The Fire Of The Holy Spirit Falls on Israel
- Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat -

As believers in Yeshua (Jesus), we understand that we follow ONLY the Written Word of God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:14). 
Jews who do not have the Holy Spirit follow religious rabbis and traditions. In some of these traditions, we are able to preach the true Gospel to them.

In this outreach, you will see how the Afikomen
is used to bring them to the Written Word of God. To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews (1 Corinthians 9:20).

We, Messiah of Israel Ministries, went to Bnei Brak where one of the most dangerous cities to preach the Good News of Yeshua the Messiah.  After praying with the team, Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat was going from one person to another.   They were open to speak to Zev about the Pesach (Passover) and the Afikomen representing Yeshua (Jesus).

The Jewish people here in Israel celebrate Pesach (Passover) but they do not know the real meaning. In the eve of the Passover, "The Matza Cover" is what Jews around the world use to put three pieces of Matza into each sleeve of the Matza Cover during the Passover Seder which they will celebrate through the night. 

The Matza Cover which is Afikomen.  Afikomen is Greek word/not Hebrew which means "He came," said Zev.  Isn't that Amazing - AFIKOMEN means "He came." 

"Everybody here in Israel speaks Hebrew, but they don't even know that the word Afikomen is a greek word," said Zev. 

Before you put the 3 pieces into the Matza Cover, according to Rabbinic tradition you break the middle piece, and take one of the halves that is broken and you wrap it in a piece of white cloth. You then hide it somewhere in the house for the children to search for it.  When one of the children find it they are given a reward (money/or a gift). 

Zev went into the most religious city of Israel (which is where he grew up) and he shared the TRUE MEANING OF THE AFIKOMEN with religious Jews.

Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat telling Rabbi Stein about the Afikomen while showing him the Middle Section representing Messiah.  

It was like he was on-fire, Zev just walked up and down Rabbi Akiva Street for almost 5 hours and shared the true meaning of Yeshua, the Afikomen (He Came) with one ultra-orthodox Jew after another - at least 30 religious men and some of their wives and children heard the Gospel this afternoon, about 11 or 12 of these men and some of their wives were VERY INTERESTED because they never heard it before!

Zev said: "The Jewish people here in Israel, spend so much time preparing for Pesach (Passover), cleaning their homes by getting rid of the Chometz (leavened bread)/Yeshua describes the yeast in leavened bread as an analogy to sin). They spend days preparing the food, and everything that will go into the Seder  BUT THEY MISS THE WHOLE POINT," says Zev.

"To me these people are like the Pharisees in the Bible, I was once of them and in the dark like they are today."

"One of them threatened me by saying, "Aren't you embarrassed to disgrace your family name and to blaspheme the Name of God in Bnei Brak? You better get out of here before we throw you out!"

Zev said that at that moment  the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) spoke to him in Hebrew saying: "Bless this man in the Name of Yeshua."  Zev then, said to the man, "Bless you in the Name of Yeshua," and the man became silent and stood still like a statue, as Zev went off to share with others. It was a supernatural experience. Praise Yeshua!

One religious man who Zev shared with is Chaim Stern.  "Chaim, don't you understand? The three (3) pieces of Matza DO NOT represent (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob), the three pieces of matza represent the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit WHO ARE  ONE. Yeshua the Messiah is God.

Please, keep Chaim in your prayers!    
Zev told him: "Chaim, YOU KNOW that the middle piece is taken out, broken, wrapped in cloth, hidden, and when someone finds it, they receive a reward. Well this is exactly what happened to Yeshua, and when we find him we are rewarded with everlasting life."
Chaim spit on Zev, cursed him and left.

Matthew 5:10 - 
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Zev continued to preach the Gospel and proclaim Isaiah 7:14, 53 and so on. Many seeds were planed. We pray that during the Feast of Unleavened many will come to salvation available ONLY THROUGH YESHUA THE MESSIAH (GOD)

David shocked Yeshua is the Passover Lamb

More seeds planed

We thank all brothers and sisters in Yeshua around the world for standing with Messiah of Israel Ministries. We will not stop preaching the Gospel until "All Israel shall be saved." (Romans 11:26)

We give all the glory to the King of kings and Lord of Lords, the Lamb of God Yeshua (Jesus). AMEN!

  Special Video Presentation:
Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat Breakout Final Session
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