 5
Buildings and Grounds
Rector's Office

Tuesday, July 5
Dodgeball Practices Begin
See Schedule for Times

Wednesday, July 6
Laundry Love (Team A)
5:30 - 8:30PM
Kapaa Laundromat

Saturday, July 9
Saturday Market
and Swap Meet
9:00AM - 2:00PM
Church Campus

Monday, July 11
FiF Dodgeball 
Committee Meeting
Memorial Hall

Thursday, July 14
Daughters of the King
Memorial Hall

Saturday, July 16
'Aha Mele Concert:
McMaster Slack Key
and Take Five 
4:00PM - 5:30PM

Satuday, July 16
Saturday Work Day
8:00AM - 12:00PM
Church Campus

Sunday, July 17
Dodgeball Setup
11:00AM - 2:00PM

Wednesday, July 20
Laundry Love (Team B)
5:30 - 8:30PM
Kapaa Laundromat

July 22-23
Dodgeball Tournament

Thursday, July 28
Daughters of the King
Memorial Hall

Saturday, July 30
Kauai Island Singers Showcase Concert (KISS)
All Saints' Lawn

Sunday, July 31
Heavenly Hike
11:30AM - Depart Church
Anapalau Point
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Get the All Saints' Epistle
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Supporting Our Keiki

Aloha All Saints' 'Ohana,
Do you believe that the keiki are the future of the Church?

If so, then you understand that we are called by God to support, nurture, and empower their future in the Church! This is a responsibility that needs to be shared by the whole congregation, not just by a few individuals and not just by the parents/guardians of our current keiki.

In August, we start the 2016-2017 "program year" and  all of us  have the opportunity, responsibility, and privilege to support our keiki and their future in the Church. We must renew and strengthen our commitments of time, talent, and resources to support our Sunday School and Youth Ministries at All Saints'.

Twenty years ago, the General Convention of the Episcopal Church adopted the " Children's Charter ". It is an amazing and prophetic document that provides a vision, a standard of excellence, and accountability for churches to support and empower children's ministries. In the coming years, it is my hope that All Saints' will live even more fully into the Charter's vision.

Please prayerfully consider the question how much of your time, talents, and resources you are willing to offer for the keiki of our Church.

Starting in August, All Saints' will implement a dedicated Sunday School curriculum, Weaving God's Promises . It is a comprehensive, three-year Christian education curriculum for children that is developed and written exclusively for the Episcopal Church.

*Volunteers:  We are looking to develop a minimum of four teams each comprised of four adult facilitators to assist with Sunday School. The teams will serve only once a month as Sunday School facilitators. Volunteers will be asked to arrive at 9:15AM. Sunday School begins at 9:30AM and concludes just before the congregation exchanges the peace. Volunteers and Sunday School students join the congregation for the celebration of Holy Eucharist.
Teaching experience is not needed! A Christian Education background is not required. We are seeking caring, loving, and passionate people who want to offer to our keiki a great Sunday School experience. We need a minimum of 16 volunteers who are committed to this vision.

To sign up to volunteer, click here .

*Curriculum (Weaving God's Promises):  Sunday School facilitators will not be tasked with the burden of curriculum development. Each lesson is well organized and provides a variety of activities for both younger and older elementary age Sunday School students. The curriculum will be available on the All Saints' website well in advance and volunteers will be asked to read through the materials prior to Sunday morning.

*Training:  We will offer a training workshop on Saturday, August 6, 8:00AM - 1:00PM in Memorial Hall. We are asking all Sunday School volunteers to be present. During the workshop we will: (1) Finalize the Sunday School teams, (2) Discuss basic techniques of classroom management, (3) Develop general standards for facilitators, (4) Orientate facilitators to the curriculum materials; and, (5) Provide Safeguarding God's Children Training.

To sign up for the training,  click here.

The Ke Akua Youth Group typically meets on the 3rd Sunday of the month after the 9:30AM service.

*Supporting Youth Leadership: The Youth lead their own meetings and are supported by a Youth Steering Committee (a group of adults dedicated to empowering and mentoring the youth of the Church). If you would like to serve on the Youth Steering Committee or would like to volunteer to mentor and/or chaperone our youth, please speak to either Dianne Tabura, Nadine Nakamura, David Murray, or Linda Crocker.

*Youth Room: In the coming weeks, the youth will get their own space in the All Saints' Gym (2nd floor, Lihue-side room). We will need volunteers to assist them in painting and prepping the space. More information will be published soon in The Epistle and a sign-up sheet will be available at the entrance of the Church on Sunday mornings.
Our keiki are the future of the Church! Offering quality Sunday School and Youth Ministry programs is essential to our Church's mission and vision. As our Church continues to grow so will our Sunday School and Youth Group . . . As our Sunday School and Youth Group continues to grow, so will our Church.
In Mark 9:37, Jesus says,  "Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me."  
Our keiki need our time, talents, and resources. Let us welcome our keiki into the Body of Christ. Let us embrace the future of the Church with loving and supportive arms. We need your help! Please consider the opportunity to make a lasting impact on the future leaders of the Church by assisting with the Sunday School and Youth Ministries at All Saints. Ultimately, I ask each of us to continue praying for the keiki of our parish and for the Church's ministries to young people.
Mahalo nui loa.
Faithfully in Christ,
The Reverend Ryan D. Newman
All Saints' annual Independence Day (4th of July) BBQ is scheduled on Sunday, July 3, following the 9:30AM service.

The menu includes but is not limited to hamburgers, veggie burgers, sausages, teriyaki & pineapple chicken meatballs, chicken drumsticks and thighs! There will also be grilled veggies, fruit, potato salad, salad fixings, pie and ice cream, coffee, juice, and root beer floats! 

If you would like to make a donation toward the cost of the BBQ, provide anything listed above or bring something else along (your favorite July 4th dish or beverage) please  contact the Hospitality Ministry Team .

Jesus tells us to love God and love our neighbor as ourselves

Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael Curry and President of the House of Deputies the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings have written the following letter to the Episcopal Church.

Dear People of God in the Episcopal Church:

We all know that some things in holy Scripture can be confusing, hard to understand, or open to various ways of understanding. But some essential teachings are clear and incontrovertible. Jesus tells us to love God and love our neighbor as ourselves, and he tells us over and over again not to be afraid (Matthew 10:31, Mark 5:36, Luke 8:50, John 14:27).

There's no confusion about what Jesus is telling us, but it often requires courage to embody it in the real world. Again and again, we become afraid, and mired in that fear, we turn against Jesus and one another.

Continue reading the letter.

Abundant Table

The Episcopal Church recently launched a weekly video series, "Thursdays at 2" that  previews innovative ministries in  The Episcopal Church.

Here is this week's installment: "Abundant Table."  The Abundant Table seeks to change lives and systems by creating sustainable relationships to the land and local community. Click on image above to view the video.

Annalise Castro Ordained to the Diaconate

Annalise Castro (Former All Saints' Seminarian) was ordained to the Transitional Diaconate on Saturday, June 25, 2016, at St. Peter's Church, Honolulu. Additionally, Bishop Fitzpatrick ordained Malcolm Keleawe Hee and Mahi Beimes to the Priesthood.

"Good Olde Boy" Dr. Dileep Bal Prepares to Retire

At last Sunday's Kaua'i 2016 Military Appreciation and Mahalo Luau,  Congresswomen Tulsi Gabbard presented a Congressional Certificate to recognize the service of Dr. Dileep Bal, Kauai's District Health Officer for the State Department of Health and a Special Advisor to the Director of the Department on Cancer, Chronic Disease, Tobacco, and Nutrition. 

Dileep led and coordinated efforts to bring Tropic Care to Kauai in 2012, 2014, and 2016. Dileep is scheduled to retire July 1st.
IN BRIEF . . .
These news briefs were featured in previous issues of "The Epistle"

Ministry Internship Program
All Saints' is    excited    to announce the launch of a Ministry Internship Program. The program will offer a year of service and discernment to a young adult interested in exploring a vocation in ordained or lay ministry, education, and outreach.  It is a wonderful opportunity to work, serve, and live on the beautiful island of Kauai. Housing (in the cottage), transportation (sharing the Church car), a modest stipend, and professional spiritual direction will be offered with the intern position. Applications are available now online and are due by  Friday, July 22   . For information, click here.

'Ohana Retreat at Camp Sloggett, Kokee
Labor Day Weekend, we invite your family to join All Saints' for our inaugural 'Ohana Retreat hosted this year at YWCA Camp Sloggett in Kokee. The retreat promises to be an enjoyable, family-centered, and spirit-filled weekend. Activities will be offered for all ages and a variety of activity levels. Check in will be Saturday, September 3rd at 3:00PM and check out will be Monday, September 5th at 11:00AM.

Registration forms are now available   and are be due by Sunday, July 31. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to assist with the planning process, please email  Mary Margaret Smith.

FiF Dodgeball at All Saints'
The 11th anniversary of Kauai's premier family-centered sporting event that draws people from around the island, state, and mainland is scheduled for July 22 and July 23, 2016. Team and individual registration is now available, please visit the FiF Dodgeball website. It is recommended that players and teams register early. Participants are NOT required to have a team when they register. Individuals who do not have a team will be placed on a team a week before the tournament starts.

The FiF Dodgeball Tournament is run solely by volunteers. This ministry welcomes the help of our All Saints' 'Ohana to make this year's dodgeball program another huge success. Volunteer roles include referees, tournament staff, gym supervisors, setup and breakdown assistance, and traffic/security oversight. To volunteer, please click here. 

Mutual Ministry Review
The Mutual Ministry Reviews have been sent out via US Mail and email.  Parishioners are asked to either fill out the paper copy of the survey and  r eturn it in the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope or complete the online version via the emailed link. If multiple members of a family want to fill out a survey, please photocopy the paper copy or contact  Chris Wataya for additional copies.  The survey has five questions  asking about the health of our parish and directions that you would like to see our ministry go. Please take a moment to fill out this very important survey.
"The Epistle" is published weekly on Thursday.
Submissions for consideration are due by Wednesday at noon and can be sent to ryan@allsaintskauai.org.