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Ministry Headlines

First Congregational Church in Winchester, UCC
Fall 2018 Vol. 65, No. 5
In This Issue
Spiritual Reflections
Calling From the Narrows
Seasons of the Spirit: The Call of Restorative Justice
Ministry Updates
2018-19 Volunteers/Officers
Ripley Chapel Working Group
Music and Worship Arts
Children and Youth
Adult Faith Exploration
Flower Committee
Health Ministry
Ruth Group
Men's Group
Opportunities to Serve
Fall Events at a Glance
Spiritual Reflections
Calling From the Narrows
A group of us this summer went to the ICE building in Burlington with our Jewish friends for a public lament over our government’s merciless practice of separating immigrant children from their parents. The Rabbis who led the gathering sang a Hebrew chant based on Psalm 118:5 - “I call to you from the narrows, and you brought me to a spacious place.”  Read more...
The Call of Restorative Justice
As we enter autumn, the realities of our deeply polarized religious, social and political world become increasingly apparent. How do we orient ourselves in such a time as this? Read more...
Ministry Updates
Ministries Roster of Volunteers/Officers
Who's serving on what ministry this year? Who do I contact? See the most up-to-date list here! See the full list!
Ripley Chapel Renovation: Final Design Set!
The Ripley Chapel Working Group has decided on the Final Design for the renovation of Ripley Chapel,and has revised its description of the improvements and changes to be included in the renovation.  Read more...
Musical Opportunities This Fall - Join Us!
We have many opportunities for making and sharing music. Join us on the fun, spirited, moving, challenging, and prayer-filled endeavors of Senior Choir, Carilloneers, special and youth music. Read more...
New Front Handrails!
Fabrication is well underway of sixteen handrails to be installed on the front steps down to Church Street. These handrails will be dedicated to lifelong member, Bradley Ross. Read more...
Stepping Stones Classes and Youth Events
Welcome back! Lots of exciting things are happening this fall with the children and youth at our church, including a movie on the lawn, the start of Stepping Stones classes, and more! Check out our upcoming events...
Transgender Awareness and Understanding
Sept. 23 After Worship
You are invited to attend an 11th Hour session in the Palmer Room to learn about what it means to be transgender. Explore why the Christian teaching of unconditional love and welcoming all with joy is so important for the transgender community.  Read more...
Introduction to the Old Testament
Starting Sept. 25, 7-8:30 PM
We will be offering the second course of the Massachusetts Bible Society’s Exploring the Bible series Introducing the Old Testament.This second course helps you better understand the Old Testament in the context of the world in which it was written. No previous experience necessary! Read more...
SpeakOUT Boston
October 29, 7PM, Palmer & Tucker Rooms
Please join us for an additional awareness session for a panel of speakers from SpeakOUT Boston, the nation’s oldest LGBTQIA speakers bureau, as each panel member tells their personal story.  Read more...
Outdoor Church Ingredients Needed
Sept 30
Four times a year, the First Congregational Church makes and brings sandwiches and other items to the Outdoor Church congregation in Cambridge. We make the sandwiches in the kitchen after worship on “our” Sunday using ingredients donated by the Congregation. Read more...
New Co-Coordinators for The Dwelling Place
In September, Louise Ritenhouse and Cindy Mahoney will take on the job of Co-Coordinators for volunteers at The Dwelling Place, replacing Linda Alexander, who has served in that job for seven years. Read more...
Thank You Puerto Rico Volunteers!
In case you missed it: This August, several church members assisted in the rebuilding effort in Puerto Rico. Check out NBC 10's coverage! Be sure to thank these people the next time you see them:

Tracy, Will and Augusta Claire Burhans, Roger Marian, Joe, Marianne, and Russell Carter, Lisa Loughlin, Jodie and Candace Mullane, Doug Taylor, Andy McKinley and Maria Fernando, Sue Howland, Alex Rohall, Liz and Dick Sayre, Caroline Reynolds, Lillie Cazayoux, Grace Casey, and Tom Khal.
Chancel Flowers
Would you care to donate flowers in memory or in honor of a loved one? Each Sunday the Chancel area is beautifully decorated with a floral offering, reminding us of the glory of God's creation and of God's abundant provision for us all. After the service, the Flower Committee uses the flowers to create small arrangements to deliver to members in need. If you'd like to donate flowers for one of the dates below, please contact Sarah in the office.

January 6, 2019
January 13, 2019
January 20, 2019
April 14, 2019
May 12, 2019
May 19, 2019
Sarah Marino, Holding Us Together!
The Personnel Committee is spotlighting different members of our staff this year. In this issue of The Spire, we spoke with Sarah Marino, our fabulous Office Manager, and asked her a few questions about her life outside of the church. Read more...
Empowering Families and Loved Ones Facing Mental Illness  
When a loved one develops a mental illness, family members and friends struggle to understand the disease while dealing with their own emotions. Our church will be hosting National Alliance of Mental Health events and Sunday Services along with taking part in community initiatives. Read more about Health Ministry's upcoming events.
Discussing John Singer Sargent
Sept 16, 7 PM
The first meeting of the Ruth group will be held at Lynne Rahmeier’s house, 4 Heritage Drive, Woburn. The books to be discussed are Strapless: John Singer Sargent and the Fall of Madame X by Deborah Davis and Sargent’s Women: Four Lives Behind the Canvas by Donna M. Lucey. All women are invited to attend. If in need of a ride, please contact Maryann McCall-Taylor. Learn more...
Men's Group
September 9, 7-9 PM, 4 Heritage Drive, Woburn
All FCC men and their guests are welcome to join us at the Rahmeier home. We discuss matters that are personal and spiritual. Pot-luck beverages or snacks are welcome but not expected. Questions to chris.noble@yahoo.com .
Opportunities to Serve
Fall Events at a Glance

Oct 7

Oct 13

Oct 14
Jazz Blessing of the Animals on the Common

Oct 20

Oct 21
Guided Sensory Fells Walk for All Ages

Oct 28
Centering Prayer Meditation

Oct 29

Nov 3

Progressive Dinner

Nov 17
Thanksgiving Food Baskets Food Drive

Nov 18

Nov 25
Centering Prayer Meditation