Week 8                       Geauga Family Farms CSA                     July 25, 2017             

The Fair Share     

What's cropping up!
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"Organic is something we can all partake of and benefit from. When we demand organic, we are demanding poison-free food. We are demanding clean air. We are demanding pure, fresh water. We are demanding soil that is free to do its job and seeds that are free of toxins. We are demanding that our children be protected from harm. We all need to bite the bullet and do what needs to be done - buy organic whenever we can, insist on organic, fight for organic and work to make it the norm. We must make organic the conventional choice and not the exception available only to the rich and educated."

~ Maria Rodale, CEO and Chairman of Rodale, author of Organic Manifesto: How Organic Farming Can Heal Our Planet, Feed the World, and Keep Us Safe
Trusted connections
GFF farmers to ride along with delivery truck in coming weeks

Welcome to Week 8 of the CSA season! 

Years ago, people would shop at a local, trusted store not simply out of convenience or because there was a special sale, but because they trusted the shop owner. They likely attended the same church, or their kids went to school together. In either case, they had a relationship with the shopkeeper, and through him or her, a connection with their food.

What makes your membership in Geauga Family Farms so different and special from shopping at a big-box store is the connection you have with our farmers, those who are investing so much time, hard work and effort in the quality of the food they produce.
Like that relationship between the old shopkeeper and his customers, this connection between you, our farmers and our food is one built on trust. You trust us to grow delicious, nutritious, certified-organic produce that you feel good about feeding to your families. You may have may have become accustomed to this feeling of trust by now;  it deepens your connection to the farmers, the farms and the land. 

These connections are precious and require real care, attention and tending. We want to continue to cultivate this connection by coming out to meet you and talk to you, to find out what questions and concerns you might have, or just to put a face on our members.

So, look for our farmers, warehouse manager and farm representatives on the delivery truck in the coming weeks and shake the hands that feed you. Let's start a conversation and deepen the trust and connection you feel to your food.

We look forward to meeting you!

Laura Dalheim
~ with Rachel Machesky and the farmers and famili es of Geauga Family Farms
In this week's shares
Look for some of these items in your share this week.

Lettuce (red leaf, green leaf, Romaine), carrots, cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, dill, slicing tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, sweet corn, green beans, sweet onions, cantaloupe and eggplant.

NOTE: You will not receive all of the types of produce listed above. This is a list of possible items. Different size shares and shares received at different times of the week may include different items.
Save the date
Our Fall Harvest Farm Festival will be Sept. 9. F arm tours, fall treats, old-fashioned games (bobbing for apples, sack races, etc.) and pony rides are planned. Stay tuned for more info, but until then, mark your calendar!
Ride-along calendar
Our farmers, farm reps and warehouse manager will be riding along in our delivery truck. Here is our calendar so far. Look for these farmers at your pick-up site soon. Other dates to be announced.
Aug. 8 - Marvin Hershberger & Noah Yutzy
Aug. 10 - Harvey Fisher
Aug. 17 - Abner Miller
Aug. 19 - Tom Byler
New in our farm store this week
The list is growing, and canning tomatoes are coming soon! Want to add some favorites to your weekly share or preserve a bunch of your favorite veggies to eat all winter? Look for quantities of these items, small and large, in our farm store. More items are added weekly. 

 - $3/bunch
Carrots - $2.50/bunch
Cauliflower - $3/small head; $4.50/large head
Cherry tomatoes - $3/quart
Green beans - $3.75/quart; $12/peck; $20/half-bushel
Green cabbage - $2.50/small head; $3.50/large head
Kale  - $3/bunch
Kohlrabi - $3/bunch
Lettuce  - $2.50/head
Sweet onions - $2.25/each (Large)
Slicing tomatoes - $2.25/medium, each; $3/large, each; $20/10 pounds
SALE! Zucchini - 2 for $1.50; $18/half-bushel
How to access our farm store
We have heard from several of you that you have had difficulty accessing our farm store. To do so, go to our website at GeaugaFamilyFarms.org and click on Store or Account in the menu bar near the top of the page. That will take you to our CSA software page. Then, click on the brown and white box that reads Member Lo gin in the upper left-hand corner and it will bring you to the page pictu r ed  below. 

From there, simply click on the part of the farm store from which you would like to order. Once you select your items, click on View Cart and you will be directed to the shopping cart where you will click on Save & Check Out. You will be redirected to the payment page where you can enter your credit card info or use any farm store credits you may have.

Click here to access the farm store.
We include recipes each week using the items in your share. While we always find great recipes to share, we'd love for you to send us your favorite recipes as well. We will include them in the next newsletter. Please e-mail them to LDalheim@geaugafamilyfarms.org

Member and Jones Day site coordinator Julie Trsinar sent in this recipe.
"With the abundance of cabbage we've been enjoying, I'm hoping this recipe might give people an alternative to stuffed cabbage, cole slaw, or cabbage and noodles. I found it to be a nice way to use a ton of our fresh farm veggies. I made it last weekend, and my husband and I had enough for three dinners! We love Asian food, so it was right up our alley. It sounds like a weird combination, but that peanut sauce works on just about anything! Nice & refreshing meal with the heat & humidity we've had!"

Gado Gado Salad
Green beans 
Lime wedges 
(Any veggies you have will work) 
Optional:  Chicken, soft boiled egg or tofu 
Steam or boil the cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, potatoes and green beans until slightly soft, but keeping a little crispness.   
1 tsp. garlic, minced 
1 1/2 tsps. fresh ginger, minced 
3/4 cup coconut milk, unsweetened canned 
1/2 cup peanut butter 
2 Tbsps. soy sauce 
1 tsp. Sriracha sauce 
1 tsp. honey 
2 tsps. rice vinegar 
1 tsp. toasted sesame oil 
Whisk all ingredients together in a saucepan over med-low heat.  Cook uncovered on low for 10 minutes, stirring frequently.  Stir in additional coconut milk or water for thinner consistency. A fter steaming/boiling, let the veggies return to room temp, or chill them, and serve with the warm sauce.  Arrange veggies on plate, drizzle with sauce and a squeeze lime juice. Enjoy! 

Did you sign up for weekly eggs and are struggling with what to do with all of them? Here is a yummy idea.

Deviled Eggs with Chiles, Bacon and Chives
10 medium eggs
1-2 Tbsps. mayonnaise
1 Tbsp. sour cream
½ tsp. dry mustard
2-3 dashes hot sauce
Kosher salt
2 small red serrano peppers, halved, seeded and thinly sliced
2 strips bacon, cooked and crumbled
2 Tbsps. chopped chives
In a medium saucepan fitted with a steamer, bring 1 inch of water to a boil over high heat. Place eggs in the steamer, then reduce heat to medium-high and steam for 12 minutes. Transfer eggs to an ice-water bath and let rest until well chilled, about 10 minutes. Peel eggs and halve lengthwise. Remove yolks and set aside. Arrange whites cut side up on a serving plate; cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to serve, or up to one day.
Meanwhile, place a fine-mesh sieve over a medium bowl. Using your thumb or the back of a spoon, press reserved yolks through mesh to create a fine crumb. Add 1 tablespoon mayonnaise, sour cream, and dry mustard, plus hot sauce and salt to taste. Mix until you have a smooth, frosting-like paste, adding more mayonnaise if filling is too stiff. Cover bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to serve, or up to one day.
To serve, use two spoons or a pastry bag fitted with a large star tip to spoon or pipe filling evenly into reserved egg-white halves. Garnish each with serrano peppers, bacon and chives.
Recipe from Modern Farmer
Sign up for the remainder of the season anytime
Taking a summer vacation and want to wait until later to sign up? No problem! The price of your share will be pro-rated to charge you only for the remaining weeks in the program.

Click here to sign up now.
Area Events
The July 28th class has sold out! No worries though! You can still sign up for the Aug. 25 class. And look for info on an October class taught by our very own in-house chef, Rachel Machesky.

CSA Cooking Classes
Aug. 25, 6 p.m.
Loretta Paganini School of Cooking,  8613 Mayfield Road, Chesterland
Cost: $45 for members, $65 for non-members (The extra $20 covers the cost of a week's share, which is sent home with the student.)
Using products delivered straight from Geauga Family Farms Community Supported Agriculture bags, attendees will prepare and take home the week's share for several wholesome and delicious dishes. Chef Kate will lead the group in all aspects of preparation, packaging, will offer tips on handling and storage, and demonstrate how to make three dishes as she prepares a tasty meal for the group. One of the Farmers will also be at each class to answer questions. If you've ever been stumped by how to use the surprise items in your CSA, this is the place to find inspiration!
There will be additional classes each month. Visit lpscinc.com for more information.

To sign up for the classes, click here.

Farm-to-Table Dinner at Sapore
Aug. 23, 6 p.m.
Sapore Restaurant, 8623 Mayfield Road, Chesterland
Join Chef Loretta Paganini and Geauga Family Farms as they join together for a farm-to-table dinner. The dinner will feature Chef Loretta's excellent cuisine fashioned from Geauga Family Farms' finest produce and meats.
Menu: Goat Cheese Stuffed Sweet Peppers; Cheddar Corn Chowder with Crispy Bacon Chips; Summer Mixed Melon Salad with Champagne Vinaigrette; Pan-Seared Walleye with Fresh Vegetable Ratatouille; Grilled Beef with Tomato Balsamic Steak Sauce, Heirloom Potato Salad; Peach & Blackberry Cobbler with Honey Gelato

Click here for reservations.
Local food, farming, environment in the news
We have so many things we'd like to share with you regarding the local food movement, what is affecting the food you eat and the world around us, and much, much more, but we don't want to make our newsletter any longer. So, we include links to articles you may find interesting. Here are a few. If you run across any articles you find interesting and think other members would be interested in reading, feel free to send us the link for inclusion in an upcoming newsletter.
(Between the regular business hours of 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Saturday ONLY PLEASE!)
Farm Representatives

Laura Dalheim, 440-478-9849, LDalheim@GeaugaFamilyFarms.org
Rachel Machesky216-246-8254, RMachesky@GeaugaFamilyFarms.org 

Geauga Family Farms, Middlefield, Ohio 44062