
Youth Leadership Program Volunteer Positions are Available


The FBI National Academy Associates, Inc. is searching for one (1) Counselor from Section I and one (1) Counselor from Section IV beginning the 2022 session of the Youth Leadership Program (YLP).  

YLP Session #23 is scheduled from June 16-24, 2022 and will require full time participation from the newly selected Counselor(s) during that time frame. Counselors will be required to be on site June 14-25, 2022. Additional off-site time commitments will also be required for preparation prior to the start of the session. 

Any interested candidate should recognize that a four-year commitment to the YLP Program is expected. The four-year term consists of four (4) consecutive years. We understand emergencies that could conflict with your commitment may arise and prevent you from fulfilling your commitment during a particular year, however, that year is still included in the four-year term. Exceptions to this can only be granted by the FBINAA National Board.

Additionally, due to requirements for access to certain facilities, COVID-19 vaccination is required.


While YLP is in session, Counselors are required to be on duty at 0500 hours with lights out for the students typically occurring at 2130 hours after which the Staff remains on duty, holds nightly debriefing, meetings, and secures the lodging floor.

Duties for the selected candidate include, but are not limited to:

  • Teach a two/four-hour course on a related program topic (to be determined)
  • Serve as a student counselor for seven to eight students
  • Participate/supervise early physical fitness program
  • Take photos to historically capture the session


The Counselor position requires that candidates must:

  • Possess, at a minimum, a bachelor's degree in a related field
  • Be a National Academy Graduate or former FBI NA Counselor
  • Be an active member in good standing with the FBI National Academy Associates, Inc.
  • Experience working with youth


Nominations must be made through the applicant's Chapter. Individuals interested in being considered for this position must file a letter of interest, Curriculum Vitae or Resume and letters of support to their Chapter President no later than February 21, 2022.

If interested, please submit the above to our Chapter President,

John Hearn at:

Chapter Presidents, upon review of applications from their chapter, shall nominate no more than two candidates to their applicable Section Representative by February 28, 2022.

Don't Forget to Register for Trainings

March Welcome Back / Going Away

Luncheon & Training

The FBINAA Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter will be having its

"Welcome Back/Going Away Luncheon & Training"

on Thursday March 24, 2022 from 9:00am to 1:00pm

Location is:

Subaru Park

2501 Seaport Drive

Chester, PA 19103

The cost for the luncheon/training is the following:

$50.00 for active employed members

$25.00 for retired (no longer employed) members

Register for Welcome Back

Please click on the above to register

(Please note it will only allow for the $50.00 option)

(Retired members need only send in $25.00)

Make your check payable to: FBINAA Eastern PA Chapter

Mail to:

Betsy McCreery, FBI

600 Arch Street, 8th Floor

Philadelphia, PA 19106

2022 Eastern PA Chapter

Re-Trainer / Conference

We will host our 2022 Annual Chapter Training Conference "Leading into the Future" from May 15-17, 2022 at the Wyndham Gettysburg Hotel

Register for Re-Trainer

2022 FBINAA National Training Conference


The 58th National Annual Training Conference will be held from July 30 to August 3, 2022 in Cleveland, OH.

National Conference Information

Contact Us

E PA FBINAA Logo.jpg



John Hearn, President

Phone: 267-319-4025


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