The Conservation Federation of Missouri (CFM) and the Conservation Foundation of Missouri Charitable Trust have numerous scholarships available to high school, undergraduate and graduate students interested in pursuing a degree in conservation.
Charles P. Bell Scholarships: Named for Charles P. Bell, a past president of the CFM, whose family provided major funding for this program. Eight scholarships awards each year: one graduate level in the amount of $600, one undergraduate level in the amount of $500 and six elementary, high school or youth group in the amount of $250.
Judd Kirkham Scholarship: $1,000 scholarship awarded to an upperclassman or graduate student who is currently a member of CFM (or whose family is a member) and is studying big game.
Ed Stegner Scholarship: Funding for these scholarships was provided by Ed Stegner, previous CFM Executive Director. These scholarships are a joint venture with the following professional societies: Missouri Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Missouri Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Missouri Society of American Foresters, Missouri Parks and Recreation Association and the Missouri Show-me Chapter Soil and Water Conservation Society. Each scholarship is $1,000.
Carl Morrow Graduate Scholarship: These scholarships are a joint venture with the following professional societies: Missouri Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Missouri Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Missouri Society of American Foresters, Missouri Parks and Recreation Association and the Missouri Show-me Chapter Soil and Water Conservation Society. Each scholarship is $1,000.
Minority Natural Resource Scholarship: Provided to a minority student who is interested in a career in natural resource management, specifically in the fields of fisheries, wildlife, forestry, parks and recreation and soil and water conservation. This scholarship is $1,000.
Scholarship applications and more information can be found