You will notice that in our worship on Sunday we will be trying a new response to our lessons: “Here what the Spirit is saying to God’s people.

Sunday is one of the most glorious days in our church year- the feast of Pentecost when we commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and other followers of Christ. This event represents the birth of the early church, a “gathering into one” which we celebrate especially on this feast day and every day when we come together as believers to share in worship and community and strengthen ourselves for mission.

We have been eagerly anticipating the coming of the Holy Spirit among us, hearing in our Gospel readings how Jesus is promising that the Spirit, as Advocate and Guide, will be sent to teach us what we need to know and lead us into all truth. Jesus, who is close to the Father’s heart, now gifts us with the Spirit who will remain with us always, ever by our side.