We are excited to announce our two newest affiliates,
Never Too Late - The Keeping Kayleigh Foundation and
Adults Pushing Forward, which are both local chapters of the
Georgia Parent Support Network. Please help us extend a warm welcome to Director Christine Henry (Never Too Late) and CEO Octavia Gore (Adults Pushing Forward) to our network of individuals, partners, local and state chapters. Feel free to visit Georgia's partner list in the
Our Affiliates section on our website for their contact information and reach out directly to welcome them to the Federation.
Screening of HBO's
"A Dangerous Son"
HBO's recent documentary,
A Dangerous Son
, focuses on three families in crisis, each struggling with a child’s severe mental illness, desperately seeking treatment in the face of limited resources and support.
Watch the trailer
Liza is a mother, author, educator and mental health advocate who spoke at TEDx San Antonio in 2013. Her journey was recently featured in HBO's documentary "A Dangerous Son." She will return to Texas this November for the 29th annual NFFCMH conference.
Edie is a mother and mental health advocate who was recently featured, along with Liza Long, in HBO's documentary "A Dangerous Son". She will join us at the conference for a panel following a screening of the film.
Dr. Victor Rios is an award-winning college professor, author, and speaker. He will join us in Houston to share his own powerful story and
how to best support the lives of young people who experience poverty, stigma and social exclusion.
The only national conference dedicated solely to issues that impact children, youth and young adults with behavioral health challenges and their families. Our conference focus
is inclusive of children and youth who experience complex diagnostic challenges.
PSP Certification Competencies Project Needs Your Voice
Calling all Executive Directors and Parent/Family Support Providers (PSPs) and PSP Supervisors! Focus Groups are scheduled for August 6th (PSPs and PSP Supervisors) and August 8th (Executive Directors) and you are invited to join us to review the current competencies for PSP certification. Your input and expertise from the field will inform our revision and updates to the national core competencies which will ultimately be reflected in the national exam. We encourage you to join us to offer your insights on what is needed for a high-quality PSP workforce that is well-equipped to effectively provide support to parents and families.
The Federation actively represents you as part of the
Mental Health Liaison Group
- a coalition of almost 70 national organizations representing consumers, parents and family members, advocates, providers, and mental health experts dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.
- The Federation in conjunction with the MHLG supported the National Suicide Hotline Improvement Act which was passed on July 22 by an overwhelming margin of 379-1 with Michigan Justin Amash casting the only no vote. Thhe bipartisan proposal would move towards creating a new national three-digit code - similar to 911 - to be used for mental health.
- MHLG Letter of support
- Read statement from the Trevor Project
- The Federation joined other MHLG members in supporting Facing Addiction's letter asking Senate leadership to move swiftly to consider legislation to address the opioid misuse and overdose epidemic. The House has already approved the legislation.
- The Federation urged Congress to include the Excellence in Mental Health and Addiction Treatment Expansion Act (S. 1905) in the legislative package related to battling the opioid epidemic in America. For many months Congress has debated numerous bills to address components of this problem, however too little is being done to build sustainable treatment capacity in our communities and states.
- Update on the Mental Health in Schools Act - We have some good news. Senator Smith will re-introduce the Mental Health in Schools Act in the Senate. Most recently, MHLG sent a letter of support for the House bill, sponsored by Representatives Napolitano and Katko, and has supported the bill in previous years
Family First Prevention Services Act
Family First Prevention Services Act
was signed into law as part of the Bipartisan Budget Act on February 9, 2018. This act reforms the federal child welfare financing streams, Title IV-E and Title IV-B of the Social Security Act, to provide services to families who are
at risk
of entering the child welfare system. The bill aims to prevent children from entering foster care by allowing federal reimbursement for mental health services, substance use treatment, and in-home parenting skill training to families and children. It also seeks to improve the well-being of children already in foster care by incentivizing states to reduce placement of children in group care.
What services are available for federal reimbursement?
• Mental Health Services
• Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Services
• In-home Parent Skill-based Programs
Who is eligible for services?
• Children who are identified as candidates for foster care identified in a prevention plan as safe to remain safely at home or in a kinship placement with receipt of services or programs
• Children in foster care who are pregnant or parenting
The parents or kin care
where services are needed to prevent the child’s entry into care
Staring October 1, 2019 (federal fiscal year 2020) states will have the option to draw down entitlement funding for qualified services and/or programs for children (and/or their families) considered to be candidates for foster care or who are pregnant or parenting foster youth. This means funds can be used to provide prevention services to children and families at risk of going into foster care.
SAMHSA Announces up to $3.75 Million in Funding
To Enhance Training Efforts To Address Eating Disorders
SAMHSA is accepting applications for funding to create a center of excellence for training on the treatment of eating disorders. The purpose of the
Center of Excellence for Eating Disorders grant program
is to establish a national hub for the development and dissemination of training and technical assistance for health care practitioners. The grantee will help identify model programs and will ensure that high-quality training is provided to health professionals. SAMHSA plans to issue one grant of $75,000 per year for 5 years. Domestic public and private nonprofit entities may apply.
Applications are due August 17, 2018.
Honoring People in Recovery
SAMHSA’S Voice Awards program honors people in recovery and their family members who are improving the lives of people with mental illnesses, substance use disorders, or both in communities across the country. The awards program also recognizes television and film productions that educate the public about behavioral health and showcase that recovery is real and possible.
Register for the live webcast on August 8th
ACEs: The Role of Life Experiences in Shaping Brain Development
Thursday, August 9, 2018
12:00-1:00 p.m. ET
This 1-hour training will be led by public health experts from Tennessee, based on their curriculum, "Building Strong Brains: The Role of Life Experiences in Shaping Brain Development.
Facing the Future: Transition Tools to Help
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
12:00-1:00 p.m. ET
This Lunchtime Learning Train the Trainer webinar
will review the importance of youth/young adults involvement in the IEP process, understanding and planning for post-high school and learning self-advocacy skills.
Emerging Best Practices for People with an Intellectual/Developmental Disability Co-Occurring with Serious Mental Illness
Thursday, August 9, 2018
1:30 p.m. ET
This SAMSHA sponsored webinar developed under contract by NFFCMH will provide information about emerging best practice in serving individuals who have serious mental illness co-occurring with an intellectual/developmental disability. The session will cover clinical practices and illustrate an inter-systems model of care for this underserved population.
Body Image Issues Across the Lifespan
Thursday, August 9, 2018
1:00 p.m. MST
This webinar is for the young and old, parents and kids of all ages. Presented by Holly Culver, MA., LCPC Licensed Therapist and Life Coach - Holly will discuss things to know, what to look for,
and ways to have conversations about this delicate and very prevalent issue in today's society.
Facing the Future: Transition Tools to Help
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Morning and Evening Times Offered
During this Train the Trainer webinar you will gain skills to effectively present this workshop, and increase your ability to give technical assistance on the topics addressed.
Resources and Opportunities
Back to School Resources
The following articles from Understood offer tips for parents as children and youth begin the new school year. Click the links below to read each article.
The Zero Suicide Initiative is a commitment to suicide prevention in health and behavioral health care systems. Below find a multi-source collection of readings, tools, videos, and webinars to help you understand an implement Zero Suicide. Access them