Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

February 2, 2025

Mission Statement

Our Vision Friends and neighbors joyfully sharing and living the Gospel and the transforming love of Jesus Christ through our Parish Family

Our Mission To invite and welcome people of all ages, backgrounds and walks of life to embrace and celebrate our vocations.  "To be Christ to the world.”

Explore this Sunday's Scriptures Here
Family Zone - Activities for all ages

Now there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon. This man was righteous and devout, awaiting the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he should not see death before he had seen the Christ of the Lord. He came in the Spirit into the temple; and when the parents brought in the child Jesus to perform the custom of the law in regard to him, he took him into his arms and blessed God, saying: 

“Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you prepared in sight of all the peoples: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel.” 

~Luke 2

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From Our Pastor

Dear Parishioners and Friends,


This weekend we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord,

also traditionally called "Candlemas Day."  

We will bless our church candles at each Mass and offer a general

“blessing of throats” to everyone which is connected to the Feast of

Saint Blaise.


Join us for donuts and coffee hour after the 11am Mass at Christ the King church in the Parish Center next weekend, February 9th. This Coffee Hour is being hosted by our CYO teams celebrating another successful season at Saint Kateri! 


Thanks to the St. Joseph's Committee and Ladies Guild, we are also looking forward to the upcoming Saint Joseph’s Day Table which will be held in the Newcomb Friendship Center on Sunday, March 16th.


May God bless you! 

Fr. Gonyo

From Fr. Aaron

I am frequently asked by people if I could publish the Spiritual Exercises that I give in my homily in the bulletin. In total transparency, they often do not come to me until Friday or Saturday. I begin my preparation on Monday, but the final homily does not come together until very late. In order to respect people’s requests, I will try to publish them periodically so that you can go back and see how you are doing. Today, I will give some of the highlights from over the past few months. I will give the day I gave the exercise so you can go back and look at the readings. So, here are ten I think are worth going back to.


January 25-26, 2025 – Third Sunday of Ordinary Time (C) – Read the Bible, especially the Mass readings. See how God is speaking his Word to you today.

August 10-11, 2024 – Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time (B) – Increase devotion and love for the Eucharist. Commit to the one hour fast before Mass. Make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament during the week.

September 7-8, 2024 – Twenty-Third Sunday of Ordinary Time (B) – Pray for trust in God and the belief that he can work miracles in your life. Try the Litany of Trust.

October 12-13, 2024 – Twenty-Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time (B) – The Lord desires to give us gifts. What gift do you need most in your life right now? Beg the Lord for it.

November 2-3, 2024 – Thirty-First Sunday of Ordinary Time (B) – Which saint chose you for the year? Have you gotten to know them? Are you friends yet?

November 23-24, 2024 – Christ the King (B) – Give of your time, talent, and treasure! Have you signed up for a ministry and gotten involved? It’s not too late. We’ve got lots of good things happening.

December 7-8, 2024 – Second Sunday of Advent (C) – Have a calendar or journal where you write down each day where you encountered God.

December 24-25, 2024 - Christmas – Play with your nativity scene. Touch it, look at it, get to know it. We are characters in the story.

January 11-12, 2025 – Baptism of the Lord (C) – Find out your Baptismal date and celebrate it.


And now for a new one: Please pray daily for me, Fr. Gonyo, and for that new Pentecost here at St. Kateri and in our Diocese.

~ Fr. Aaron Kelly, Parochial Vicar



Baptisms and Deaths

Congratulations and may

God’s blessings be upon these children:


Please remember in prayer our Beloved who have recently passed away:

Virginia Johnson


This week, the Sanctuary Candle at Saint Kateri Tekakwitha

Parish at Christ The King Church burns for the Living and Deceased Members of the Callari & Tette Families.



Parish Happenings

Weather Policy

Mass will be canceled and our Parish Offices will close whenever the West or East Irondequoit Schools and Saint Kateri Schools close due to inclement weather.

Closures will be announced on local TV and radio stations.

Wednesday Evening Discussion Group

All are invited to join us on Wednesday evenings for faith-based discussions.

Every Wednesday

7:00 - 8:30 PM

In the

Saint Kateri Center

Beginning Wednesday, January 29th:

The Way of the Disciple

by Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis

Available through Amazon

and other fine booksellers

For more information contact

Mark Keller


Lector Formation

All current lectors and those who would like to be lectors are invited to join us for a mandatory formation session on:


February 15th

at 10:00 AM

At Christ the King

Please contact Mark Keller (mark.keller@dor.org) to reserve your place (so we can prepare the correct number of materials).

Thank You!

Saint Kateri School

Faith Formation

Saint Kateri Parish offers a variety of

Faith Formation and Sacramental Preparation programs for your family

Faith Formation:

(Religious Education for children enrolled in Public School)

*For children in Pre-K through Grade 7, this program is offered during the school year, September - May. We partner with parents and guardians in supporting and continuing their child’s faith journey. This program consists of monthly meetings and extra faith-filled activities.

Contact Anna Steele Anna.Steele@dor.org.

Sacramental Preparation:

First Reconciliation & First Holy Communion:

For children in Grade 2 and over, to help them prepare to receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Celebration of First Reconciliation is in

the fall and First Holy Communion is celebrated

parish-wide in May.

Contact Anna Steele Anna.Steele@dor.org.


A two-year journey for those in Grade 8 and older to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Contact Christine Bondi Christine.Bondi@dor.org.


This process is for anyone over the age of 16 that wants to become fully initiated into the faith of the Catholic Church through the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation or any combination of the three.

Contact Mark Keller mark.keller@dor.org

Adult Formation

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults

OCIA is a process of spiritual formation which prepares adults for full initiation into the faith.

At Saint Kateri Parish, we meet as a small group to explore and discuss the foundations of our Catholic faith and help each other to grow in our relationship with the Lord.

OCIA is for:

  • Anyone who is curious about the Catholic Church
  • Anyone who is interested in becoming Catholic
  • Adult Catholics who have not completed the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Communion, or Confirmation).

Parishioners are welcome to join any of our sessions.


7:00 PM

In the

Saint Kateri Center at Christ the King

January 23

The Sacrament of Matrimony

The Sacrament of Holy Orders

January 30

The Sacrament of Penance

The Sacrament of Anointing


For more information contact

Mark Keller


(585) 544-8880


Young Adult

Community News


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