The mission of the American Guild of Organists is to foster a thriving community of musicians who share their knowledge and inspire passion for the organ.

- November 2024 -

Greetings, chapter members and friends!

Thank you to everyone who attended Praise to the Lord, October 20! Our organists played brilliantly and beautifully. The enthusiastic audience of well over 100 was thrilled. Shout out to the large contingent of Jonathan Truong supporters from St. Joan of Arc; you warm our hearts!

We are excited about Hymn Accompaniment and Improvisation presented by Ethan Haman on Saturday, November 9. You may be thinking, "I've been playing hymns for years. I already know all about this." Mr. Haman's ideas are new and fascinating. Plus, his improvisation skills are astounding. Make this event a priority to attend!

Many thanks to Derrick Parker, music director for First Presbyterian Church and Church Music Institute for making the November 9 and 10 events possible.

Organ Academy 2025 already has three registered participants! Let your friends and students know about this great opportunity for young people which is so important to the future of our profession.

Happy Halloween and I look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday, November 9 at First Presbyterian Church.

Sincerely yours, Ed

Hymn Accompaniment

and Improvisation

Saturday, November 9, 2024

First Presbyterian Church

3:00 p.m.

Ethan Haman presents a lecture/demonstration on creative hymn accompaniment and improvisation. His ideas will certainly inspire you. This prize-winner knows what he is talking about!

Staff Accompanist:

Yale Institute of Sacred Music

Greater New Haven

Community Chorus

Director of Music:

Episcopal Church at Yale

Organist/Associate Director:

Noroton Presbyterian Church

AGO National

Improvisation Competition:

Audience Prize & 3rd Prize - 2022

Audience Prize & 2nd Prize - 2024

The program will end by putting Mr. Haman on the spot with an improvisation using themes written by members of our Organ Academy! You will not want to miss this event!

For more information, visit his website. This opportunity is brought to us by Church Music Institute and First Presbyterian Church.

Join us!

Full information and Street Team Assets available on event webpage.

Hymn Festival

Sunday, November 10, 2024

First Presbyterian Church

3:00 p.m.

A celebration of hymnody with the Chancel Choir and Handbell Choir of First Presbyterian Church, guest organist Ethan Haman, and conducted by Derrick Parker.

The choirs and Mr. Haman will pull out all the stops for this festival which promises to be a highlight of your musical year!

This opportunity is brought to us by Church Music Institute and First Presbyterian Church.

You're invited!

Full information and Street Team Assets available on event webpage.

Open Console at

Messiah Lutheran Church

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Messiah Lutheran Church

10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Messiah Lutheran Church is closing its doors. The building has been sold to another congregation; the future of the Bosch mechanical-action organ is uncertain. Floyd Czoski has made arrangements for Open Console time to give everyone a chance to play the instrument. Drop by and play the organ (possibly) for the last time!

Thank you, Floyd!

Substitute Organists

Do you need someone to cover your Sunday duties? Contact one of our competent substitutes!

Debby McConnell - email

Floyd Czoski - email

Edward Hurd (has a 9 am, but is available for 11 am services) - email

Online Donations

The Spokane Chapter accepts donations online! The Clover interface is completely secure and deposits directly to our Numerica Credit Union account. This facilitates:

  • Concert donations, accommodating those without cash
  • Chapter donations, no need for dealing with checks

Click/tap on the button image below to check out the interface or make a donation!

Look for this button

on website pages!

Organ Academy 2025

We are looking forward to Organ Academy 2025! Click/tap the image above to visit the webpage and see our plans.

We are especially excited about:

  • New Saturday Practice locations
  • New online registration and payment options

If you know accomplished piano students age 10-20 interested in learning to play organ, direct them to the Organ Academy webpage!

Organ Academy 2025 promises to be more fun than ever!

Surge iuvenes organistae!

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