Services for the Fifth Sunday of Easter
Saturday, May 14, at 5:00 p.m. Illuminated Worship
Sunday, May 15, at 8:00 & 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist
All Sunday Services Livestreamed
Join us for a Discussion on Creation Care at St. Paul’s
Sunday, May 15 at 11:30 am in the Parish Hall
This winter a dozen members of St. Paul’s congregation met for six weeks to discuss Katharine Hayhoe’s powerful new book, Saving Us: A Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World. Our classwork inspired us to revisit St. Paul’s Green Team creation care ministry and its commitment to promoting action to preserve our planet. Please join us for a conversation about ways we can reimagine and renew the Green Team. We’re going to start “from the ground up” and share ideas for small but meaningful changes we can make individually or in groups, in our homes, in our church, and in our community. We’re also going to explore effective strategies for talking about climate change to friends and neighbors and for communicating our concerns to the policy makers in our communities and beyond. Join us after the 10 am service this Sunday, May 15.
Retrospective: Dedication of Day School Bell in Honor of Patti Daniell
Sunday, May 8, 2022
Thank You Letter by Patti Daniell
May 11, 2022
Dearest Friends,
This past Mother’s Day is one that I will cherish, always. I am so very grateful to everyone who had anything to do with keeping the details of the dedication of the new Day School bell, from me!
It’s taken a few days to process and absorb the amount of thought, action, and time that went into keeping the secret! To say that I was surprised and shocked, is an understatement! You ALL got me good!
Thank you to the vestry members, church staff, to Father Paul and Father Bernie.
Thank you to the Day School board and families, to our talented Director of school, Liz Ryan. To my dear friends, who served as board members/co-chairs, {for many, many years} Sherry Fleming and Jen Kilpatrick, I know my secrets are safe with you!!
Special thanks to Tim Kilpatrick, and the 2022 confirmation class and their parents, Matthew Hinds, Aidan Grubman, and Sydney Warden.
The 26 years that God graced me at St. Paul’s Day School, first as a parent volunteer, then as a teacher, then as director, are years that taught me the true meaning of Christian service. As my mentor and dear friend, Rolene Gent, told me when I began teaching, “Patti, you will learn more from your students than you’ll ever imagine”, and she was right. I learned to dig deep for patience, search for wisdom and rely on the Holy Spirit for guidance, as the joys and challenges of each day presented themselves.
There have been missteps, for sure, over the years, but with the loving care and support of my husband George and our family, the Rectors and vestry, Day School board members and dedicated teachers, Barbara Jackson, Diane Simpson, Kathy Yates, and Morgan {Farrell} Miller, St. Paul’s Day School continues, under the leadership of Mrs. Ryan, to be a place where ALL children and their families are welcomed with God’s love.
The dedication of this beautiful bell has much meaning to me. I remember that first morning in 1990 when I heard the playground bell ring and watched as the children gathered at the flagpole to say the Pledge of allegiance, pray the Lord’s Prayer, and sing “This is the day”, I knew I was in the right place.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, may God bless you and yours.
With Love,
Patti aka “Mrs. Daniell”
Thanks to the Brotherhood of St. Andrew's for a Wonderful Mother's Day Brunch!
Sunday, May 8, 2022
NALC Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive
Saturday, May 14
After a few years off, it is that time again!
The National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive is almost here. We are looking for volunteers to meet us at the Post Office locations (one in Boynton Beach and one in Delray Beach again) to help receive and box up food for transport to our warehouse in the afternoon on Saturday 5/14/22. This event is for highschoolers with parental supervision on up to our Super Seniors and everyone in between looking to help fight hunger here in our communities.
If you have questions, please reach out to Brian Rowe at either his cell (561) 779-7936 or email
The Red Door Series is Coming to St. Paul’s!
Friday, May 20, 2022 at 7:00 pm in Church
You've heard of The Book of Common Prayer, what about our common meditation? John of the Cross said "God's first language is silence." This is the language the series seeks to bring back to the world, parish by parish. Join us as we experience a poem as an icon with priest-poet Fr. Spencer Reece. The evening format is simple: Fr. Reece will read one poem, followed by ten minutes of silence, followed by reading the poem again. The poem will be from his upcoming collection, Acts, to be published in 2024. There will be a time for questions and light refreshments following the meditation.
Please sign up in the courtyard if you plan on attending!
“Romantic Power & Poetry”
The Delray String Quartet
Sunday, May 22, 2022
5:00 pm concert
$20 at the door, 18/under FREE
Hugo Wolf - Italian Serenade
Alexander Glazunov – Quartet in D minor, Op. 70
Giacomo Puccini – I Crisantemi
Robert Schumann – Quartet in F major, Op. 41, No. 2
We need you!
The Service Ministries of the church enable us to worship God in the beauty and richness of the Episcopal tradition. If you are interested in serving as an Acolyte, Usher, Greeter, Lay Reader, or Chalice Bearer, please contact Tim Kilpatrick. Each of these ministries is open to people of all ages, and adds to the depth and beauty of our worship experience. or (561) 436-4194.
Sign up sheets for each ministry are available in the courtyard!
Fellowship Organizational Meeting
Sunday, May 22, after the 10:00 a.m. service
As we begin to emerge from the pandemic, we would like to revive or revision Fellowship ministries at St. Paul’s. Prior to the pandemic, the following were active fellowship ministries: Fellowship Committee, Hospitality Committee, Fundraisers Team, Women’s Dinner Program, Brotherhood of St. Andrew, Daughters of the King, Sip, Dip, & Chat, and the Newcomers Team. Since the pandemic, we have added a Veterans Ministry.
At present, the only ministries that seem to be active are The Brotherhood of St. Andrew and the new Veterans Ministry. If you are/were a part of one of these ministries, would like to revitalize or revision it, or would like to suggest a new direction to foster fellowship within our congregation, we would like to invite you to a meeting in the Parish Hall on May 22, after the 10:00 service. For more information contact Meghan Foley at or at 786-376-4760.
Gentle Yoga Flow with Patti Daniell
Monday, May 23, 6:00 — 7:30 pm, in the Parish Hall
Future classes: June 6, 13 , 20, July 11, 18
Six classes: $55, individual classes $10 each.
Join Patti Daniell, RYT200, for a six-class yoga series centered on stress reduction and achieving a balance of mind, body, and spirit. Text Patti at 561-573-9326 for questions or to reserve your space today!
Remembering our Deceased Service Members on Memorial Day Weekend
Memorial Day Weekend: Saturday, May 28 & Sunday, May 29
This coming Memorial Day Weekend we will remember deceased Veterans at our Services. You may submit the names of Veterans you wish to be remembered by using the sign-up sheet on the table in the courtyard.
A time of prayer will be held following each of our Services for Veterans interred in the Columbarium. If you know of someone who is a Veteran and who resides in the Columbarium, please contact Matina Nimphie (561.715.0339) or Fr. Bernie (561.736.3391).
Calling All Members of the Class of 2022!
Sunday, June 12 at 10:00 am
On Sunday morning, June 12 at our 10 am service, we will honor our high school and college graduates in the Class of 2022. If you are a member of the Class of 2022 and plan to attend the service, please contact Tim Kilpatrick ( to confirm your attendance. If you have a child or grandchild who is graduating but cannot attend the service, please email us at with the name of the graduate and the school from which they are graduating so that we can include them in the bulletin that day.
Vacation Bible School
Monday, June 27 — Thursday, June 30, 8:45 a.m. to 12 noon
We'll be "On The Case!" June 27th through June 30th from 8:45 am to 12 noon with a great VBS program for children in grades PreK-4 through 5th grade! Like a good detective story? That's what we'll be doing this week, "investigating" the parables and learning some important spiritual habits! And all the time having lots of fun! We'll need adult and youth volunteers to help us follow the clues to a deeper understanding of Jesus' teaching and if you like to have fun, hear stories, play games and sing songs, this is the place for you to use YOUR spiritual gifts! You can register to participate or volunteer at or contact Liz Ryan at or call 561-278-4729.
By Jan Engoren
Philip “Phil” Wotton is an unassuming fellow. As Ocean Rescue division chief in Delray Beach, Wotton is OK with being called a good Samaritan, but not a hero — despite having spent a huge chunk of his career in the lifesaving business.
On a Sunday in mid-March, Wotton and his wife were out on a tandem-bike ride along State Road A1A headed south to Atlantic Dunes Park. When they turned around and headed back, they spotted a group of people huddled around an unconscious cyclist lying in the bike lane.
Somebody had called 911, but Wotton and his wife got off their bike and he helped stabilize the woman until the paramedics arrived and she was taken to the hospital.
Not taking any credit for his role in aiding the woman, Wotton, 55, says, “I was in the right place at the right time. It’s just what I do.”
THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2022
Title: Recognizing and Defining Antisemitism Today.
Description: Antisemitism assumes many shapes in today’s world. In order to speak out against it, it is vital that you are able to recognize and understand its various manifestations. Join together for this event aimed at equipping you to identify today’s antisemitism and understand the definition of antisemitism and why it is so important.
Presenter is Dr. Linda Geller-Schwartz, Chair of the Israel Advocacy and Combating Antisemitism Task Force of the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of Palm Beach County.
The Interfaith Cafe meets on the third Thursday of each month to hear a presentation and participate in a discussion about pertinent topics while enjoying light refreshments. All are welcome. The Interfaith Cafe promotes interfaith dialogue, awareness, and understanding by uniting people of different faiths and/or cultural traditions by living shared values of love, peace, and justice through interactive family events, shared social action and educational dialogue.
Antisemitism Today is a program of JCRC and is generously sponsored by Arlene Kaufman & Sandy Baklor
The smile is still etched on my face! I’m speaking about the joy I felt as we thanked and honored Rev. Kathleen Gannon at our annual Festive Meal on March 13. It was a night dedicated to honoring Kathleen and celebrating her more than 15 years of priestly ministry to our parish family of St. Paul’s.
At the Festive Meal we were pleased to announce that we have established the “Rev. Kathleen Gannon Pastoral Care Fund” as the newest fund in our Permanent Endowment Fund. The “Rev. Kathleen Gannon Pastoral Care Fund” will honor Kathleen’s achievements in perpetuity while growing resources for personnel and programs that build on her legacy.
I hope that you will take a moment for reflection at this important time in the life of our parish. If you’ve been touched by Rev. Kathleen’s pastoral care, her wisdom, her encouragement, or her focus on the greater good, I ask you to consider a special gift to this unique fund, established in her honor, within our Permanent Endowment Fund. Your gift will sustain St. Paul’s commitment to providing pastoral care to anyone in need, as Rev. Kathleen did so well during her years of priestly service at St. Paul’s.
The more than 200 people gathered at the Festive Meal noted how much of a blessing Rev. Kathleen was during her tenure as St. Paul’s Associate Rector. With your generous support, we will have the resources to continue to be a blessing to all those who look to St. Paul’s as a source of spiritual comfort and support, especially during life’s most challenging times.
I remain, Yours in Christ,
Rev. Paul J. Kane
Daily Virtual Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Compline
St. Paul's daily virtual Morning Prayer at 8:00 a.m., Evening Prayer at 5:00 p.m., and Compline at 8:00 p.m. is held Monday through Friday (through Facebook Live streams).
Lectio Divina
Tuesday, May 17, at 9:30 a.m.
Join us for a meditative approach to scripture study! This program utilizes Zoom, no account needed to participate.
Church School
Sundays at 9:45 a.m. in the Guild Room
Nursery also now open
Sunday School for children 3 through 10 years old is back in person at St. Paul's!
We have a great new curriculum called "Seedlings" and a dedicated group of teachers. Many thanks to Janet Thompson, Irene Kane, Ann Caldwell and Liz Ryan. The children will be learning stories from the Old and New Testament, all about the People of God and the Episcopal Church through storytelling, puppetry, arts & crafts and other creative activities!
Parents drop their child off at 9:45 am in the Guild Room (look for the big red Sunday School sign in the Courtyard) each Sunday and the teachers will bring the children into the church at the Peace (approximately 10:40 am) to join their families before communion!
Register your child below to make sure there are enough materials and snacks!
Faithful Giving
Please help us to keep our mission and ministry strong. St. Paul's staff, operations, community outreach, and our missions to help the most vulnerable are dependent on Sunday offerings to keep afloat. When Sunday offerings decrease, our missions become at risk.
Safe and secure online giving on our website - St. Paul's has a safe and secure electronic donation service available allowing you to make single donations or set up recurring donations. Click the button below to visit our donation page:
Mail - If you prefer to send your pledge or other donation by check, please send your contribution to: St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 188 S. Swinton Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33444.
Strengthening Ministries for Tomorrow’s Faithful
To ensure that the work of St. Paul’s lives on, remember St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in your estate planning. With a gift in your will, trust, or in some other way, you can make a lasting impact on those served through the mission and ministry of St. Paul’s.
One sentence in your will can make a lasting difference to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. To leave a gift in your will, simply share this sentence with your attorney or financial planner:
“I hereby bequeath to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Delray Beach, FL, the sum of $ (or % of my estate) to support its mission and ministry (or to the Legacy Fund of the Endowment Fund.)”
To talk with a member of the Endowment Fund Board about how you can continue to support the mission and ministry of St. Paul’s with a legacy gift, please contact Caren Kilpatrick, our Parish Administrator, at 561-276-4541 or
St. Paul's Online Directory
St. Paul's safe & secure online directory has launched! To begin your participation, simply follow the instructions given below:
This directory will enable you to connect with other church members, make new friends, and will provide opportunities for all of us at St. Paul's to strengthen our church community and ministries.
We encourage you to sign up now!
In case you missed it...
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Sunday, May 8
St. Paul's Episcopal Church