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The Federation on the Move
June 2021
NFSTAC News and Highlights
The National Family Support Technical Assistance Center (NFSTAC) invites you to submit requests for technical assistance. The NFSTAC is driven by the needs of the families and the workforce that supports families. NFSTAC works for you.

Engagement with families and the workforce of family peers, providers and organizations across the mental health and substance use fields who engage in this powerful work is critical. As our Family Center of Excellence continues to grow, we invite you and your organization to join us! Feel free to request what you need to help your family, the families you serve, your organization or others in the field.

Perhaps you think the field needs:
  • Regularly scheduled office hours around a specific topic
  • Opportunities to strengthen skills in a particular area
  • Guidance on diagnostics for families
  • A space for family peers to connect and share tools to grow the workforce
  • Virtual training on engagement practices for families and the communities that serve them

Whatever you think is in NFSTAC's scope for technical assistance, please submit your request. Our technical assistance is always free and we are ready to assist you.
Susan Nyamora
South Florida Wellness Network
Question: Why is it important for parents to provide input on the types of supports needed for the recovery community?
NFF News and Highlights
We're excited to share news about the NFF Board of Directors.
Please join us in:
  • Congratulating Joy Hogge, our new President
  • Thanking Sherri Luthe for her service as our previous President
  • Congratulating Terry Stevens, our new Vice President
  • Welcoming Josh Boynton, a new member and our Treasurer
  • Thanking Kathy Brill for her service on the NFF Board
Honoring a Legacy of Leadership
After nearly 30 years at the helm of the Minnesota Association for Children’s Mental Health (MACMH), Executive Director Deborah Saxhaug will be retiring this month, following two years of planning for the transition. Please join us in wishing her well in her next chapter and thanking her for decades of service to Minnesota caregivers and families. Read the full article about her career and legacy here.
Welcome New Affiliates!
We're excited to welcome a new affiliate in Ohio to our network this month! We encourage you to learn more about the organization and to reach out to them personally.

Dr. Phil Atkins, Executive Director
Wren Hawkins, Lead Family Coordinator
Marysville, Ohio (Partner)
Event Highlights
There are far too many events for us to capture in the newsletter each month. We have highlighted a few below and we encourage you to visit our webinars and events page for a more complete listing. We welcome submissions from our network of affiliates and other organizations. Please include a weblink and contact person with any submissions.
Resources and Opportunities
We encourage you to explore these resource and opportunity highlights for caregivers, youth and young adults and the mental health and substance use workforce.
  • In 2020, Congress approved #988 as a safe, easy-to-remember alternative to 911 for mental health crises. Now it's up to states to implement 988 so we can decriminalize mental health and get people into treatment instead of handcuffs. View this infographic to learn more about 988 and be sure to share widely with your networks to help educate others. - from The Kennedy Forum
  • Partnership to End Addiction is looking for parents/caregivers who are interested in getting free, specialized training to become a volunteer Parent Coach. Training will begin with an introduction session on Monday, June 7th at 7:00 p.m. ET. Find details, frequently asked questions and information about signing up here.
Sound It Out is a campaign for caregivers of youth ages 11 to 14, in particular Black and Latinx families, which aims to unlock conversation about mental health through music. Their Caregiver Guides are helpful resources to make talking about emotional wellbeing with your kids easier and more intentional.