This Sunday (Twenty-First) we hear the conclusion of chapter six of John’s gospel – popularly called the Bread of Life Discourse. Over the last five weeks, we have heard about how Jesus was able to feed 5,000 people with just a small amount of bread and fish. Jesus went on to describe himself as the bread of life – the one who can satisfy our deepest hunger. Finally, Jesus instructs his disciples that the bread he gives is “his flesh for the life of the world.”
Some of the disciples found this hard to understand. They could not accept that Jesus could give us his flesh to eat. As Catholics, we understand this to mean that Jesus gives us his Body and Blood in the Eucharist. In each Mass, Jesus gives us the Bread of Life. We believe that he is really present under the appearance of bread and wine.
The Eucharist is one of the Church’s great treasures. Even though we learned about it when we were very young, our understanding and appreciation of the great mystery of the Eucharist will continue to deepen throughout our lives.
That is why I am pleased to announce that St. Patrick Parish will participate in a diocesan-wide catechesis on the Eucharist this fall. Bishop McElroy has invited us to follow a path that will lead us to grow in our love and knowledge of our Eucharistic Lord.
During the months of September, October and part of November, we will listen to special homilies, engage in discussion and prayer, and conclude with a Parish Mission – all on the theme of the Eucharist.
I invite you even now to begin to pray that the grace of the Holy Spirit will guide us as we plan for this major undertaking. I believe it will be a time of great blessing for our diocese, our parish, our families, and all God’s holy people.
These words from Psalm 19 are spoken by Simon Peter in today’s gospel (John 6). This musical setting is beautiful and moving. Enjoy it!
Gently Used Shoes and Belts for La Posada de Guadalupe
As another way to support those in our community who are in need, the Knights of Columbus will be hosting a gently used men's shoes and belts drive. All varieties and sizes are needed. Dress shoes, athletic shoes and work boots will be graciously accepted. This is also true for belts. The drive will take the weekend of August 28-29 at all Masses. You should be able drop the donations into designated boxes.
Bishop Robert Barron on Catholic Morality
This video is part of the Word on Fire series and is called Catholic Morality 101. Bishop Barron explains some very important but often unfamiliar principles of Catholic morality. You may have to listen to his presentation more than once to grasp the depth of our Catholic teaching on morality. If nothing else, it illustrates that issues of Catholic morality are not so neatly back and white. The video is about 34 minutes long and jam-packed with good information.
Georg Friedrich Handel
Listen to the Arrival of the Queen of Sheeba by this great 18th century composer. We don’t know the identity of the Sister who does a wonderful job playing this piece on a great organ.
A Special Mass for Survivors of Suicide Loss
The Office of Family Life and Spirituality invites survivors of suicide loss to attend our annual Mass on Saturday, September 4, at 5:00 pm at San Rafael Parish, San Diego. You are invited to bring a photo of a loved one who had died by suicide and place it at a designated table of honor. Auxiliary Bishop John P. Dolan will preside.
Fr Richard Rohr, OFM
Reflecting on Luke’s Gospel
This week’s brief reflection by Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM focuses on St. Luke’s emphasis on God’s special care for the poor.
"Catholic Trivia”... not because they are trivial but because these might be things that not everyone knows. Test your knowledge by reading the five questions, remember your answers (or jot them down), then click the link below to find the answers.
The First Council of Nicaea, convened in 325, condemned the heresy of Arianism. What was wrong with Arianism?
The Ten Commandments are known by what other name that means “ten words”?
What is the name of the cathedral church in San Diego, CA?
In the numbering used by the Catholic Church, what is the seventh commandment?
What is the name of the room of the church in which sacred vessels, vestments and other furnishings are kept?
If you have other members of your family or your friends who would like to be on our email list, just let me know or write to Mary McLain at We will be pleased to add them.
Joshua and the people declare that they will serve the Lord.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 34:2-3,16-17,18-19,20-21
The Lord hears the cries of the just.
Second Reading
Ephesians 5:21-32 (or shorter form Ephesians 5:2a,25-32)
Husbands and wives should love one another as Christ loves the Church.
Gospel Reading
John 6:60-69
Simon Peter confesses his faith that Jesus alone has the words of eternal life.
Background on the Gospel Reading
For our Gospel today we hear the conclusion of the “Bread of Life discourse” in the sixth chapter of John’s Gospel. In the preceding verses, which we have heard proclaimed in our liturgy over the past few weeks, we have heard Jesus explain that he is the Bread of Life, given so that those who believe may have eternal life. This discourse follows the miracle in which Jesus fed more than five thousand people with five barley loaves and two fish. As Jesus has been teaching these things, John’s Gospel describes a murmuring crowd unable to accept Jesus’ words. In today’s Gospel, the crowd has dwindled in number, and John no longer references them, or the Jews. Instead, John describes the questioning of those considered to be Jesus’ own disciples.
Today’s Gospel first records the response of those in the crowd who are described as Jesus’ disciples. Just as the larger crowd had struggled with Jesus’ teaching, these disciples also cannot accept Jesus’ words. Jesus is said to know about their murmuring. He responds by acknowledging their unbelief and by reiterating that only those chosen by the Father will follow Jesus to the end. John’s Gospel reports that many of those who had been Jesus’ disciples ceased to follow him at this point. The number of people following Jesus dwindled from a crowd of more than 5,000 to only 12 people. And it is to these Twelve that Jesus now turns his attention.
Simon Peter’s response to Jesus’ question as to whether those closest to him will also leave, reminds us of the reports of Peter’s confession of faith in the Synoptic Gospels. Peter announces, on behalf of all the Twelve, that they have come to believe all that Jesus has taught about himself: Jesus is the one from God in whom they have found the path to eternal life.
This conclusion of the Bread of Life discourse focuses on personal faith in the life of Christian discipleship. Each person must make his or her own judgment about who Jesus is and in doing so determine the way of life that he or she will follow. God’s grace invites us to be Jesus’ disciples, but each person must respond to the grace of God and confess as his or her own the belief that Jesus is the one from God. This faith then commits us to the path of life, leading us to eternal life.
Todos hemos tenido experiencias de crisis en nuestra vida. Quizás el momento de crisis fue cuando se nos dijo que un ser querido ha muerto. O cuando el doctor nos da las malas noticias de los resultados de los exámenes de nuestra salud. O cuando descubrimos que uno de nuestros hijos o hijas está usando drogas o alcohol. O cuando enfrentamos la infidelidad de nuestra pareja. Podemos mencionar muchos otros ejemplos, y estoy seguro de que ustedes tienen un momento especifico grabado en su corazón y mente que es difícil olvidar. Y son momentos como estos donde somos retados a hacer una decisión. Una opción es dejar que nuestras emociones de coraje y decepción nos ganen y reaccionamos de maneras que después nos arrepentiremos. La otra opción es mantenernos en la calma y recordar el amor de Dios. Recordar lo que Dios ha hecho en nuestra vida. Recordar que Dios siempre está con nosotros y nos da lo necesario para enfrentar y vencer ese momento dificultoso. Consientes y confiados que Dios es más grande que todo esto, aunque no lo entendemos en el momento. En las lecturas de este fin de semana escuchamos que se nos invita que hagamos una decisión a quién seguiremos. Oremos que nuestra respuesta pueda ser como la de Josué, “Mi familia y yo serviremos al Señor”. O como la de Pedro, “Señor, ¿a quién iremos? Tú tienes palabras de vida eterna… creemos y sabemos que tú eres el Santo de Dios”.
Por favor haga clic en los enlaces indicados. Espero que les ayude en sus momentos de reflexión.
Hablemos de Seguir a Jesús
Religious Education
Registration Information for the 2021-2022 School Year
We support families to know, live, and grow together in their faith.
We offer weekly classes and at home learning options (PreK through Jr. High school, including preparation for the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, and First Holy Communion.)
Our catechists are looking forward to teaching students and engaging parents.
Families will be given materials to review at home and will gather for monthly family catechesis sessions in the parish center. First material pick-up: September 12
Youth Ministry and Confirmation
High School Registration for Confirmation is ongoing. Families interested in enrolling their son or daughter in Confirmation may go to the Confirmation website:
here you will find all the necessary information regarding Confirmation and how to start the registration process. We are currently in the middle tier of our registration process but that tier will be coming to an end on Friday, Sept. 3. After that, fees for Confirmation registration will increase. We really want to encourage families to register their young people as soon as possible.
3821 Adams Street
Carlsbad, California 92008
The Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe is Open
Our parish offices are open, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30 to 4:30pm
In case of an emergency, you can always reach us by phone. If need be, the answering service can get in touch with one of our priests quickly- 760-729-2866.
If you know someone who does not receive our emails, please forward this to them, or have them reply to this message.
To email a priest at St. Patrick Church click the link below: