To Volunteer:
Call or Text:
(417) 209-7027
Helping Needy Families Have A Brighter Future

In years past, January & February were down-time for Help Give Hope (HGH)...to rest, retool and regroup before jumping back into the craziness of our little slice of the world. But we're not a little charity any more and now, calls for help never stop. So while it may be cold and dreary outside, HGH is already in mid-season form.

Think of HGH as an organization of two halves...
1) The hands-on, daily work of assisting families and children-in-need throughout SW Missouri which is our purpose and top priority.
2) Our multiple and creative ways of supporting #1. Our hope is always less direct solicitation of contributions and more productivity from The Longest Table, garage sales, grants and our charity golf tournament. Bottom line, we don't like fundraising...never have and never will! But it is a necessary evil so we at least try to make it fun. Thankfully, we are supported generously, in both money and time, by the amazing HGH family!

Between now and late Summer, our event focus will be squarely on our multiple garage sales (see story in green box below) while Murray and her team will be in the trenches providing daily support to qualified families-in-need. Since returning to the office after the holidays, many families have already been helped with beds, appliances, furniture, gas vouchers, car repairs and rental assistance.

We have begun pick-ups for the 2023 garage
sale season!

Brad is ready and eager to pick up garage sale donations...PLEASE call Murray at 417-209-7027. 
It’s important we know what we are getting so we know how many people to send, what vehicle works best and the best time for everyone. Please note, there are items we don’t take— Mattresses (for legal reasons), office desks, entertainment centers, Box TV’s, China Cabinets, but for the most part we are flexible. It is never our intention to look picky or selective. If we can’t use it, we most likely will have options we can offer you. 2023 sale dates are listed below and we’d love to have your items or have you volunteer with us. Just let us know!


Friends and Family Sales
Saturday, April 22nd & July 23rd
9:00am - 1:00pm both sales

Big Sales – Friday and Saturday
June 10th & 11th
August 18th & 19th
8:00am – 3:00pm both days

Location: HGH warehouse (2809 N. Cedarbrook)

We no longer pick up after private garage sales

IMPORTANT UPDATE: We are temporarily unable to accept clothing as we currently have more than we can manage. Hope and expect that to change once sales begin.

We love donations of appliances but please be accurate with their condition. Appliances are given to families in need. There is nothing worse than giving an appliance that does not work properly. We do not wish to appear presumptuous and we sincerely appreciate each and every donation but when we are unable to sell an item, often we must pay to have it removed. We just wish to be more efficient and cost effective.  


Am still expecting a call from my good friend Tiger Woods (or his people) any day now to officially accept our invitation to play in the Arris Pizza/Paul Zurfluh Charity Golf Tournament, September 18th at Twin Oaks CC (mark your calendars). With an eight month lead-time and no apparent conflict in his schedule, can't imagine he would decline. OK, to be honest, it might be a stretch to call him 'good friend' as we've never actually met but I've watched thousands of hours of his highlights and feel as though we have a connection. Given the chance, I just know we'll be great buddies. Plus, I did share with him my incredible athletic accomplishments (slightly embellished) so hoping he might regard me as a 'comrade in arms'.

Believe me, we're pulling out all the stops to encourage him to attend...he would get a free lunch, 18 holes of golf with Doug and I (priceless) (remember, we're kicking Crump to the curb if Tiger plays) and a kick-butt post tourney pizza party. Our ace in the hole, which I've not yet officially put on the table (don't want to play all our cards just yet) is a one-night stay at The Quality Inn in Ozark. We might even spring for a mini-suite (coffee machine, mini-fridge, the works!). I remain optimistic but, admittedly, a little concerned by the utter silence (crickets) I've received from his end. But rest assured I will not give up as it's all about giving our loyal friends and supporters the best golf experience possible. Not to mention it would be so fricking awesome to play 18 holes with Tiger and literally rub it in the noses of all my friends for the next 20 years! Heck, I might even beat him now that he's playing on one leg and has to ride a cart. Well, ok, maybe not. But it would still be so cool. Keep your fingers crossed for me...uh, I mean for us!

Will keep you posted.


We are so proud of Katelyn Matz, the daughter of Doug and Manden, who was recently given a dollar from her teacher for Christmas. She had a few options and one was to donate it to a charity of her choice. And she chose Help Give Hope!

It's not about the money, it's about the heart! Thank you Katelyn from all of us at Help Give Hope!


We're excited to announce that one of Help Give Hope's premier fundraising events will return for its 7th edition this coming August...specific date and time to be announced soon. We look forward to another amazing evening of great friends, food and drink!


We want to make sure we have the best email with which to reach you. In order for Help Give Hope to effectively communicate with our friends and supporters, it's critical we have an up-to-date email for you. Click on the email link below to send us the email you prefer we use. Also please include email(s) of any and all family and friends you feel would like to be on our mailing list. Thank you!!

To Volunteer at HGH:
Call or Text:
(417) 209-7027
or email.
Murray Beairsto
Executive Director [email protected] 
(417) 209-7027