The Epistle Online
St. Paul Catholic Parish
A Franciscan Family of Faith

November 28, 2019
We hope this newsletter will be a helpful resource, providing information about our parish and sharing content on spiritual and practical matters related to our Catholic faith. The Epistle is so named as a tribute to St. Paul, our patron, whose letters to the earliest Christians still guide and inform us today.
Please be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom to read the full newsletter as some browsers do not show the entire message. You may need to click on the 'View entire message' link.

Give Thanks!  

Wishing You a  Blessed Thanksgiving Day!

May God continue to bless
each and every member of our parish family

Please join us for Mass today November 28th

9:00am at St. Paul Church

(There is no 7am or 5pm Mass on Thanksgiving Day)

 Happy Thanksgiving!

Quick Quiz!
Who wrote these words?  
". .. it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor... Answer

Take Time  

The first day of Advent is Sunday, December 1st!

Please join us during Advent for
Mercy Mondays

December 9, 16 & 23
St. Paul Church

Take time this Advent to prepare your heart  for Christmas

Eucharistic Adoration
Spend time in quiet prayer
Go to Confession
Talk with one of our friars


Did you know?  Advent marks the beginning of the liturgical year. It is representative of the time in history that Christ was not known to us... The liturgical year ends with the feast of Christ the King, His reign over the universe.    More from 10 Facts about Advent

Do you want to have the Best Advent Ever?
Because a Great Christmas Begins with an Incredible Advent.

A new video  from Busted Halo:
Advent in 2 Minutes (NEW!)

Be Present

We have many opportunities to gather with one another in the weeks ahead. We hope to see you at these upcoming events!

Saturday, December 7
after 4:00pm Mass
St. Paul Parish Green
*There is still time to order Luminaries!
Click here for the order form

Sunday, December 8
St. Paul Church
You don't want to miss this beautiful event!

Sunday, December 8
8:00am - 12:00pm
Saint Paul School Gym
Click on Santa for details.

Thursday, January 9
St. Paul Church Hall
Look for an official invitation soon!
(Feel free to RSVP now by clicking here)

Friday, January 24
Bus Trip to Washington DC  with
the Archdiocese of Hartford and
the St. Paul Parish Culture of Life Ministry
Click for all the details.

Special Delivery

Greenery Pickup
If you placed an order for   Greenery,
please remember to pick up your items on
Friday, December 6 from  2-6pm in the St. Paul Church Hall
Thanks for your support!

Angel Tree
The Angel Trees will be up this weekend!
Please take an angel from the tree at St. Paul or Sacred Heart
and bring your gift to the church no later than December 15th.
Thank you!

Thanks to all who donated to the  Knights of Columbus Coat Drive!
The coats will be delivered to the Knights of Columbus CT headquarters in New Haven for distribution to the poor and those in need. 

Catch up  

Here are some pics from recent events in case you missed them!

November 2nd

October 27th

October 19th

Archdiocesan Synod
John Norton and Jim Newman, our  parish delegates to the Archdiocesan Synod, attended meetings over the weekend of October 25-27.
Click here to read the updates submitted by John and Jim.
A nice photo op with Archbishop Blair!

Rosary Makers
Thousands of Rosaries made by our Rosary Makers group were recently boxed up and sent out for distribution. That's a lot of prayers!
Thank you to all who help with this special ministry!

Knights of Columbus
Our Knights of Columbus Council recently conducted a membership drive and w elcomed seven new members at their Nov. meeting. Membership in the Knights gives men the opportunity to experience a fraternal bond, to improve their own lives and to improve their community, while growing closer to their family and faith.  Welcome new Knights!

Veteran's Clothing and Goods Collection
A very successful collection for was held for our veterans!
The annual pre-Veteran's Day drive was sponsored by the Knights of Columbus,  Berlin Lions Club, and BHS Upbeat Lions House. Thank you all!
Ray Kalentkowksi and Paul Cavaliere on the job:

Special Donations in Memory of Janine
A Memorial Mass was held on Nov. 21st for Janine "Ashley" Wiktor, a homeless woman who found her way to the Parish Office from time to time for help and who died tragically on Oct. 16th. Parishioners were invited to bring items for the homeless to the altar during the Memorial Mass as an offering to Our Lord and for His Needy Ones. Most of the donations were given to Hope Immanuel Mission, a ministry that takes place in downtown New Britain on Saturday mornings. They provide the homeless & those in need with coffee, food, basic items, and sometimes just a conversation.
The ministry is run by parishioner John Norton.

Religious Ed and Youth Ministry
Last week, our 7th Grade Religious Ed students met in the church hall with Youth Minister Dan Tome. They learned about the parable of the hidden treasure and the pearl of great price and then had fun playing games that reinforced the teaching. We hope to see these 7th Graders at the next EDGE Middle School Youth Ministry meeting:   December 8th at 4pm!

At a recent retreat held at Saint Paul School, our 2nd Year Confirmation students reflected on how we are called to be a light in the darkness.

Students in Marnie Talamona and Deb Prendergast's 5th Grade Religious Ed class collected coats to donate to the Knights of Columbus coat drive. Thank you one and all!

Get Together

We have many ongoing ministries that present opportunities for ALL OF US to get together, to help others & to strengthen one another.

*New Ministries - Fall 2019

All men of the parish are invited to  participate in this new program!
Saturday mornings from 6:30am - 8:00am in the St. Paul Church Hall
Contact:  Rick at or

All women age 18 and up are welcome!
First Sunday of the month  at 6:30pm in the Parish Office
Contact:  Jackie at 

Our parish family offers MANY MORE ongoing ministries & opportunities!

Contact the parish office or a ministry leader to find out more
about how you can get involved.

All are welcome!

Adult Choir - Sing at Weekly Mass and/or Holiday Concerts
Contact Jeff Batter

Altar Servers - Students serve every other weekend
Contact Dan Tome

Bereavement Support - Fall and Spring Sessions for those grieving a loss
Contact Jim McDermott

Culture of Life - Many events throughout the year to promote Life
Contact Mark & MaryJane Duplin

Exultations Children's Choir - Special Holiday Choral Concerts
Contact Cheryl Kramer 

Foodshare/St. Clare Food Pantry - Volunteers needed on regular basis
Contact Nancy Timbrell

Helping Hands - Supporting our seniors who may be homebound or alone
Contact Paula Alkas

Knights of Columbus - Charitable works, faith, family and fraternity
Contact Tom Drzata

Ladies' Guild - Charitable works, plus fun events and gatherings
Contact Pam

Liturgy - Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors, Ushers
Gloria (EMHC)
Jeff (Lectors)
Jean (ushers)

Men's ACTS Retreat - Weekend retreat for spiritual renewal
Contact Bob Fischer 860-841-4210 or Zach Maura 860-573-6011

Men's Group - Early morning gatherings at Uncle D's and more
Contact Rick

New Britain Council of Catholic Women - Prayer, Service, Advocacy
Contact Diane

Parish Boy Scouts - Meets weekly at Sacred Heart, Gr 5 & up
Contact Tony deRito

Prayer Shawl - Knit comforting shawls for the sick and those in need
Contact Mary Mezzio

Quilters/Crafters - Create beautiful items to be raffled at parish events
Winner of the November Quilt Raffle will be announced soon!
Contact for information

Religious Education - One of the most important things we do!
Contact Robin or Christina 

Rosary Makers - Monthly meetings to make rosary beads. Very rewarding!
Contact Phyllis  860-828-4934

Scripture Study - Acts of the Apostles wrap up in January
Look for Spring info soon!
Contact Mark Chasse

Social Action - Food drives, HomeFront, Angel Tree, lots more!
Contact Joan Baker 

Women's Retreats - A weekend, day or evening to care for your soul... many peace-filled events offered at  Our Lady of Calvary Retreat Center
Contact St. Paul Parishioners Nancy Driska 860-989-2516 or Linda Guzzardi 860-828-0275

Youth Ministry - Weekly meetings for Middle & High School students
College ministry too!
Contact Dan Tome

Have Faith   

The Catholic Faith On Demand
St. Paul Parishioners have free access to this content!

Here are just a few examples of the content available with FORMED:

John Paul II: The Man, The Pope and His Message

Bakhita: From Slave to Saint

Look Ahead

Dec 8th is the Feast of Immaculate Conception

Fr. Michael Schmidtz explains:
The Immaculate Conception Explained
The Immaculate Conception Explained

Christmas Mass Schedule

Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Vigil Mass at the following times:
4:00pm, 6:00pm and 10:00pm at St. Paul Church

Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Christmas Day Mass at the following times:
9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00pm at St. Paul Church
9:30am at Sacred Heart Church

New Years Schedule

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God - January 1st
(Holy Day of Obligation)

Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Vigil Mass at 4:00pm at St. Paul Church

Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Holy Day Mass at the following times:
8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm at St. Paul 

*Please note that beginning in January 2020,
we will no longer have 8am Mass on Saturday mornings

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

Happy Thanksgiving!


The Epistle Online

As always, we value you and your opinions and feedback about this newsletter!
Feel free to share your thoughts with us.   Click here to send us an email.
"For it is in giving that we receive."
-Saint Francis of Assisi

A Ministry of the Conventual Franciscan Friars,  Our Lady of the Angels Province