The Falcon Flyer Newsletter
A Message From Mr. Robert Goodall
Monroe Township School District Acting Superintendent

The Monroe Township Central Office Administration has been very active within our community promoting the proposed school referendum vote scheduled for March 12, 2019.  We have given presentations at our retirement communities, private organizations and homes and public schools.  There are different perspectives on the proposed referendum projects and we try to present information that will educate the community.  We are seeking to provide our residents, especially parents, with critical information to make an informed decision on the referendum. I  appreciate the opportunity to speak with our seniors and community members to listen to the needs of the district. Many of our completed presentations have resulted in very favorable feedback on the plan. A special thank you to the leadership of our school parent organizations for scheduling local presentations in neighborhood schools, which continue to be ongoing each evening.  Please reference our district referendum page   for up to date scheduling for the parent organization presentation schedule. A continued thanks to the MTEA for their active support  of our plan and their efforts to communicate the importance of the vote.  Our next district wide public presentations are scheduled for:

February 21, 2019
Community Wide Presentation @ MTHS Auditorium at 7 PM
March 11, 2019
Community Wide Presentation @ Monroe Township Recreation Center at 7 PM

Please VOTE on March 12, 2019! Polls open 7 AM - 8 PM!
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Applegarth 9:05 am - 3:34 pm
Barclay Brook 9:05 am - 3:34 pm
Brookside 9:05 am - 3:34 pm
Mill Lake 8:50 am - 3:19 pm
Monroe Township High School 7:27 am - 2:00 pm
Monroe Township Middle School 8:10 am - 2:39 pm
Oak Tree 8:55 am - 3:24 pm
Woodland 8:10 am - 2:39 pm
February 15, 2019
Staff FULL DAY In-Service
School Closed for Students
February 18, 2019
All Schools Closed 
Monroe Township School District

A special board of education meeting has been scheduled for Monday, February 4, 2019 7:00pm at 
Monroe Township High School
**The purpose of this meeting is for  Board training on the Superintendent Search Process and  Superintendent Evaluation.

February 13, 2019
Board of Education meetings are held at 
Monroe Township High School in the Media Center at 7:00pm

Committee Meetings
February 5, 2019
Committee meetings are held at the Board office
 Personnel - 4:00pm  (*Not open to the public)
Buildings, Grounds and Transportation - 5:00pm 
Policy - 6:00pm
 Finance - 7:00pm

Educational Advocacy Committee Meetin g
February 12, 2019 - 5:00pm 
held at the Board office

Curriculum Committee Meeting
February 13, 2019 at 5:30pm
held at Monroe Township High School  in the
Media Center conference room

For more information about the Monroe Township Board of Education  click here:

2019 Board Members
Ms. Kathy Kolupanowich, Board President
Mr. Steven Riback, Vice President
Ms. Michele Arminio
Mr. Ken Chiarella
Ms. Jill DeMaio
Ms. Patricia Lang
Mr. Andy Paluri
Ms. Rupa Siegel
Mr. Peter Tufano

Jamesburg Representative
Mr. Paul Rutsky

Student Board Members
Ms. Sreeja Mamillapalli
Mr. Manan Shah
Monroe Township District Referendum Social Media Sites

District Website Referendum Page:

Facebook Referendum Page:

District Twitter:
District Mobile App:
The Brookside School community came together to show generosity, kindness, and caring compassionate in the spirit of the holiday season. The parents, staff and students came together and collected items for needy families in Trenton, Hamilton and Asbury Park. The 3 rd grade students made 114 goodie bags and 3 boxes of toys and school supplies. The 4 th grade students collected 289 items such as socks, gloves, scarves and hats. The 5 th grade students collected 348 items of toiletries, such as toothbrushes/toothpaste, shampoo/conditioner, soap, and lotion. Empty Bowls ambassadors were tasked to collect the items and count and box them. The staff came together and donated 7 boxes of various items household items and clothing.

Barclay Brook's Family STEAMaker Nights: Holiday Edition

Barclay Brook School hosted its first Holiday themed STEAMaker Nights in December. Over the course of the two nights, we had an outpouring of families join us to use items from our STEAMaker Lab in different holiday themed stations. The families enjoyed using the green screen to take family holiday pictures, coded Ozobots to travel through a winter scene, used 3D pens to create holiday decorations, created holiday cards using paper circuits, and used various supplies to create snowflakes, frames, and igloos. The nights were fun for all who came as parents were just as engaged as their children!

Student Centered Conflict-Resolution at Oak Tree School
Pen Pals Get Techy! 
By: Gabby Guerrera and Danielle Rispoli
Since the beginning of the year at Oak Tree  Elementary, Miss Guerrera's 3rd g rade class and MissRispoli's 2 nd grade class have been communicating via pen pal notebooks! The teachers decided to do this to instill friendship and kindness across grade levels.  Students were paired up at the beginning of the year and write to each other weekly. They have gotten to know each other and are always so excited to read what their pen pals have to say .

Recently, these students met face to face for the first time! Students were thrilled to meet each other and team up to work on some tech! Miss Guerrera's 3rd graders taught their 2nd grade pen pals how to log on to the Chromebooks, how to access Google Drive, and how to create a Google Doc. Miss Rispoli also had her students bring some of their writing to type up on their Google Doc. As the 2nd graders started typing, the 3rd graders shared some computer skills that they have acquired throughout the year! It was great to see the collaboration amongst students and see students sharing their learning.
Students will get together a few more times this year to work on Chromebooks, complete other fun activities, and just spend some time together to make new friends!
Performance Week at Oak Tree School

During the week leading up to winter break Mrs. Costantino's music classes at Oak Tree School had the rare opportunity to showcase their individual talents for their whole class.   Many of our students play instruments, dance, and sing outside of school and wanted to share their skills with their classmates. The students had an incredible time and compliments were encouraged.  Even the staff was amazed and learned so much about the students they teach every day.



Applegarth School had two champions emerge in the month of January, a spelling bee champion and a GeoBee champion. In the month of December, individual classroom competitions were held, and one student emerged as a class winner. Those 20 students were then brought to a final round held in the AES cafeteria, with an audience of their parents. Students were given some very challenging words, and all who participated did an outstanding job. Even better than the spelling was the spirit of support between the students, who were high-fiving and congratulating one another through successful rounds. After multiple rounds that went into a challenge list, Saransh Malhotra emerged in first place. Thank you to Mrs. Loonan, Ms. Santo, and Ms. Sheppard, as well as Ms. Shanholtzer, who facilitated this event.

In our Geography Bee, our student body took a written test.  After one round, another test was given, which reduced the number of contestants to six.  Those six students competed in the Applegarth school cafeteria on January 24 th.  After several rounds of questions, based on locations around the world and map reading abilities, Shubham Kumar was our winner.  Thank you to Ms. Fischetti and Mrs. Evans, who facilitated this competition.

Congratulations to our champions!     

Congratulations to the MTHS Winter Track Distance Medley Team of Joe Cicoria, Nigel Pacheco, Jordan Kaplan and Sam Tenenbaum  who broke the school record with a time of 11:03.18 at the NJSIAA Relays! 

Congratulations to Coach Vogtman for accomplishing her 100th Career WIN on Saturday 1/26 with a commanding win over Metuchen! 

Woodland students, community & staff continue to give to many wonderful organizations throughout the school year.
On Friday, December 21, Woodland School students participated in a Pajama Day where students and staff donated $1 to benefit the Unity Tour that Police Officers around the country participate in.  Fourteen officers from Monroe join about two thousand others from twelve states to ride their bicycles from NJ to Washington D.C.  They ride into D.C. all together to meet their families and the families of fallen officers to honor those that have lost their lives in the line of duty.  This year is particularly exciting because a memorial museum to honor officers that have died will open its doors for the first time.  Several men from the Monroe Police Department came to talk with students about the ride, answer their questions, and show the trailer that will go down to help support them. 
The Woodland and Mill School Student Councils jointly coordinated a special fundraiser via Skype for the Hode Family whose house was destroyed from a fire.   The event was scheduled on Friday, January 25 th  as an inter-school PAJAMA and STUFFED ANIMAL day with a collection of $3.00 per student - the goal is to raise $2500 for the family.  If you'd like to check out the fundraising page for the Hodes go here:
Congratulations to all of the Geogrophy Bee and the Scripps Spelling Bee participants!

Geography Bee Winners:

1st place: Luc DeBrito

2nd place: Natalie Daly

3rd place: Rayyan Khan

Scripps Spelling Bee:

Pranayaa Jeyaraman: School Winner

Tanvi Raj: School Runner-up
FBLA JA Titans Regional Competition

Congratulations to TEAM STUFOOS, Erin Kaul, Rushil Parikh & Kevish Shah, who took
1 st place in their group competition at Munich RE on January 29, 2019 for the FBLA Junior Achievement Titan Virtual Competition Regional Round!  They advance to the Final Round of competition to be held at Johnson & Johnson-Ethicon, in Somerville, NJ on February 8, 2019. 

A great experience for our other three teams who competed, as well! All around, a job well done!  

FBLA is directed by Ms. Deanna Dale and operates within 
the Department for the Applied Arts and Careers Technology
MTHS Economics & Finance Team

The MTHS Economics & Finance Team earned a tie for 2nd place at the Middlesex County
Consumer Bowl. Team members (left to right) Rhea Bandaru (captain), Jasmine Yang, Akash Reddy, and Shivan Suratia gave an impressive showing by Monroe Township High School in their 2nd appearance at the event sponsored by the NJ Division of Consumer Affairs. 
The event was held at South Amboy High School on Wednesday, January 30th. Monroe Township High School is poised to host this event in 2020. The event is held annually at the county, regional and state level as a commu
nity outreach program to educate students to be responsible and knowledgeable consumers.

The MTHS Economics & Finance Team is directed by Ms. Terri Weiss and operates within 
the Department for the 
Applied Arts and Careers Technology

SAVE THE DATE for the 
10th Annual Oak Tree/Applegarth PTA TRICKY TRAY!
April 12, 2019 at Forsgate Country Club
Check Out What's Happening At The

Check out FALCON ZONE 
School Store for all of your FALCON merchandise! 

Order Online & Pick-up at MTHS!  
MTHS College & Career Counseling Center (CCCC)

Get the latest information on the 
Monroe Township School District Sports Programs  

View  "SCHEDULE STAR" to keep current with upcoming athletic events at Monroe Township High School!  

Click here to view:

Enter Monroe Township HS in the search box for daily, weekly & monthly schedules.
Student Registration & Documents
Click here for  Information
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township/district concerts, sports & special events! 

Check out the Monroe Township PEG Channel with videos on demand! 
Monroe Township School District | 423 Buckelew Avenue | Monroe Township, NJ 08831