Greetings Rondout Family, Friends and Faculty.
Tomorrow is Family Reading Night and we have a full house of families who have reserved their spot for this fun night of reading, food and fellowship. We've got an exciting evening planned and special thanks to Robin Jacob for her hard work in planning this special evening and Mrs. Slavin who will be cooking up a storm for the spaghetti dinner.
The Cultural Celebration Committee is excited to invite Rondout families to join us on Thursday, February 29th for a family field trip to the Hindu Mandir in Grayslake. This is a great opportunity for families to learn more about the customs and traditions of some of our Indian families. The field trip is voluntary and open to all families. The tour is expected to take place between 5:30 and 6:15 p.m. followed by dinner at a local Indian restaurant, Flambe in Libertyville. Families can choose to participate in the tour, the tour and dinner, or just the dinner. Please note that families will be responsible for their own meals at the restaurant. To join us on this exciting family field trip, please complete the survey below by Monday, February 19th. We are excited to have you join us for this cultural experience!
Have a wonderful week! Until next time…
Dr. Jenny Wojcik
Ms. Elizabeth Davis