The Arc of New Jersey Family Institute provides caregivers with the necessary resources and education to access the appropriate supports and services for their loved ones with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
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Grateful for 2024 Victories & Plans for 2025 Advocacy

With 2024 almost in the rearview mirror, I want to take this opportunity to reflect back on the incredible work of advocates across the State who play such a vital role in the work that we do. It is difficult sometimes to stop and acknowledge each victory because we are so quick to move on to the next challenge that lays before us. But now is the perfect time to pause and be grateful for all we've achieved. Whether it's a State Budget with new money that allows for needed services and supports for people with IDD and their families, or legislative initiatives that benefit those we care about, it's important that we recognize the impact we have when we come together in a collective voice. As we look ahead to 2025, we must be prepared to push back against any potential cuts to Medicaid which is the lifeline program for people with intellectual and developmental disability and a must-have for anyone needing services through the Division of Developmental Disabilities. As Congress convenes after the holiday to make budget and tax decisions, it's critical for them to understand what Medicaid means for a person with IDD. That is why we need you to stand beside us for any fights that lay ahead. I encourage you to learn more, stay connected and be prepared for what comes next. United, we can be a strong force for our community.

I wish you all a wonderful holiday season and a happy New Year.

Thomas Baffuto - Executive Director, The Arc of NJ

31 Holiday & Winter Activities for Individuals With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Download The December Calendar Here

Fireside Chat

Fireside Chat with Mike Marotta - DRNJ ATAC

Thursday, December 12, 2024

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Learn more about The Richard West Assistive Technology Advocacy Center (ATAC) with Mike Marotta from Disability Rights New Jersey. Mike will give us an overview of services available through ATAC.

Register Here

It's Not Too Late to Support The Arc of New Jersey

Thank you to everyone who supported The Arc of New Jersey through our 75th Anniversary Gala and Ad Journal. The funds raised enable us to make tremendous progress as we continue to grow and expand our advocacy and support services for people with IDD and their families.

But the need still exists. From now until December 31, 2024, The Arc of New Jersey's 75th Anniversary Campaign is looking to raise $75,000 to support our information, resources and advocacy for individuals with IDD and their families. Your donation, no matter the size, will contribute greatly to our ability to help the increasing numbers of individuals and families who call upon us for assistance. Click here to donate today and thank you for your support!

Kids Corner

American Dream

Dive Into Inclusion - Sensory Friendly Event For Neurodivergent Individuals

December 15, 2024

9:00 am - 11:30 am

The event will include a Character Meet & Greet, Quiet Rooms, and a Music-Free environment to ensure a comfortable experience for all attendees. Tickets are available for $35.

Learn More Here
Navigating the System

Perform Care for Students with DD/IDD

Monday, December 9, 2024


Register for a webinar regarding PerformCare for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Register Here
From Our Local Chapters of The Arc

The Arc of Bergen and Passaic: Annual Holiday Dinner Dance

Join us to celebrate The Arc's Annual Holiday Dinner Dance and kick off this year’s holiday season!

When: Wednesday, December 11, 2024

6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Where: The Venetian (546 River Dr, Garfield, NJ 07026)

More Details Here


The Arc of New Jersey Family Institute | 732.828.2022 |
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