The Good News

February 2024

The Season of Lent Begins

on Wed. February 14

Liturgical Year B

The monthly newsletter of St. Paul's Episcopal Church

+ To know Christ better and make him better known +

Rector's Message

The Rev. Dr. Mauricio Wilson


I have a memory from my childhood of a sticker collection called Love is… I was too young to be the one owing the collection, but I remember that my sister who is 14 years older than me would go to the store at least once a week to buy a new packet of stickers and then come home to find their rightful place in the collectors album. Each sticker had the phrase Amor es…(Love is…) with two cartoon characters below or above, and on the back side were the words that would complete the phrase for the day to describe love.

For the full article click HERE

Stewardship Committee Report

The theme for the 2023 fall Giving Campaign was “Reflecting God’s Love”. We considered how we reflect God’s love for us through our words, actions and giving. On November 12 we came together for our ingathering of Giving Forms and a spaghetti lunch that benefitted the Pantry of Hope.  

For the full article, click HERE.

Lenten Schedule of Additional Services

Ash Wednesday, Feb. 14

with St. Paul's Choir

12:10 & 7pm


with St. Paul's Choir

Sunday, February 25, 8pm

Holy Communion

Weekdays in the chapel

at 12:10 pm

Stations of the Cross Friday Evenings at 6:30 pm

The Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 4, 2024, during the 10am service, where we will hold the Vestry election, thank the outgoing Vestry members and reflect on all the good ministry done in 2023.

Incoming Vestry Slate:

David Anderson, Paula Hawthorn, Doug Jensen

Outgoing Vestry Members:

Frances Dibble, Maura Lane, Brian Stanke

St. Paul's Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Feed

Tuesday, February 13, 6-8pm

In the Parish Hall, 116 Montecito Ave, in St. Paul's House, up hill from the church.



We’ll serve a traditional Shrove Tuesday pancake dinner with bacon, vegan sausage, coffee & juice and all the pancakes you can eat! There is always a gluten free pancake option.


Come join the fun and get flippin'!


Suggested donation $3.00 for adults, $1.00 for kids.  


Ash Wednesday is the next day, the beginning of Lent. Services will be at 12:10 pm and 7 pm.

Senior Warden’s Message

Indira Balkissoon, Sr. Warden

I am happy to report that we are nearing the end of the Ministry Action Plan (MAP) process. The MAP is intended to provide a strategic outline for how, as a congregation, we intend to fulfill our mission. It includes input from our fellow parishioners, and endeavors to help set our parish priorities and assist vestry leadership for the next few years. 

For the full article click HERE

St. Paul’s and A Case for Love

On a Tuesday afternoon in January, a group of us, along with Episcopalians, and others, all over the nation, had the privilege to attend local showings of the new documentary, A Case for Love, a film that aims to change the national narrative of division.

Inspired by Presiding Bishop Curry's teaching and writings, the film "examines the question of whether or not love, specifically, unselfish love, is the solution to the extreme societal and political divide facing the world."

We came out of the movie inspired, full of love, and glad we had the opportunity to view it together.

More about the film is here.

Here is an article about the movies in the ENS newsletter

In the photo: Kellie-Marie, Deacon Stephen, Paula, Matthew, Linda, Rev Mauricio, Jeri, Arnette, Rev Christian, Blue, Sharon, Jenna, Vicki, Thelda, Julius, Deacon Carolyn, Diana, Jeanette, two parishioners from All Soul’s Berkeley.


Altar Guild 2024

Prayers of the People 2024

Worship Volunteers Jan-June 2024

Concerts and Special Music Events at St. Paul’s 

February 2024

Stay up to date at

February Liturgical Music


Wintersongs in Candlelight: Sustenance

Kitka Women & Vocal Ensemble

Friday, February 9, 2024 8:00pm TICKETS

and Saturday, February 10, 2024 8:00pm TICKETS


Roman de Fauvel 

Concordian Dawn

Medieval Music for the Post - Modern Age

Saturday, February 17, 2024 3:00pm TICKETS

Click HERE for more information on these upcoming concerts!

Environmental Stewardship

Indira Balkissoon

Plants and Indoor Air Quality

I wanted to get Father Wilson a plant for his office that would not only add beauty but would purity the air. But before purchasing said plant, I thought I better find out if house plants can purify indoor air.

Like all plants, house plants absorb CO2 and release oxygen via photosynthesis. In the 1970’s spider plants and a number of other plants were thought to purify indoor air and were all the rage. Does anyone remember Biosphere 2? The sealed ecological world where plants and microbes would create oxygen and remove CO2 and other contaminants.

So what is the verdict on house plants purifying indoor air? 

The jury is still out. Due to small sizes the results of studies preclude application to the typical home. Though employing plants offers a simple and cost-effective approach to reduce the concentration of volatile organic compounds, the rate of purification is slow and you would need a lot of plants to make a difference e.g. 680 plants in a typical house

Generally, indoor air is more polluted than outdoor air according to the EPA. This is because pollutants can become trapped and concentrated indoors where ventilation may be poor and if there are indoor sources.

The bottom line is that whether or not household plants purify indoor air, is inconclusive. That said keeping pollutants out of your home and adding ventilation when possible is the best approach. 

Land Acknowledgment

We acknowledge that the CONFEDERATED VILLAGES OF LISJAN are the traditional stewards of the land on which our buildings stand and we pay our respect to their people and heritage. The Lisjan people have lived in the territory of Huchiun since the beginning of time, and are still here fighting for their land, heritage, culture & spiritual traditions.

Oasis Ministry at St. Paul's

St. Paul's is an Oasis Congregation, signifying that we have completed an intentional process of reflection and education, signed a public affirmation of commitment to lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, queer and questioning (LGBTQIA+) people, and are committed to participating in programs and actions that advance and fulfill the mission of Oasis/California.

St. Paul's is also a member of Integrity USA, working for the full equality of LGBTQIA+ persons ​in every part of The Episcopal Church.


The Rt. Rev. Marc H. Andrus, Bishop of California

The Rev. Dr. Mauricio Wilson, Rector

The Ven. Canon Carolyn Bolton, Archdeacon

The Rev. Christian Harding, Assisting Priest

The Rev. Gary England, Deacon


Benjamin Bachmann, MMusic, FAGO, Music Director

Philip Saunders Assistant Music Director

Jackie Kamakate, Parish Administrator

Joan Clerk, Bookkeeper

Danislav Nedevski, Sexton

Elena Nedevska, Housekeeper


Class of 2023

Frances Dibble

Maura Lane

Brian Stanke– Treasurer

Class of 2024

Indira Balkissoon-Sr. Warden

Irene Plunkett

Matthew Schooler

Class of 2025

Pam Kruse-Buckingham— Clerk

Richard Larson– Jr. Warden

Daniel (Digger) Lauter

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Pamela Kruse-Buckingham & Victoria Larson
