Concord Township Trustees Graduate from Ohio Township Association Leadership Academy
Trustee Carl Dondorfer and Trustee Amy Lucci were recognized as graduates of the Ohio Township Association Leadership Academy (OTALA) at the 2023 Ohio Township Association (OTA) Winter Conference. The OTALA was created in 2001 with the Ohio State University’s Office of Community Development and Miami University’s Center for Public Management and Regional Affairs. Program participants must complete at least six of the ten approved training courses, plus take part in either the Notional Association of Towns and Townships (NATaT) Annual Conference or attend the OTA Federal Workshop Day held in August. Participants have three years to complete these requirements to graduate from the program. The academy is designed for township elected officials, administrative staff, and individuals who serve on township committees, boards, or task forces to increase their leadership and decision-making skills necessary to successfully serve in their position. A diploma is presented to each individual who successfully completes the program.
Both Carl Dondorfer and Amy Lucci were honored along with five other graduates at a special ceremony held at the OTA’s Winter Conference at the opening ceremony on January 26th, in front of over 1,000 peers from around the state. Carl Dondorfer has served as Concord Township Trustee since April 2019 and Amy Lucci has served as Concord Township Trustee since December 2019.