The Federation on the Move
January 2022 Newsletter
Children's Mental Health Acceptance Week
One result of the challenges our nation (and the world) has faced during the last two years, is that now, more than ever, we are aware of and concerned about our mental health - and the state of our children's mental health.
Last year, we announced that National Children's Mental Health "Awareness Week" (CMHAW) would become "Acceptance Week" in 2022 . Last month, the Surgeon General issued an advisory highlighting the urgent need to address our nation's youth mental health crisis further exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The advisory stresses the urgency of our new campaign message - that it's time to move beyond awareness and into acceptance - for multiple reasons.
To accept that 1 in 5 youth experiences a mental health challenge
To accept that mental health challenges must be met with understanding and support
To accept that bias and discrimination toward individuals who experience mental health challenges creates a barrier to seeking treatment - and it must be eliminated
To accept that our youth are facing serious challenges ahead that need to be addressed
To accept that the future wellbeing of our country depends on how we support and invest in the next generation
During Children's Mental Health Acceptance Week, May 1st - 7th, we will focus on the importance of this shift from awareness to acceptance. In the coming months, we will announce our plans for the 2022 CMHAW campaign. We hope this year's efforts will inspire new thinking, action and change that help improve the state of mental health for our children and youth and their families.
The NFF Conference is Coming to Oklahoma!
We're excited to announce that our conference is scheduled to resume in person this year. Taking place in Oklahoma City, OK, our conference dates are November 3rd - 5th, 2022. Please look for more information about registration and hotel reservations on our website in the coming weeks and in upcoming newsletters.
A lot of new information has been released about COVID and vaccinations. Boosters are now available and recommended for all adults. Vaccines for children 12 to 17 and children 5 to 11 have been rolled out. Most recently boosters for children 12 to 17 have been recommended. The Omicron variant has spread across the country more easily than the original COVID-19 virus. We will be working to stay on top of the latest information and providing updates via Facebook and our Time to Return resource pages.
Children 5 to 17 are Eligible
for COVID-19 Vaccinations
As vaccines become available for children, we know you will have questions. Here are the top 10 things the Centers for Disease Control wants you to know about the COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5–11 years.
New Survey: How are Families Doing Today?
Last year, we surveyed families and created a compelling infographic spotlighting the incredible challenges so many were facing. In particular, we asked how parents and caregivers were coping with COVID-19 and the strain it put on every aspect of family life - employment, education, childcare, etc. Families who completed the anonymous survey provided us with critical information about how the pandemic was impacting them and their children, especially in terms of academic progress, mental and behavioral health and substance use.
We are asking families a year later to share this vital information with us again so we can continue to advocate for the needs of families and children at the federal level. Please take a few moments to complete the 2022 survey and share it with your network of colleagues, partners, families and friends. Hearing from as many parents and caregivers as possible will help us represent family voice by painting the most accurate picture of family health and wellness today.
NFSTAC News and Highlights
NFSTAC provides education, training, and family support resources tailored specifically to families, the family peer workforce, communities, healthcare systems, clinicians, and educators. Our network of partners and subject matter experts will work with you to help address your needs. Our technical assistance is always free and we're ready to assist you.
Visit the Virtual Library
We encourage you to visit the NFSTAC's virtual resource library to access information and resources on topics important to families whose children - of any age - are impacted by mental health and/or substance use challenges. This searchable, online database includes helpful information and resources for families, the family peer support workforce, mental health and substance use professionals, educators, advocates, and the general community.
With recently added content, the library currently holds more than 400 resources (including many in Spanish) and we expect that number to reach more than 600 in the coming months. We hope you will check it out and share it with others who may benefit from this terrific collection of resources.
Don't Miss Our Upcoming Events
Join us for next month's Family Connections - a new virtual community for parents and caregivers. Each month we will focus on a specific topic providing tips and tools and time to connect with one another to build your support network. February's gathering will take place on Thursday, February 3rd from 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. ET. The topic will be "How to Find the Right Campus Supports for Your Student Experiencing Mental Health or Substance Use." Learn more and register here.
Next month we will begin Office Hours for Executive Directors and family leaders. Look for information about February's topic and guest speaker as well as how to register for the inaugural session to arrive in your inbox soon!
Neil Pressley
Certified Life Coach and Mental Health Provider
Question: How can a parent(s) support their child experiencing mental health symptoms while in the justice system?
Below is a listing of upcoming webinars and events that may be of interest to parents/caregivers, families and those who support them. Click the title of any event to learn more and/or to register.
We encourage you to explore the resources below for caregivers, youth and young adults, the family peer support workforce and mental health and substance use professionals. Have a resource you'd like to share? Feel free to email us for consideration in future newsletters.
2021 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report (NHQDR)
The National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report assesses the performance of our healthcare system and identifies areas of strengths and weaknesses, as well as disparities in access to healthcare and quality of healthcare. Quality is described in terms of six priorities and the report is based on more than 250 measures of quality and disparities covering a broad array of healthcare services and settings.
Getting Candid: Framing the Conversation Around Youth Substance Use Prevention Message Guide
The National Council for Mental Wellbeing, with funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), presented its findings on youth substance use prevention messaging best practices in their recently published interactive message guide for providers, educators and adults.
Korean Translated COVID-19 Materials for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Care Providers
CIDA is excited to share a Korean translated version of COVID-19 Materials for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and care providers. Originally developed by the Centers for Disease Control, CIDA translated the materials with funding from the NYS Disability Planning Council. If you serve any Korean families who have developmental or intellectual disabilities, please feel free to use it as a tool to guide them about COVID-19 and safety.
My Ascension
My Ascension is a feature-length documentary that chronicles Emma Benoit's inspiring journey after a suicide attempt at 16 left her paralyzed. Screening the film provides the perfect platform for starting conversations about difficult topics such as anxiety, depression and suicide with youth and young adults.
PPAL's Latest Study on Parent Support During COVID Restrictions
In August 2020, Parent/Professional Advocacy League (PPAL), our state chapter in Massachusetts, asked families where they got support during COVID restrictions. Eighty-one percent said 1-to-1 support helped them find care during this time and what's more that it was very effective. In short, family peer support was - and continues to be - a highly valuable resource for families. Read the full report here.