The Falcon Flyer!       

 Monroe Township School District
A Message  From The Superintendent's Office
Dear Falcon Community,

In the Monroe Township School District, we utilize a Whole Child approach in educating our students. The Whole Child approach ensures that each child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged Read more.  Our students learn well in this environment, as demonstrated by our students continued excellence in academics, the arts and athletics. In addition, we have received several letters from parents in other districts praising the sportsmanship of our student-athletes. On May 2nd, Mr. Riback, the President of the Monroe Township Board of Education, and I attended a Town Council meeting to recognize students from every school in the district for displaying excellent character traits, as identified through the Character Counts Program Six Pillars of Character (Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship). This emphasis on character education and the Whole Child is exemplified through the actions of our students. Inside this edition are other examples of our students demonstrating their excellent character by collaborating with their peers to improve the lives of others.

Important Update Regarding Student Growth : Our Steering Committee and Student Growth Advisory Committee (SGAC), which is comprised of community members, staff, students and members of the Board of Education, have been working together since January brainstorming strategies for addressing our continued student enrollment growth. In April, we received information from the township that a recent court ruling (see Opinion article from the Homes News Tribune) is mandating that communities throughout New Jersey must meet their affordable housing requirements. In Monroe Township, that means that over 500 affordable family units will have to be built, which is in addition to market rate units that are in the planning stages. Township officials were able to reduce the number of affordable units that would affect the student population by designating a portion of the total amount to age-restricted housing. However, the number of new family housing units slated for construction has increased significantly. Therefore, we are working closely with Township officials and our demographer to determine the actual impact to our school district in the next 5 years, along with the possible increase for the next 10 years. Once all data are compiled, the Board of Education will deliberate on the development of an action plan. This should occur by June or July of this year. Please continue to read upcoming issues of the Falcon Flyer for more information.

Please note : since we did not use two of our inclement weather days, which were built into the calendar, schools will be closed Friday, May 27th, through Tuesday, May 31st.

Inside this edition of the Falcon Flyer you will find information about the many exciting events occurring in our schools and community. I encourage you to check our website and sign up for our Facebook and Twitter accounts to receive ongoing information about our schools and community.

On behalf of the Monroe Township Board of Education and the entire Monroe Educational Community, I wish all of our mothers a happy, joyous and celebratory Mother's Day.

Respectfully yours in education,
Dr. Michael Kozak

A Mother is someone who can take the place of all others....
but whose place no one else can take.




 Applegarth School
Mrs. Burgess', grade 5 class at Applegarth School, recently celebrated Harriet Tubman as the new face of the twenty dollar bill during social studies classes.  Students watched a news report of this event and chose someone that they thought was important enough to hold this great honor.  Students were given a mock twenty dollar bill to draw in the face of their nominee and were asked to write supporting evidence as to why this person was bill worthy. Nominees included Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and Neil Armstrong.
Applegarth Student Council is proud to report that for the M.C.F.O.O.D.S School Food Drive, Applegarth School came in 6 th place out of 120 schools in Middlesex County with a donation of 2,000 pounds. Thank you to our teachers, students, and parents for their encouragement and support throughout the drive to make it such a success.
The student council's next fundraiser is "Pennies for Patients" to help support The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  Just like in previous fundraisers this year, we are confident that our goal will not only be met, but it will be surpassed with great determination by all. The student council representatives will continue to be school leaders and help promote this wonderful fundraiser by visiting each classroom, as we strive to make a difference in the lives of others.
The Children's Garden at Applegarth Elementary School    
Springtime is green time at the Applegarth Children's Garden. The greenhouse has a new look this year as a sunscreen covering was added to filter out the extreme heat inside. Other new additions to the picnic tables in the garden area, are huge market umbrellas. Now the students can spend time journaling and teachers can conduct lessons within the garden making it a functional part of our outdoor classroom. The students are very excited to get their hands into the dirt and start planting! At Applegarth Elementary School, we really go green!
I n October, Bernadette Chin and Tanya D'Agostino challenged their Science TAG students at Applegarth Elementary School to choose a real world problem that they could solve using their Mindstorm kits and STEM knowledge. Students rose to the occasion and even programmed several robots using Bluetooth technology to aid in their solutions. The students have created fourteen different robots, a few highlights include; driverless cars, electronic animals to live on Mars, and robotic recycling creatures! The High School TV Production Department captured the class in action, interviewed students, teachers and the high school mentors to document the process of robotics technology at the elementary level. The TV Production Department has done an incredible job, on the film, which you can preview here:

Oak tree

Kenyan Pen Pals
Have you ever wondered what life is like for students in another country? Well, third graders at Oak Tree had the unique opportunity to find out this April by writing letters to pen pals in Africa! Miss Kirner's class at Oak Tree worked with the nonprofit organization, The Taaluma Project, to communicate with students ages 8-15 at a school in Kenya, Africa through letters. The students in Miss Kirner's class are proud and excited to be a part of the, "Taaluma Pals," program!
The Taaluma Project is a non-profit organization started by students at Virginia Tech College whose goal is to further education opportunities for children in Kenya. The organization works to raise funds and awareness for the students in Africa who do not have the opportunities for education that we have in America. The project started at the, "Bambakofi Academy," in Kenya, and has progressed since its start in 2012.
Miss Kirner's class learned about the differences between these students' lives and their own, and developed a keen curiosity about these students, their school, and their lives in Africa. Miss Kirner's students wrote letters to the Kenyan students, asked questions about their school, and provided encouraging words. The letters were then brought to the school with a representative from the Taaluma Project, Miss Valerie Hengemuhle. Miss Hengemuhle, one of the founders of the Taaluma Project, visits the Bambakofi academy in Kenya annually, and keeps in regular touch with the students there. Upon distributing the letters, the students enthusiastically wrote back, and created keepsake book marks for their pen pals here in Monroe.
Upon her return to New Jersey, Miss Kirner's class was lucky enough to receive letters back from Miss Hengemuhle in person! On April 11, 2016, Miss Hengemuhle visited the students at Oak Tree and presented photos, information, and a class souvenir from the Bambakofi Academy in Kenya! As excited as the students were for all of this, the most exciting event of all was the receiving of letters in return from each of the students' pen pals!  Miss Kirner's students enjoyed reading and sharing their letters, and will keep their book marks to use and remember their pen pals while reading.

The Middle School
The 6 th grade chorus participated in the NJMEA Choral Festival at Rutgers University.  Ten schools were represented at the festival.  Our 6
th graders were the youngest group performing and received a "superior" rating on their two pieces which is the highest score. 



Thank you to everyone who contributed to the MCFOODS drive last month.  Monroe Township Middle School was one of the top 15 schools for donating food with a total of 1,550 pounds!  Applegarth collected even more with 2000 pounds of food.  Both schools from Monroe Township have been invited to a special meeting of the Middlesex County Freeholders to be recognized for their contribution.  

Monroe Township Middle School

May 5, 6, and 7, 2016
MTMS Performing Arts Center
All tickets are $10

 Hosting a Party

AN ADULT SHOULD BE PRESENT THROUGHOUT THE PARTY: * As a parent, you can bring in snacks, non-alcoholic beverages, etc. Not only will your visibility help keep the party running smoothly, but it will also give you an opportunity to meet your teen's friends. * When possible, do not have a party in a separate part of the house. When it is in the main flow of the house, your presence will seem more natural and non-obtrusive. * You may want to ask another responsible adult to help chaperone the party.
 2. ALCOHOL OR OTHER DRUGS SHOULD NOT BE SERVED OR AVAILABLE: * Be alert to the signs of alcohol or drug use. * Explain to your teen that you (the parent) are legally responsible for anything that happens to a minor who has consumed alcohol or drugs in your home. * Uninvited guests or those bringing alcohol or another drug should be asked to leave. Be ready to notify the parents to ensure their safe transportation home. * Secure your prescription medication, as well as any alcohol you may have in your home. 
3. ANYONE WHO LEAVES THE PARTY SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO RETURN: * This will discourage people from leaving with intent to drink and/or use drugs and then return to the party.
 4 . ENCOURAGE SMALL PARTIES: * Keep parties small (10-15 teens per adult). Go over party plans with your teen prior to the event. Avoid open-house parties. This type of party limits the control of both parent and teen over the party. * Keep a guest list. Encourage your teen to plan organized group activities or games. * Set time limits which will enable teens to be home before their curfew.
 5. SET GROUND RULES WITH YOUR TEEN BEFOREHAND: * This will give you both a good opportunity to express feelings and concerns. * Let your teen know your expectations of him/her. * Help your teen understand your philosophy of non-alcoholic and non-drug parties. 

6. PLAN TO HAVE PLENTY OF FOOD AND NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINKS AVAILABLE: * Food preparation can also be an important part of the fun, such as making popcorn, toasting marshmallows, making pizzas or subs. 
7 . GRADUATION PARTIES: * These parties require special planning because of the unusual mix of ages and relationships. Some families find a brunch works well, as alcohol would not be expected at this time of day. Many parents have decided to serve no alcohol at parties given for teenagers even if adults attend them.
 8. SOME OTHER IDEAS: * Get to know your teen's friends and their parents. * Many parties occur spontaneously. When they do, it is recommended that the above guidelines be applied. * If, despite your precautions, things get out of hand, do not hesitate to call the police department for assistance.

 HOMES WHERE PARENTS ARE ABSENT ARE FREQUENTLY PARTY SITES!!! * If it is imperative that you be out of town, have a friend or relative live in while you are away, or have your teen stay with a friend's family. * Tell neighbors about your plans, and if they notice anything suspicious to call the police. * Encourage your teen not to tell his/her friends that you are out of town. Ask friends and neighbors to monitor your house. Reference: Wilmes, D. (1988). Parenting for Prevention. Minneapolis: Johnson Institute. 

Information Provided by the Middlesex County Prosecutor's Office

In This Issue
Quick Links
High School

Click here to view this year's 2015-2016 :
2015-2016 Revised 
Click here to view 2016-2017:

Students Documents

Click here: Information


Sports Center

For information on all of our athletic schedules, forms, etc.

Click here:Sports


"Along with warmer weather, our Spring Community Education Classes are starting soon!  For 32 years, the Monroe Township Community Education program has offered classes, lectures, experiences, and opportunities as unique as the communities we serve.  In addition to our popular long-time favorites, we have 26 NEW course additions to choose from that promise to be winners!  Registration is now underway...don't delay!"
Wendy Cerbie
Monroe Township Board of Education
Use of Buildings Coordinator/Adult Education Secretary
732-521-1500 ext. 5248

Come Join Us For a
Slice of Summer Fundraiser
Eagle's Landing Day

            Click here for more                            Information:
             : May Newsletter


Please read more: Cub Scouts

May 30th

  Monroe Township Schools
National Autism Awareness
Month in April!
Below are some of the various activities utilized in raising money while also promoting the needful awareness .
March 24 -
Blue "Acceptance"
April 6 -
Orange "Awareness"
April 13 -
Red  "Action"
April 20 -
Yellow "Inclusion"
April 27 -
Green  "Appreciation"
  • Staff and students donated $1.00 to wear these colors each week as a donation to POAC.
  • Pizza Fundraiser
    for teachers and staff during evening conferences.
    $5.00 for 2 slices
  • Staff dress down day-wear blue jeans. Donated $3.00
  • Hearts for Acceptance were sold $1.00
  • Students contributed $1.00 to wear their favorite sports TEAM JERSEY!
  • April 29th Monroe Unity Day. Wore purple to promote unity in Monroe for the Autistic Community.


The Monroe Falcons had a great weekend in the SONJ Unified Games. We had 10 Athletes and 16 partners participate in the Shriver Cup High School Unified Bowling Championship on Saturday April 2nd. We had two teams place as Gold and Silver medalist in the highest division and two teams place bronze and 4th in the 2nd division. On Sunday 4/3 we had 3 bowlers compete and medal in the individual SONJ bowling State Championship! Uchechi Madu and Jacob Borrero each received gold while Justin Marcelo received silver. We played in the HS Shriver Cup Unified Basketball Tournament at Princeton University on Sunday April 3 where we placed 6th in the HS division.  Click Pictures

 Sean GIllies scored his 200 career point in boys lacrosse.
Kara Turco scored her 100th goal and  200th point in Girls Lacrosse.  She also became the school's all-time leading scorer.

Jenna Morelli scored her 100th goal in Girls Lacrosse.

Baseball Team- Won 3rd straight division championship.

Congratulations to the Competition Cheer Team for winning the Grand National Championship in Myrtle Beach South Carolina! 

Congratulations to the Monroe Township band members for their outstanding performance in the 2016 district band festival on April 19, 2016. Over 600 band students gathered to perform in the M.T.H.S gym.
The concert included performances by the Woodland, Brookside, Applegarth, M.T.M.S, and M.T.H.S Bands, and the finale featured all of the bands in a joint performance of the "Fighting Falcon March."


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 Athletic Dept.
If you are looking for the latest information on the Monroe Township School District Sports Programs, including score updates and highlights, simply text 40404 and insert follow @monroeathletic in the message box. Or, follow us on Twitter at @monroeathletic.
Click here:Athletic Dept.
   Twitter  M.T.S.D.
Wow! Look at us...Another Twitter account to follow. This twitter feed will provide general information about our schools and community. Simply text 40404 and insert follow @mtsdfalcons in the message section of the text or Click here::M.T.S.D
Check us out on

Monroe Township School District would like to formally announce the official opening of our Facebook page.

Monroe Township High School
College and Career Counseling Center
Office Hours Monday -Friday 7:30 - 3:00 pm 
Monroe Township High School's Guidance viewpoint places the individual in the position of central importance and requires that all phases of the school program be aimed at assisting all students to achieve their maximum potential. We believe that in order to accomplish this task, a team approach involving students, counselors, teachers, parents and administrators must be utilized. Only through home and school cooperation can we fully assist in the educational, emotional and social development of our students.
Naviance Button   Common App Button The ACT SAT Freshman Button Sophomore Button Junior Information Page Senior Button
Read More: click here

Child Safety

Guidelines for Parents

By taking responsibility for your children's online computer use, parents can greatly minimize any potential risks of being online. Make it a family rule to:
  • Never give out identifying information- home address, school name, or telephone number- in a public message such as chat or bulletin boards, and be sure you're dealing with someone that both you and your child know and trust before giving it out via E-mail. Think carefully before revealing any personal information such as age, marital status, or financial information. Consider using a pseudonym or unlisting your child's name if your service allows it.
  • Read More Child Safety
  • Article From Monroe Township Police Dept.
Monroe Township School District
423 Buckelew Avenue
Monroe Township, NJ 08831